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Covid-19 Megathread


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3 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

Went to my local asda this morning. People had to line up outside as they only let a certain number in at a time.

Had markers on the floor to provide spacing for social distancing. Also had arrows on the floors of the aisles to indicate that it was now a one way system. Plenty of people in surgical masks, which do fuck all by the way. 

All in all a surreal but calm environment. Few very old people in the shop/line which broke my heart a bit as they either don't have anyone to do their shop or they are remaining stubbornly ignorant about it all. 

Yeah I went to our local Asda earlier and it was exactly how you described it. It was quite intimidating getting in, they had half a dozen hench motherfuckers on security. 

They had plenty of stock though, everything was available other than pasta and flour. Fair bit of toilet roll available as well.

When I finished work Wednesday I rushed out to the garden to play footie with my kids. While they were getting their shoes on I ran onto the big communal garden - which our little garden backs onto (we are the only ones that seem to be using it at the moment) - lined up a volley and SMASH! straight at my 10yo daughter's bedroom window. Completely lost control of the ball (go on @SuperBacon, get them bare jokes out) 


My wife was, understandably, not amused. I got into a whole panic as I thought there would be no chance of getting someone in to fix it until things settled down. Luckily, managed to get it replaced yesterday. 

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4 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

The surgical masks are to stop you spreading your germs, rather than anybody else's getting, aren't they? 

That's no bad thing at all, considering:

  1. so many people will have it but not show symptoms
  2. you can have it for a while before you show any symptoms.

People who have symptoms are mostly staying at home, not least because it fucking sucks to have even mildly by all accounts. It's the people who don't know they have it that are at the highest risk of infecting other people.

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It seems cleaners are still considered "essential" to the workforce during these times. 

I was shocked to hear the typical rumble of hoovers outside my apartment door as the usual squad set about my apartment building with their familiar gusto. They were wearing surgical gloves, mind you.

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