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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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4 minutes ago, Loki said:

Lifted the ban on fracking which is a cunt move, but frozen the energy cap is honestly got news for all of us in the short term.

Overall it’s a terrible idea though. They’re borrowing money to give to energy companies so their profits aren’t affected. It’s a shit move. 

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46 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Prepare for a load of horrible shit to happen over the next week, it’s the ultimate “Bury bad news” time. 

Way ahead of you. Fracking ban lifted.


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25 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I imagine Truss is screwing, the energy cap freeze was meant to be her big moment, her knight in shinning armour bit and it's all been overshadowed to a foot note now.

True, but like how they’re able to recycle the migrant channel crossings as a news item every time things are looking shit for the government, I’m sure they’ll be able to re-spin it like a new thing in a few weeks/months/years when the national mourning period has calmed down (if it ever does, and I’m not sure it will). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I imagine that with all the faux mourning and nationalist bullshit coming to a slow end after Monday we can look to dust off this thread. And the new regime have kicked shit off with this doozy...


Kwasi Kwarteng will tighten benefit rules for part-time workers, requiring them to work longer hours or take steps to increase their earnings.

The new rule will require benefit claimants working up to 15 hours a week to take new steps to increase their earnings or face having their benefits reduced.

At some point these reductions in benefits are going to become so numerous that the unemployed will actually be paying the government on a fortnightly basis, right? I see this current plan is targeting the over 50's as well, which as we all know is exactly the kind of people that companies are desperate to hire for the most part.

Edited by David
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3 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Bit of a risky strategy for the Tories to gun for their biggest fanbase!

I saw someone suggest that they know they’ve fucked it and are on the way out, so they’re just grabbing as much for them and their mates while they can. Most of that front bench are using their role as an interview for their lucrative lobby and consulting jobs they’ll be offered in a few years. 

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34 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

What's the private sector that benefits from benefit cuts? Sorry if I'm being thick.

People are more likely to increase personal debt, I'd guess. A lot of solutions I've seen seem to think that increased debt is the way forward for people in need.

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I can’t work due to health issues and am reliant on benefits/ I’m work shy dole scum pretending to have a bad back or whatever trendy ailment they have these days. 

A year ago I was paying £76 quid a month for gas and leccy for my one bedroom flat, next month it’s going up to £483 a month. More than what I have after I top up housing benefit to pay rent. I’m sure when I phone them it’ll be kept at the current level but it does set off the old anxiety. 

Oh well, better get rid of my flat screen TV, cancel my nonexistent Sky Sports package and making the coffee I never drink at home. Then I’ll dust off the Nokia 3210 to use instead of the brand new iPhone. What’s the other things I can do? Nails and hair extensions seem to be on the list that all benefits scrounges have. Is trainers one or have I imagined that?

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