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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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My occasional visits when I'm waiting for an egg to boil don't give me time to take down the particulars of every nerd that frequents said thread unfortunately.

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On 5/5/2019 at 8:50 PM, hallicks said:

CITV trolling the entire child population of the UK by running Maxi's World (or whatever the fuck it was called) before Power Rangers. Get to fuck. Some kind of blonde high school girl driving around in a jeep and "adventures" like camouflaging spots on your face with tuna. (WTF). They ran the same episode two days in a row once. Torture. When is it morphin' time, assholes?Ā 

Although..Ā  CiTV did have


Edited by King of Hamptons
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1 hour ago, King of Hamptons said:

Although..Ā  CiTV did have


Was she called Danielle or something? I remember having a massive crush on her....

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On 5/5/2019 at 8:50 PM, hallicks said:

CITV trolling the entire child population of the UK by running Maxi's World (or whatever the fuck it was called) before Power Rangers. Get to fuck. Some kind of blonde high school girl driving around in a jeep and "adventures" like camouflaging spots on your face with tuna. (WTF). They ran the same episode two days in a row once. Torture. When is it morphin' time, assholes?Ā 

At least we got mr motivator popping up to tell us that the power rangers were specially trained and not to copy them

what kid didnā€™t want to twat his mate whilstĀ pretending he was putty

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With the news of Robert PattersonĀ being in the running to play Batman, my incel co-worker took his gleeful strides towards me this morning to complain about it.

I am not thrilled with the casting decision (as I'm an adult Batman enthusiast who managed to keep it secret until it was 'cool' to like comics and shit) and was talking to someone else about it, but I was in no mood to discuss this with him as who knows where the conversation would go.

I managed to give short, nondescriptĀ answers before making my excuses to pop to the loo, but that didn't stop him loudly proclaiming, "It's all part of the feminist agenda to demasculinise men in pop culture!!!".

I am in awe of his ability to tie anything to the further decline ofĀ long-suffering first world men.

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Sounds a bit like this lad I know. He has access issues with his son and blames everything on feminism, heā€™s a real Fathers For Justice bloke. He even said the riots a few years back were because of feminism breaking up the nuclear family and lads not having a male role model.Ā 

His lad is the product of him getting a fuck buddy pregnant and she eventually had to get a restraining order against him before moving to the south coast. He also got stalky with a mate of mine but yeah, itā€™s feminists fault.Ā 

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1 hour ago, Accident Prone said:

"It's all part of the feminist agenda to demasculinise men in pop culture!!!"

Wait, what? He does realise R-Patts (come @ me) is a man, right? Or does he think him playing Batman is giving in to all of the women because they liked Twilight, or something? Either way, he's a twonk.

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1 minute ago, PunkStep said:

Wait, what? He does realise R-Patts (come @ me) is a man, right? Or does he think him playing Batman is giving in to all of the women because they liked Twilight, or something? Either way, he's a twonk.

He mentioned Twilight a lot and 13 year old girls liking Pattison before he further setĀ his ideas in concrete with the feminism tirade. He has very similar rants about the new Star Wars movies too ("They're trying to make men look useless in order to push feminist politics!"), so this is definitelyĀ a new one. I do wonder if he'd would've had the same reaction if a DanielĀ Radcliffe was up for the role instead.

Personally, (this is where I come @ you) I think Pattison hasn't got the chops for Batman. He looks good, has shown intensity when needed and is probably a big fan of the character, but whenever I've seen him in non-Twilight moviesĀ all I think is, "This is R-Patts playing a character". He just can't pull off those convincing performances.Ā 

It's the same issue I have with Matt Damon, Keanu Reeves and, this will shock you, Leonardo DiCaprio. All I see is the actors putting on a different hat or a silly costume, as they can never actually drag me into a movie. I love Jason Bourne, I love John Wick, I love Shutter Island, but I'm still sat there going, "Whoa, look at *insert actor here" go!".

What separates themĀ from the likes of Patts though is their presence. Even though I can't buy into them as true characters, they're just as compelling to watch despite the fact and that's a testament to how good they are. Patts just comes across as way too one-dimensional (even at times way too two-dimensional). As a grown man with a Batman Bonerā„¢, that isn't promising.

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A large part of the backlash to Pattison is because of Twilight, and the rejection of that not just as a bad movie (because if bad movies were a reason to reject a concept out of hand, they'd be shitting on the whole concept of Batman too), but as aĀ female codedĀ movie. That's why you get the idea that it's a feminising influence - because Pattison's most famous role is in a movie aimed at teenage girls, that invalidates him in the eyes of the men's rights pricks.

The thing with this whole argument is that it's fuckingĀ Batman. It's not exactly King Lear, is it? Batman has to grimace and punch people. That's the role. That it's become held up as some kind of pinnacle of acting (because we went through similar complaints about Affleck being cast), speaks volumes to how culturally uninspiring Hollywood is.

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To be fair though, it is a lot easier to have an opinion on casting when you have a good handle on the character, and Batman is a character everyone knows. So you're bound to get a lot of commentary.

Not to say it's not stupid, but I understand it.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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33 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

The thing with this whole argument is that it's fuckingĀ Batman. It's not exactly King Lear, is it? Batman has to grimace and punch people. That's the role. That it's become held up as some kind of pinnacle of acting (because we went through similar complaints about Affleck being cast), speaks volumes to how culturally uninspiring Hollywood is.

Whilst I agree Batman isn't the pinnacle of acting, he's not in the gutter of acting either. The character has had some of the best writing in comics, and is part of the reason why they're rightly taken a bit more seriously than they used to be. Admittedly, the portrayals of Batman on the big screen have never been out-and-out serious, but Keaton's and Bale's portrayals had enough complexity and depth that they're worthy of a bit more than "comic books, ha."

But I absolutely agree the reaction to Pattinson's casting has been utterly ridiculous, just as it was to that of Ledger as the Joker, and of Affleck as Batman. To be absolutely honest, backlash against a casting of a known character has become so inevitable these days that I just ignore it now, like hopefully any serious film studio would, because it's usually created by people who shouldn't be allowed near other people in general.Ā 

Your recent tweet about how fandom was a bad idea rather nails it, to be fair. In some ways, it's taken on some of the nastier elements of religion - refusal to adapt to change, refusal to accept any alternative concept, anger and vitriol aimed at anything that challenges the boundaries and essence of it, etc.

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