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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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The only reason for them to call a GE at this stage is if they think they've definitely lost the next one and they've fucked things up enough that Labour won't be able to turn it around and they might be able to win the one after. 

But that would rely on them not being deluded, entitled pricks. There's no sign that they can think long term either. Plus they believe the British public are stupid. Which, to be fair, might be their most sensible policy.

To be honest, if this country had an ounce of self respect we'd all go on a general strike until the big corporations tell the government to fuck off. But as someone once said when misquoting a Robbie Williams lyric, "every country has the government it deserves."

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8 hours ago, Vamp said:

The only reason for them to call a GE at this stage is if they think they've definitely lost the next one and they've fucked things up enough that Labour won't be able to turn it around and they might be able to win the one after. 


They've still got 2yrs with an untouchable majority. They've carte blanche to push through anything they like and to manipulate the economy for the benefit of themselves and their backers. They're not stopping this gravy train because a bunch of back benchers are bricking it at the prospect of finding another job. 


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Talk that friend to murderers Johnny Mercer will cross the floor at PMQs, and then we get called Tory enablers for not voting for a party that accepts tories with open arms whilst doing all they can to stop or exclude left wingers from standing. 

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31 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Mark Drakeford nearly in tears tearing into the Conservative government. Well done for this one Wales, you have a good 'un there.


Glad to see their Speaker is not quite as shit as ours but still shit. But always good to see a Tory torn into like that.

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William Wragg (I didn’t know Billy Bragg had a Wario hahahahaha) said that he isn’t going to vote against the three line whip over the Fracking bill because if he does, he loses the whip and thus his letter of no confidence won’t count. There aren’t going to be slips given either so they all have to vote for it. Which might be a bit difficult for a recent addition to the backbench’s as he is in the Caribbean on a lucrative speaking tour. 

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One of the most horrendous things about Braverman is that she purports to be a Buddhist. Not raised in the culture and conditioned by rote, but actually converted to Buddhism. You would have thought she'd spent some time thinking about what Buddhist values are, before going on about how she "dreams" of sending people back on boats, or claiming the British empire was a force for good, especially for India. That's one Mauritian I'll happily disown.

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