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All Purpose Weather Moaning Thread

Gus Mears

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5 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Don't make out like you don't want to join us.

I’d have given you a shout had I not been straight back on the train. Probably for the best that I didn’t, mind, because that heat/suit/underground combo has left me looking like Brock Lesnar after a week of tantric sex. I hope they’ve got deodorant and defibrillators on this train. 

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14 minutes ago, Frankie Crisp said:

I’d have given you a shout had I not been straight back on the train. Probably for the best that I didn’t, mind, because that heat/suit/underground combo has left me looking like Brock Lesnar after a week of tantric sex. I hope they’ve got deodorant and defibrillators on this train. 

Ah, no worries, man. Will be here for your celebratory party when Ancelotti comes to Palace.

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Summer is dog shit at my work. The air con is broken and always has been but they're too cheap to fix it, not a single window on the building opens, and as is summer tradition the bosses stocked the fridges up on Ice Lollies except this year they decided to charge for them but the money goes to charity, so if you buy your own you'll look a cock.

We got a handful of mini desk fans from the pound shop but they just blow warm air. One of the managers bought some proper Dyson fans but there's about 2 for our entire floor and sure enough one got plonked right on the manager's desk.

It's horrific, we got as far as Tuesday before the manager had to inform us there is no law that states a maximum temperature an office can be so fuck us, we can melt.

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7 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Man, as much as I love the heat, my baby does not. I'm really glad right now that the previous owners

Chest, my heart leapt out of my, erm, chest when I read that.  Teach me to skim read.

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I don't know how noisy those particular fans are but personally, I find the sound of the two fans I have on at night at the moment great. It's like white noise I can sleep right through, drowning out the sounds of violence and despair outside my block.

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I won't deny to being a little ponging yesterday after having run out of deodorant in the morning and not wanting to put some on after I'd already sweated a whole lot because that just makes it worse.

I could have used the roll on deodorant that FIVE people ended up sharing at work yesterday. No. Sorry. You do not share roll on deodorant with anyone other that your significant other and even then only in a pinch.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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Theres a real chance I'm gonna die of heat exhaustion tomorrow, expected to be 29 degrees and I work in a shop (that I won't name) that rarely puts aircon on on the shop floor and doesn't allow staff to have access to hand of water on the floor (it has to be kept by the stairwell/lift where it runs risk of a) going warm and b) being binned by dopey cleaners, and even then staff can't be allowed to leave the floor to go take a sip)

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I work as a probation officer so my 'clients' don't smell the best in our usual tepid Irish  weather anyway, but this week has been something else pong wise. Auld lad turned up this morning and he smelled like a combination of rancid piss, the worst BO you can imagine and just the faintest hint of shite, the heat seems to magnify all these x 100, The waft of stale cider off his breath when he leaned in when answering questions was a blessed relief in comparison to his other aroma. Said to the manager about buying some cheap deodorants and whatever and leaving them in the waiting area for lads to take, but he said they tried that a few years ago but had to stop as some of the folks were trying to inhale it like they would with cans of lighter fluid. The winter can't come soon enough!

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I was actually shocked by what i believe was the most upbeat weather forecast i have ever heard on the radio, early this week! 

It went something like this " Today ( Monday ) will be a very hot day throughout the entire UK , with no change in sight until at least a week on Tuesday" !!!!! That's 8 solid days of nationwide optimism, followed by a now updated forecast of more nice weather to carry on from that Tuesday onwards! I have next week off work, so don't even have to worry about my bollocks sticking to my legs :)

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