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Covid-19 Megathread


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Reading up on today and can't quite work out if i've got this right: If I worked for a business, say a pub or a restaurant that has had to close down, and they kept me on instead of making me redundant, I could receive up to 80% of my wages through the new government process.

If I work for a business that can't provide working from home and become sick, or have to self isolate, then I would only be eligible to whatever the business practice is, or just SSP, but that won't be topped up to this 80% mark.

Is this right?

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Well alot of my mates are self employed are totally fucked now.  Most of them are just going to carry on working as and where they can. Zero chance they will social distance unless they are sick. Even then the building sites, hair dressers, taxis ect wont be finding much work. 

Wont be alot of trades around when this sorts itself out unless they are afforded the same 80% the employed get. 

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9 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

Well alot of my mates are self employed are totally fucked now.  Most of them are just going to carry on working as and where they can. Zero chance they will social distance unless they are sick. Even then the building sites, hair dressers, taxis ect wont be finding much work. 

Wont be alot of trades around when this sorts itself out unless they are afforded the same 80% the employed get. 

There is a bloke that is a plumber who is friends with my on Facebook. He's so desperate for work that he's just advertised he has lowered the cost of his labout to £8 an hour. There is going to be a lot of one man band businesses going under soon...

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1 minute ago, Cod Eye said:

There is a bloke that is a plumber who is friends with my on Facebook. He's so desperate for work that he's just advertised he has lowered the cost of his labout to £8 an hour. There is going to be a lot of one man band businesses going under soon...

And when this blows over..........the cost of who ever is left will sky rocket due to supply and demand. 

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1 minute ago, quote the raven said:

And when this blows over..........the cost of who ever is left will sky rocket due to supply and demand. 

Yep! There will be a big skill shortage too, as the only tradesmen left will be the older end coming up to retirement as they are likelly to be the only ones with the savings behind them to get through it. The younger lot will all have to take whatever jobs they can get, and in those trades once your out, it's difficult to re-build your customer base.

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5 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Reading up on today and can't quite work out if i've got this right: If I worked for a business, say a pub or a restaurant that has had to close down, and they kept me on instead of making me redundant, I could receive up to 80% of my wages through the new government process.

If I work for a business that can't provide working from home and become sick, or have to self isolate, then I would only be eligible to whatever the business practice is, or just SSP, but that won't be topped up to this 80% mark.

Is this right?

Trying to work this out too? Is this if you lose your job or if you work in say a restaurant that's closed for however long and you can't get your hours but in theory still have a job to go back too?

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My wife is a mobile hairdresser who has to work around the school day and my hours. She sent a text out saying she will be working unless she shows any symptoms at which point she will have to self isolate. She’s asked her clients to do the same.

last night she got a text because a client she was seeing Monday lives and cares for her 93 year old mum who has just been diagnosed. She cancelled her appointment and one in May. But she paid for the appointments because she didn’t want my wife to struggle. What a wonderful gesture.

But that is her worry now. She doesn’t know what to do, because she’s only able to get SSP based on the announcement yesterday so if she gives up work, she’ll lose around half her average wage. But obviously she also wants to keep us safe as well. They should have offered a UBI instead of this 80% PAYE support

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12 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

My wife is a mobile hairdresser who has to work around the school day and my hours. She sent a text out saying she will be working unless she shows any symptoms at which point she will have to self isolate. She’s asked her clients to do the same.

last night she got a text because a client she was seeing Monday lives and cares for her 93 year old mum who has just been diagnosed. She cancelled her appointment and one in May. But she paid for the appointments because she didn’t want my wife to struggle. What a wonderful gesture.

But that is her worry now. She doesn’t know what to do, because she’s only able to get SSP based on the announcement yesterday so if she gives up work, she’ll lose around half her average wage. But obviously she also wants to keep us safe as well. They should have offered a UBI instead of this 80% PAYE support

id doubt with you working she will even be entitled to that as it will take into account your earnings. She has to apply for UC which is means tested, All they did was up UC to match SSP. 


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I've just had to do the weekly shop in Asda. As you walk in, you get told 3 of everything, except kitchen towel and bog rolls where it's one each. Family of two elderly parents and three adult children all turn up together, all grab a trolley and a 24 pack of toilet roll each, then left, bragging how they'd beaten the system. 

People suck, they really do. 

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They will be selling most of that out the back of their car later, too.

The state will need to get involved if this goes on much longer.  There is plenty of food and supplies for everyone, this is entirely an artificial crisis created by people's terrible selfish behaviour.  If we can't act like adults, the state needs to intervene.  Again.  And I mean ration books.

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Just been in the smaller of the two Tesco in Lincoln. Things were pretty much in stock apart from loo roll and pet food. Did see one guy at the till getting told by the checkout girl that he couldn't have more than 3 of each thing. His reply of "Its my money I will spend it on what I want" she just pressed the light, security came over and he was told he couldn't have more than 3 of each thing, again he gave the same reply. They simply took his trolley and told him he could have none of each thing and that he was banned from all Tesco's in Lincoln. They then escorted him from the shop. 

Moral of the story, don't be a bellend. 

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27 minutes ago, Loki said:

They will be selling most of that out the back of their car later, too.

The state will need to get involved if this goes on much longer.  There is plenty of food and supplies for everyone, this is entirely an artificial crisis created by people's terrible selfish behaviour.  If we can't act like adults, the state needs to intervene.  Again.  And I mean ration books.

Thats what will happen, by all accounts if the media are to be believed (yeah i know) pubs in london where full last night before the shut down......People will continue to act like bell ends until they are forced to stop. 

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1 hour ago, Loki said:

They will be selling most of that out the back of their car later, too.

The state will need to get involved if this goes on much longer.  There is plenty of food and supplies for everyone, this is entirely an artificial crisis created by people's terrible selfish behaviour.  If we can't act like adults, the state needs to intervene.  Again.  And I mean ration books.


I generally hate the idea of the state having to sit the public in the naughty corner but many people (not all obviously) have shown that they just can't be fucking relied on to be sensible.

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