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What is your most trivial claim to fame?

Accident Prone

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It was years ago now but I think it was about her feud with Jenna Jameson and a court case between the two. Bloke I wrote it for edited it so I don't know the exact wording now.

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When I was 18 I played bass in a band at an anti racism gig at Ewood Park that was organised by the lead singer of 80s indie also-rams Bradford. I think their career highlight was that they supported the Smiths on tour, and Morrissey covered one of their songs Skinstorm, on a solo B-side. 

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The brownlee brothers used the space at the end of my desk for some photos with staff once.

I sat sighing loudly and swiveling on my chair as the queue built up and they worked through it and I could get back to work from what I recall.

One of them looked really happy to be meeting everyone and the other looked really uncomfortable with the whole thing.

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Jimmy Corkhill asked my Mum if I was single when I went to the loo after we saw him in a pub and he joined us; she thought he was just being nice/making conversation and didn’t realise he was asking if I was gay.


I had no idea about this conversation until after I gave him my number, thinking I’d made mates with a Brookie actor, and he text me a 2am asking what I was up to.

It got awkward. I had to block him a couple of weeks later.

Jesus fucking Christ indeed.

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I drove Dexter Fletcher’s car last summer. It was a huge automatic BMW and I couldn’t get the bloody thing into drive. When I finally did I bunny-hopped it down the drive until I got used to the sensitivity.

Later, mid-conversation he said, “Are you Welsh?” to which I said yes. He then said, “Oh, you must know Taron!” Still don’t know if he was serious or not. I just laughed awkwardly.

He smelled really nice though.

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