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General Erection 2019

Gus Mears

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I find Swinson and the Lib Dems far more objectionable than the Brexit Party. They are terrible, duplicitous cunts. At least you know where Farage stands.

Corbyn is just too toxic now sadly. I'm a fan of McDonnell but he's about the same age so would be mid 70s if he took them to the election after this. It's worrying times for Labour.Ā 


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10 minutes ago, Mark_Doctor said:

I find Swinson and the Lib Dems far more objectionable than the Brexit Party. They are terrible, duplicitous cunts. At least you know where Farage stands.

Yeah, it's the old Wolf in Wolf's clothing is better than a Sheep in Wolf's clothing thing, isn't it? Ā You know the centrists will sooner back tories than Labour anyway, the cunts.

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9 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yeah, it's the old Wolf in Wolf's clothing is better than a Sheep in Wolf's clothing thing, isn't it? Ā You know the centrists will sooner back tories than Labour anyway, the cunts.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if there was no referendum. We'd have an election next year and by that point people would have been utterly sick of David Cameron and the Tories. It would have been a tap in for Corbyn.

All this talk of Brexit destroying the Tory party, I just see the opposite. It's given the fucking vampires a new lease of life and I could see them in power for another decade now. How depressing is that?Ā 

Edited by Mark_Doctor
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3 minutes ago, Mark_Doctor said:

All this talk of Brexit destroying the Tory party, I just see the opposite. It's given the fucking vampires a new lease of life and I could see them in power for another decade now. How depressing is that?Ā 

The former 'Labour heartland' industrial towns of the North have largely abandoned socialist politics in favour of the small government, free market capitalism allĀ wrappedĀ up in rampant nationalismĀ offered by Farage & Johnson. Tory votes are coming from places they wouldn't have dreamed of 30yrs ago.

My constituency (Crewe & Nantwich) needed 2 recounts at the last GE, think it will go back to be being Tory this time. Hopefully I'm wrong but Laura Smith voting with the Tories when the biggest employer in town is a German car manufacturer hasn't bolstered her in the eyes of local remainers.


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Other than Thanet doing something stupid and voting brexit party, Which considering we hadĀ UKIP running the council just might happen. The real interesting seat is a few miles up the road in Canterbury.

Which leads to the date of the election being key. Labour took the seat last time by mobilizing the huge number of students in the town if they are home or on the way it may swing back the other way.

Edited by quote the raven
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4 hours ago, Dead Mike said:

The former 'Labour heartland' industrial towns of the North have largely abandoned socialist politics in favour of the small government, free market capitalism allĀ wrappedĀ up in rampant nationalismĀ offered by Farage & Johnson.

This is a bit of a trend at the moment, and I have to say that I believeĀ the blame lies squarely at the feet of the Labour party. For too long they just assumed they'd have the votes of areas like these, and it's now come back to bite them on the arse.

When it reaches the stage that one party becomes so complacent that it no longer even pretends to listen to or give a fuck about the people who reside in areas like that, it's only natural that they're going to eventually go elsewhere. The very fact that the likes of UKIP and the 'Tories have managed to eat into that vote is a damning indictment of the way Labour has operated over the past twenty years or so.

And for the record, the damage in these areas was done long before Corbyn took over at the head of the party. In fact, if the "moderates" within the Labour party had their way and managed to dump Corbyn and swing more towards the centre and away from the "damaging Communist/Socialist policies" that Corbyn champions the party will likely further alienate themselves in former strongholds like these.

If Labour had acted more like Labour instead of "Tory-lite" over the past twenty years they'd likely have not collapsed as much as they did in Scotland, and they'd still enjoy the support of the northern areas.

It's ironic that the general opinion seems to be that Labour have collapsed and allowed the 'Tories to run roughshod over the nation, yet the blame is being put on the guy who's the closest thing to a proper Labour leader in decades, while the answer many are putting forward is returning to the very Labour politics that got them into this sorry positionĀ in the fucking first place.

It's a shambles.


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