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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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There are many triple A single player focused games without garbage business practices released just this year and they've done perfectly well without them, even a more niche AAA title like Nier: Automata did great and is likely getting a sequel so I'm not sure how true that is either. Busineses like EA have just found a way to make even bigger profits and have closed down perfectly good studios that don't provide them, EA no longer develops games, they create services.


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8 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Loot boxes are doubly bullshit. Loot boxes play on all the same emotional triggers as gambling, encouraging you to spend more and more money in the hope of getting the rarer, bigger prize. I'm sure the only reason it doesn't fall under the same legal remit as gambling would be either because the law doesn't recognise digital content as having any inherent value, or because there's no lose condition - you might get a shitty prize in a loot box, but you'll never get nothing.

I'm hoping the backlash against EA keeps up, that it's a PR shitshow and they're forced to sort themselves out - but I'm always concerned with this sort of thing that the majority of people complaining will continue to buy games that do the exact same thing, and just complain all over again, rather than not buying the sodding thing in the first place, and unless something triggers the need for external regulation (if loot boxe

ESRB and PEGI have both ruled that loot boxes are not gambling because you can't convert what you win back into cash again. 

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1 hour ago, Onyx2 said:

ESRB and PEGI have both ruled that loot boxes are not gambling because you can't convert what you win back into cash again. 

So that's worse than their definition of gambling, and they have no problem with it.

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13 hours ago, Merzbow said:

Isn't part of it down to there always being a "prize", you're getting something every time you gamble.

That's pretty much it, from my understanding - there's no way to "lose", and you always get something for your money, so it's not gambling. That's not to say that the legal definition of gambling can't be adjusted to include loot boxes and the like, and I think eventually that will happen - the law is just almost always a step or two behind new tech.

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Take the microtransactions out and watch people moan about the grind, then slide the microtransactions back in as though they're saving people from the tedium of playing the game?

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