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The Smackers Thread


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Edge won’t be winning any titles. The way things have bombed, both Edge and the company are probably counting the days until Wrestlemania just so they can take him off TV for six months to a year and do a hard reset. In fact, he’s felt so out of place and unnecessary they’re probably already asking him to check with Tony Khan if that AEW offer still stands. 

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I can’t help but feel that that’s a slight exaggeration. Granted, I haven’t watched a full episode of Smackdown in Christ knows how long, but I seek out the Roman, Bryan and Edge segments and I’ve quite enjoyed the storyline, especially Edge’s involvement. I can see why his involvement wouldn’t be to everybody’s taste, but it’s hardly bombed.

In fact, I feel like this is the only place that’s had that reaction to him. It seems to be quite well received elsewhere. Then again, so does Orton vs The Fiend so fuck knows.

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Supremo's right in the fact that it's fucking madness that it's got to this point and how we've got here. It's just very weird.

However it's where we are now and to be honest I think it'll be an enjoyable match.

Personally I do enjoy heel Edge more I think, so I'm kinda okay with it, although when it's in the same match as ultimate heel Roman.. yeah it's a bit strange.

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23 minutes ago, FUM said:

All I can think of when I see Edge is that if he just chopped the locks off, he'd probably look fine and wouldn't be so old looking.

Which I think would then bury the fact he's supposed to be an old timer.

I love haggard hobo Edge, but it's definitely more suited to his desperate opportunist heel gimmick.

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Edge has exactly the same problem as Christian, maybe slightly less pronounced but it’s still there.

At the height of their powers their abilities were never too heavily weighted one way or another.

They were never the ‘five star match’ or ‘worker’ guy - I.e. they weren’t a Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Bryan or even later Punk or Styles

They were never the height of charisma - they weren’t in a similar mould to The Rock, Austin, Hogan or Cena.

They weren’t physical freaks like Lesnar, Batista or Goldberg, and they weren’t proper ‘character’ guys like The Undertaker or Kane or whoever.

They were just solid at everything: they could have good matches at times, they were charismatic enough, they were athletic, in-shape and could do character.

But, at the centre of both Edge and Christian’s appeal was they were fun. The connective tissue that combined all their other attributes was that, without being reduced to being a comedy act, they could be really good fun.

Yet, in 2021, they’re both self-righteous, dour ghosts haunting the bodies of Edge and Christian. Without that sense of fun that brought it all together they’re just solid hands, and that’s not enough for the positions they’re occupying.


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I definitely prefer Christian to Edge. I think the problem is that Christian can be a great midcard act while Edge always felt too big for the midcard while also never feeling big enough to be a main event act. So Christian usually felt like he was in the right spot on the card while Edge never did.

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Edge and Christian in their current form remind me of when you bump into an old school friend and agree to go for a pint.

Initially it’s great to see them and you’ve got loads of fun memories to reminisce about. It doesn’t take long for the nostalgia to fade though and you start looking for an excuse to leave when you run out of stuff to talk about and realise they’re old, boring bastards now. There’s still time to tell with Christian, maybe he’ll do or say something that’ll surprise you, but with Edge? Everyone’s been staring at their pints in silence long enough to realise.

Bank balance aside, I wonder if Edge regrets returning in the first place. It’s mostly been a disaster for him. One of the worst Wrestlemania matches of all time against Randy Orton. An admittedly great match with Randy at Backlash being completely handicapped by the daft, “Greatest Match Ever,” tag line. Major injury. Rehab. And now this shit, where he’s Batista’d himself so bad they didn’t even need the fans to dictate it.

More fool him, I guess. He always seemed super smart to the business, but clearly not. If I was a returning legend the first thing I’d want in my contract is that I’d never appear on the same show as Daniel Bryan. It’s just asking for trouble.

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1 hour ago, Slapnut said:

I can’t help but feel that that’s a slight exaggeration. Granted, I haven’t watched a full episode of Smackdown in Christ knows how long, but I seek out the Roman, Bryan and Edge segments and I’ve quite enjoyed the storyline, especially Edge’s involvement. I can see why his involvement wouldn’t be to everybody’s taste, but it’s hardly bombed.

In fact, I feel like this is the only place that’s had that reaction to him. It seems to be quite well received elsewhere. Then again, so does Orton vs The Fiend so fuck knows.

I haven't seen a particularly negative reaction to Edge here or elsewhere. In fairness, he's never been overly popular here and there have been some ludicrous opinions that he's not good, but I haven't seen particular dislike for this.

It does beg the question what have they seen to change what seemed z pretty certain direction to do Reigns v Edge when there is no crowd feedback. I presume it's as simple as Vince just doesn't feel it but I'd like to know.

This has to be the worst Mania build ever. The main events are a mess. Raw one only set last week, Smackdown changed only yesterday. Raw women directionless. Banks and Belair hasn't been messed with but has been built only by the by the numbers tag partners thing.

Miz and Bad Bunny has probably had the "best" build which is, in itself, insane. 

I've seen lots of people say the actual card looks good and I'd agree that if you're the sort of person who can enjoy a card full of completely meaningless 3-4 star matches,  then it'll be fine.

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Honestly, right now, the most exciting thing about the Wrestlemania card is Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn going one-on-one. Talk about a potential show stealer! Have those guys ever had a bad match? I half recall they had an absolute belter on a B show once.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Honestly, right now, the most exciting thing about the Wrestlemania card is Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn going one-on-one. Talk about a potential show stealer! Have those guys ever had a bad match? I half recall they had an absolute belter on a B show once.

They had a match at a PWG show in Orpington that I still think is the best match I've seen live to this day.

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I only watch the Edge/Bryan/Roman bits every and think they've made it work pretty well in the end. The set up and execution this week was very good for modern WWE standards. As long as they don't  do something daft like put the belt on Edge and the in arena fans at Mania shite all over it then I'd chalk it up as a success. Its the only match I've any interest in at Mania anyway, barring a Brock return.

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There seems to be a very vocal anti-Daniel Bryan contingent on wrestling twitter. Quite a few #FuckDanielBryan type hashtags and wrestling journos confusingly questioning what’s going on.

I do wonder if you’re a very young internet wrestling fan, and didn’t live it, whether it’s possible to even ‘get’ Daniel Bryan properly.

Maybe to some youngsters he’s just like your dads favourite wrestler and so to you he’s just the WWE’s ‘favoured’ talent who ‘books himself’ into high profile matches.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I’ve not been on Twitter but I’m not surprised people are turning on Bryan. In just as much as Edge has been harmed by them learning nothing from Batista at Wrestlemania 30, Bryan is well on his way to being harmed from them equally learning nothing from crowbarring Charlotte in at Wrestlemania 35.

Going around the houses the way they have has harmed everyone and diluted everything. I don’t particularly care about either guy’s quest for the belt anymore. They all come across as unlikeable, moaning dickheads.

When there was talk of somehow settling this between Night 1 and Night 2 at Wrestlemania I was dying for someone to decide to do the Triple Threat on Night 1 and then fuck everyone off and do Roman vs. Brock on Night 2. Being a proper star in who hasn’t cried his way to Wrestlemania.

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