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13 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Have you been living in a box for four years?

What’s happened in the last 4 years then ? Have we had race riots for 4 years ? Or was it 4 years ago we went back to the 1970’s or are we going further then the 1970’s? Was Britain not multi cultural and everyone had as good of right to anything no matter what race or religion they were? 

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There are always breaking points and flashpoints that make issues like this come up and gain more public sympathy etc. That's how this stuff has gone for years and years. Our outrage comes and goes unfortunately. Same with stuff like school shootings. People get angry. People forget. Life goes back to normal. It's a vicious cycle where things rarely change until it's just one time too many and people finally have enough. As some others have said, there's a lot of shit going on in the world and everything's coming together in a toxic angry way.

Should it be this way? Should it take this much for us to finally change as a society? Probably not. Many people should've been a lot better a long time ago. And it'll be interesting to see if this time things really do change or if this is just another minor set of rage.

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I’d love to know what people want society to change into that it wasn’t before George floyds death . A perfect society is never going to happen . Society in Britain is as good as you will find it anywhere in the world as regards equality and being a multi cultural society 

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1 minute ago, bono said:

I’d love to know what people want society to change into that it wasn’t before George floyds death . A perfect society is never going to happen . Society in Britain is as good as you will find it anywhere in the world as regards equality and being a multi cultural society 

So you think that literally nothing should change whatsoever? Well you're lucky that you have a life that makes you feel that way. Many don't.

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4 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

So you think that literally nothing should change whatsoever? Well you're lucky that you have a life that makes you feel that way. Many don't.

Society can always improve mate and luckily for us over the years it always has by in large . But I honestly think this BLM March is protesting for something that by in large has already happened . You will never get a perfect society 

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10 minutes ago, bono said:

Society can always improve mate and luckily for us over the years it always has by in large . But I honestly think this BLM March is protesting for something that by in large has already happened . You will never get a perfect society 

By your own admission, things can always improve. And while we've come a long way from how black people were overtly excluded from society, there's still a lot of underlying and less obvious racism going on in the world. Just because they're not being made to sit at the back of the bus or things like that, it doesn't mean that the racism that still exists isn't worth fighting against. The way you're talking makes it sound like we should just be happy with how far we've come already.

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Something like 30% of black households are in the lowest quarter of household income bracket, while less than 10% are in the highest income bracket. Ethnic minorities are considerably more likely to live in poverty than white households.

Unemployment rates are twice as high among ethnic minorities as among white people.

Black workers, including black workers with a degree education, earn on average  15-25% less than white workers of equivalent education.

In percentage terms, less than half the amount of black school leavers attend Russel Group universities compared to white students.

Black women have a morality rate more than three times higher than white women.

Black people are more likely to be stopped by police, more likely to be arrested, more likely to receive harsher sentences, etc etc



The problem with saying that racism will always exist because "some people will be wankers" is that it reduces racism to personal interaction, and basically just to "do you get called racial slurs", reducing the whole thing to "it's racist if someone uses the magical racist words".

People aren't marching and protesting to not be called a black bastard in the street, though obviously no one wants that. They're marching against ingrained, structural and political issues of racism and inequality. Against all the ways the system disadvantages ethnic minorities.

And the way you imply that, in protesting that, they're somehow *causing* racism, I find frankly disgusting. If right wing racists are going to be racist, I wish they'd just fucking stand by their beliefs rather wringing their hands about how all the nasty leftists and black people hurt their feelings and *made them* be racist.


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@bono  it’s one thing to say that streets/towns/schools all have multicultural communities. THAT’S not being debated. It’s the fact that the non-whites are constantly persecuted based ENTIRELY on their skin colour or race. It’s the FEAR they have on a daily basis that they will be singled out. That story about the bus driver earlier in the thread, think a white guy would have been spoken to that way? Of course not. Using race as a way of describing someone on having a go is the whole point of this problem. 

I spent last night with my mate, catching up since it’s been a while. Socially distanced of course, sitting in his garden. He’s a black American from Kansas City. His kids are mixed as his wife is white Scottish. At NO POINT was colour a problem. Sure we obviously discussed the ongoing problems , but I’m 100% his mate. Always have been. But it’s the fear that they will be persecuted for merely having different skin that’s driving these marches and protests. Look at the videos of cops pulling them over because they “ fit the description”....a black guy driving a car? That my friend is racism. If it were a white guy driving, the cop would have way more details given to work with. And THAT is the problem. Non-whites live in fear daily....so is THAT equality? 

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9 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

By your own admission, things can always improve. And while we've come a long way from how black people were overtly excluded from society, there's still a lot of underlying and less obvious racism going on in the world. Just because they're not being made to sit at the back of the bus or things like that, it doesn't mean that the racism that still exists isn't worth fighting against. The way you're talking makes it sound like we should just be happy with how far we've come already.

No I’m not mate what I’m saying is society today is maybe as good as your going to get as regards racism. Your not going to eradicate it completely that’s my point. It’s impossible, pricks will always be pricks . 

british society is multi cultural, there’s equal rights for everyone and racism is unacceptable in society, that’s how it is , there was a day it wasn’t that’s how it is today , it’s hard to see how it gets any better then that. If you could eradicate racism completely then great I’m on the protests but it’s not going to happen 

i was talking to one of my black friends about it. Which I despise calling him a black friend cause he isn’t that to me but I’ve got to call him that on here to make the point .  His words were . My dad came here from Jamaica and went through hell to pave the way for people like him to have a good life here . He said he is married with 3 kids who all go to school owns his own house owns his own business , never had any forms or equality thrown against him he said what do I have to moan about it’s my dad that did the hard work . 

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Bono you should try to be empathetic to how black people feel. You and I can never understand what they have to go through but we can try to understand the issues and work to make society better.


Saying it is as good as it will ever he is not acceptable. We should call people out when they make ignorant comments or when friends share derogatory memes. We should educate people rather than just burying heads in the sand and accepting it. 

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6 minutes ago, bono said:

i was talking to one of my black friends about it. Which I despise calling him a black friend cause he isn’t that to me but I’ve got to call him that on here to make the point .

This is the stupidest sentence I've ever read.

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8 minutes ago, bono said:

No I’m not mate what I’m saying is society today is maybe as good as your going to get as regards racism. Your not going to eradicate it completely that’s my point. It’s impossible, pricks will always be pricks . 

british society is multi cultural, there’s equal rights for everyone and racism is unacceptable in society, that’s how it is , there was a day it wasn’t that’s how it is today , it’s hard to see how it gets any better then that. If you could eradicate racism completely then great I’m on the protests but it’s not going to happen 

So we should stop trying?

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