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An 'All In' Thread


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I don't really care about it as something that "exposes the business" - I love CHIKARA, for example, and they've done comedy spots considerably sillier than Joey Ryan's, and I've either booked or been booked in spots ranging from hypnosis dance-offs to superhero wrestlers with telekinesis and super strength, and once even actually booked someone to do the Joey Ryan dick spot - I'm just sick of it as his one bit of schtick. As a more rounded sleazeball gimmick, Joey Ryan could offer more to a show than being a one-note gimmick. As it stands, it's a gimmick that got old years ago, and that wasn't that funny in the first place - I have no problem with comedy wrestling, I just want it to actually be funny; I'd find the constant dick jokes juvenile and tiresome on a TV comedy or a movie, too.

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It’s an act he has that he tours so it doenst get repetitive wherever he is. He gets flown all over the world and seems to do pretty well merch wise to be chosen as one of the first non Bullet Club guys to get in hot topic. He’s just a Honkytonk Man with a lollipop 

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It all depends on what he's going for, I guess. He certainly fits in with DDT or SMASH or HUSTLE-1 or whatever the comedy promotions are - he's no different from Danshoku Dino or Real Gay or like when Ibushi had an entire match with YOSHIHIKO, the blow-up doll, who "gave" him five Canadian Destroyers, and so on.

I honestly think, though, that his original sleazy heel gimmick had legs insofar as he could at least have serious feuds and matches that would be enjoyable - feuds over, say, sleazing over or sleeping with other wrestlers' girlfriends, or seeing as it's usually the indies, having matches with those women themselves. I enjoyed the comedy shtick, but it got old; the sleazy gimmick, on the other hand, has a bit more shelf-life, as it can cover more bases than just the comedy. Bit like Johnny Curtis, I guess.

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I've heard about Joey Ryan's stuff elsewhere but only ever watched him in Lucha Underground (and All-In). His "storyline" in LU has fallen by the wayside quite a bit but the original concept was awesome - he's an undercover cop posing as a wrestler trying to unearth the weird goings-on in the Temple. They avoid the dick jokes altogether - he's just a sleazeball with a lollipop who isn't very good at wrestling, which is fine because he's playing someone who isn't a wrestler. Works for me. The dick jokes elsewhere aren't for me but as a standalone, the All-In thing ("Hey, let's do an iconic Undertaker entrance but with penises instead of druids!") was pretty funny...

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I loved the Joey Ryan 'Penis Druids' skit as a stand alone pay-off to a story I wasn't really following. I knew the beats of the Hangman/Ryan story so I enjoyed the unexpected climax but I don't watch BTE on a weekly basis. 

However, what really irked me is that Janela took a ton of really big risks and punishment in the actual match and whilst he got a lot of eyes on him and got himself over, he felt like an afterthought at the end of it all. Really weird booking.

You could've had Joey Janela face someone else (there's a few guys in the rumble he could have had the same match with; Brain Cage, Marko Stunt, Chuck Taylor, Colt Cabana, Ethan Page, Moose) and Hangman/Ryan would be an on-going angle throughout the show, with Hangman acting paranoid backstage. Then he marches out to the ring and demands that Ryan show himself. Lights go down. Penis brigade. Same thing plays out and you'll get the same reaction. You don't undermine Janela and Cruz and you pay-off the murder story at the same time.

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32 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

However, what really irked me is that Janela took a ton of really big risks and punishment in the actual match and whilst he got a lot of eyes on him and got himself over, he felt like an afterthought at the end of it all. Really weird booking.

That's a big part of it for me. The whole hype package didn't even mention Joey Janela, and then when he takes a horrible, risky bump to end the match, it's not even given time to sink in before the show switches gears to, "hey, remember that dick joke?". Aside from poor pacing, it feels like a slap in the face to Janela.

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The tone of the whole match was at odds with the story they seemed to be telling, and I lay the blame at their feet for doing it. Janela must have been aware, but decided to nearly kill himself anyway. Stupidity. 

I enjoyed the show a lot more than I thought I would considering I had never seen about 65% of the people involved. I actively disliked Cody in WWE, but he came across as a star here, and I thought the match was excellent, and should it have gone on last. The battle royal was a lot of fun too, hardly knew anyone involved but they made people stand out. The opener of the main show I thought was dull, and the Daniels/Amell match was a waste of time. I've never liked Daniels. Okada/Scurll and Omega/Pentagon were both good, solid matches an I thought everyone came out of it looking good. Main even was not really my cup of tea, and having half the time they wanted didn't help the pointless spotfest vibe, but I guess it was ok for what it was and the constraints. 


Overall it was nice to see something non-WWE that had a bigtime feel to it. Who knows if it will spur on something more, but as a glimmer of what could be in the future it was encouraging. 

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If there's one thing that irked me about Janela, it was that every single time he wasn't doing a move, like when he's walking around the ring or finding a weapon or setting up a spot or anything, he's constantly pandering to the crowd. Every single time he's doing something that isn't selling or wrestling, he's stopping dead to pander to the crowd for 4/5 seconds at a time. Once or twice throughout a match is fine, but when it's literally every single spot it starts to get grating quick.

Has there been any news on how many PPV buys this did?

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43 minutes ago, AdamTH17 said:

If there's one thing that irked me about Janela, it was that every single time he wasn't doing a move, like when he's walking around the ring or finding a weapon or setting up a spot or anything, he's constantly pandering to the crowd. Every single time he's doing something that isn't selling or wrestling, he's stopping dead to pander to the crowd for 4/5 seconds at a time. Once or twice throughout a match is fine, but when it's literally every single spot it starts to get grating quick.

Taunting is how you fill your special move meter. It's a long-established strategy. You're lucky he didn't just toss Page out of the ring and spam the YMCA taunt.

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Echo the commentary love, if a little insider at times. The main chap was great!! Excalibur - while ok looked a fucking state in his poxy jacket, cheap mask and tshirt. Sort it out you knacker. Also I love Emma but keep her away from the desk in future. Lost and Painful (good 2000's tag team name that).

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3 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

Can't knock Cody and The Bucks for wringing every last bit of money out of All In. They're selling off framed bits of the ring canvas now. 

Bet that sells better than the Mania 12 one did.

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