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Gus Mears

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2 hours ago, gmoney said:

Must have been Fully Booked. 

It was postponed until the Tuesday. Live & Kicking was on its summer break anyway. The rest of my family had gone out that day before I'd even woken up, leaving my then-stepbrother and me to play video games. I went downstairs to make breakfast and thought I'd put a bit of telly on while I ate. When I figured why all the channels (well, all five) had wall-to-wall news, I ran back upstairs to tell my stepbrother what had happened in the most dramatic tone possible. He just shrugged, said words to the effect of "serves her right, the posh bitch" and went back to playing Yoshi's Island or DKC3 or whatever it was. (Was definitely a SNES game, since I didn't get an N64 until 7 weeks later.) Once the rest of my immediate family returned they didn't seem too bothered either.

9/11: I'd just started my second week of Sixth Form (yes, I know it was a Tuesday but we'd had Monday off the previous week). There had been rumours of something happening during the penultimate lesson, which was a free period. We'd have known the details, but a drama teacher had told us to switch the radio off in the common room because it was too loud. I put it to the back of my mind during my final class of the day, but as I was leaving a guy from my tutor group said that two planes had flown into buildings in New York "and they reckon it's the Arabs that did it". I had Sky by this point, so once I got home I was glued to the news channels for the rest of the evening.

The Boston Marathon bombing: It was towards the end of my final year at Bangor. My dad crossed the line 12 minutes before the explosion went off. In reality it probably wasn't too long before I heard he was all right, but the wait felt like an agonising few hours. 

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Diana - I was 17 and had no idea what happened until about 2 the following afternoon. I'd happily stay in bed for hours and hours, my parents generally left me alone to do so. Didn't even turn the radio on, I only found out when I went downstairs for some toast and my dad just said 'Diana's dead'. I didn't even know who he meant until he told me the princess and called me a dozy twat.

9/11 - I was 21, just finished uni and working in a shop. We had local radio on who interrupted the live music with continual news bulletins and sad music. Didn't see the footage until I got home at around half six, then watched the news for the rest of the night.

7-7 - I was having a job interview to join the civil service. When it was over and I got home, it was all over the news. My wife was distraught, she's from north London and knew one of the victims.

The first big news story I remember really affecting me was Hillsborough. Mainly because a load of my mates were Liverpool fans (you know, being the local team for all Devonians) and seeing the live footage, the pictures in the papers the following days of all these people being crushed was horrific.

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For 9/11 I was doing Summer temping for Del Monte in South Elmsall while I failed my degree at Barnsley College. My job was to take boxes of bananas off a pallet and throw them along a conveyor some they could be checked. We had Hallam FM on (4 hour shows, 2 hour playlist rotation) when they announced the first aircraft strike as an accident. They announced the second impact later at which point it was actually called a terrorist attack and my first thought was "I wouldn't want to be Saddam Hussein right now." after work I just watched the rolling news coverage on News24 until 1am when I figured I should probably try and get some sleep as I had to be up at 4 for work. 

7/7 I'd moved to Manchester, but wasn't working so I just watched the news coverage until my housemate got in. 

When Lady Di passed on I was staying at my then best friend's house. I got up, went into the living room and saw it was on TV instead of Sharkey & George or whatever was usually on Channel 4 on a Sunday morning and was about to head back upstairs to bed when I bumped into my mate's mum. I couldn't quite believe it myself, probably because I was half asleep so I just said "I don't know what's wrong with the TV, they keep saying Princess Diana's dead." that the whole cou try ground to a halt for her was quite surreal as well. 

I have vague memories of hearing about the Lockerbie hijacking and Dunblane shooting on the radio when they happened, but Diana is probably the first one that stuck with me. 

I also remember us being on a school trip to Granada Studios Tour the day of the Arndale bombing. The bus got turned back on what was the the main road into Manchester. Some of my classmates recall hearing a bang, but I don't. We had to go back to school, but had none of our stuff or any uniform sow ere a bit buggered for being able to do things in our lessons. I was supposed to have PE that day as well. 

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2 hours ago, RancidPunx said:

For Diana’s death :

My mother knocked on my bedroom door early on that Sunday morning in late August 97 and asked if she could come in for a chat !!!

I literally had my first wank ever hours previously and thought it was about that.

It was a real mixed bag of emotion when she told me Diana had died . I think I let out an audible exhale of relief when she told me that Di was toast which must have confused the hell out of her !!

I don't know what it is about this post but reading that just now made me laugh uproariously for about 20 seconds 

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When Richard Whiteley's death was announced I was in bed. I remember this as at the time my dad had Bowel Cancer and my mam woke me up saying "guess who's died?". 


Cheers mam. 


In a similar vain my father woke me up on May 24th 1999 with "your mate's dead". Owen Hart's not my mate,  Dad. 

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One that most on here probably won't remember was the bomb scare that caused the abandonment of the Grand National in 1997, I remember being in my uncle's on the morning of the race and my cousin's were up from down south for the weekend (I think for a general visit or a family do) and the older of the two, Angela, was going to the cinema with two of my other female cousins Kate and Lisa (whose house we were at) so me and our Ant (the other cousin up) tagged along with them and we went to see Space Jam at the old Odeon in town, wasn't until we got out that we found out what happened at Aintree when Lisa asked a guy coming out the betting shop across the road who had won

9/11 - I had finished early, being in 6th form, got home and put the telly on and there was a news special on relaying the ongoing events, seeing the damage to the towers on a loop during the reports was surreal to say the least and I remember seeing reports of that night's Smackdown taping understandably being postponed

Michael Jackson - was up late doing some revision for uni exams (that I eventually failed forcing me to drop out of my degree) and I took a breather to check Twitter just as the news was breaking that he was being rushed to hospital so flicked over to Fox News to follow the story, the second they confirmed his passing was genuinely jaw dropping, especially as he had been rehearsing that week for the O2 shows he had announced

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Diana - Was staying at my nan and grandads. Me and my sister got up early to watch cartoons and was annoyed it was all cancelled for the news. We just wanted to go home and watch the kids channels as my grandparents didn’t have sky. But we couldn’t get them away from the news.

9/11 - I was at school and my mum told me outside the gates that “some planes have hit a building in New York”. My best mates mum told him what happened, and upon hearing a loud bang earlier that day, said “I thought I heard something”. 

7/7 - Me and my dad were clearing out an old garage in Battersea. My sister, who’s become quite a hysterical person at this point, rang me and told me to get out of London as terrorists were killing everyone. 

22nd and 23rd July 2011 - Those two days were the Norway terrorist attacks and Amy Winehouses death. Me and my mates were at the war and peace festival which became overshadowed by these two events as it’s all anyone could talk about. War reenactments had a bit of an awkward feel to them on those last couple of days. 

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Diana – I was on holiday in my parents' caravan, kipping on the side because I hadn't bothered with putting the bed up. Woke up slowly, realized everyone was in bits.

9/11 — I was on holiday again, this time, in Manhattan. It's a whole story, obviously.

7/7 — Was working in London, living in Finsbury Park. One of my workmates was about ten minutes out from being on the subway, and another one saw the exploded bus. Mental.

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Diana I was 10 or 11 at the time, I remember my dad mentioning it but I really don't think I cared or understood the impact at the time.

9/11 - i'd been at school all day and the teachers hadn't mentioned it in the classes I was in. I remember watching clips with my mum in the afternoon however as she had it on when I cam home from school.


7/7- My mum woke me up to tell me as my uni was on the Kings Cross line into London and lots of my mates were doing their medical placements at the time commuting through. Spent the day working in a pub waiting for a few close friends to get back to me by text, they all did thankfully. 

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6 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

I'm feeling far less shitty about being the one who remembers where he was the morning the cartoons were cancelled. 

The one thing I specifically remember about Diana's death is not being able to watch soccer am as they just had the news on loop instead. Absolutely furious about it to this day

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Diana - another one who had got up to watch cartoons. Was told by my dad she’d died and remember thinking it was sad but not being very affected otherwise or watching updates on the news on the day. I do remember doing that when the Omagh bombing happened the following August.

9/11 - I would have been in school when it actually happened (in French I think) and was told by my mum after school. I can remember Steve Wright on Radio 2 doing his “This Is A Serious Angle Jim Ross” voice. My dad was at home recovering from a hernia op so had been watching the news anyway, and they continued to watch it. I was a bit freaked out by the whole thing and the prospect of there being war and retaliations and all sorts so I went upstairs and did a Royal Rumble on SmackDown 2 to take my mind off it.

7/7 - was on study leave either during or just after A Levels so remember watching it on the news as it was unfolding.

Michael Jackson - must have been in a London at the time (I think Springsteen was playing Hyde Park) because I remember loads of people scrawling memorial messages on the front wall of the National Gallery. Never found out what the connection was between Jackson and the NG.

Amy Winehouse - was just about to leave to see Iron Maiden in Newcastle. Remember wondering if they’d mention it. I don’t think they did.

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First major event I remember was the Challenger shuttle blowing up.  We'd been following its progress at school as there was a teacher on board and she was going to do lessons from orbit.  I think they found her foot in the ocean later.

Diana, I'm still pissed off  she didn't have the good grace to die on a weekday but completely spoil a precious Sunday.  Like most my Mum woke me up to tell me.  I put on Radio 1 but they'd gone to the looped muzak tape they have ready in case of the apocalypse.

9/11 I was coming home from a holiday with the now Mrs Loki.  I'd spent the weekend with no telly or phone so we unpacked our camping gear and turned on the telly to see if anything had happened (as my family has a running joke about major catastrophes happening when we're on hols).  And there was the building smoking and as we watched the 2nd plane went in.

In the same vein, we were on Kos when the London Bombings happened.  Sat in a bar eating a Greek salad trying to get the barman to turn up the  volume on the telly.


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