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11 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

Had a chat with a girl I worked with a couple of years ago about quorn.  She loved it as it was a wonderful substitute for meat.  I explained to her it was still meat, and the quorn is a genetically bred brainless animal that comprises of a round body, no legs, no eyes or ears, just a mouth and an anus.  They are grown for 2 years, at which time they are euthanised by inserting a finger into both the mouth and the anus at the same time, suffocating it.  In despair, she contacted PETA.  This was the same girl I had the haggis discussion with.  Bless.

Howling at this. Thunderplex, you gem.

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36 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Wait a sec, @Thunderplex, I've just realised I might not have read the haggis story before. When did you tell that one?

It was a while ago.  Haggis was brought up in a conversation with the same girl.  it was a spin on the old story of the haggis being a vicious little animal with very sharp teeth, and that it is the fastest six legged land mammal on earth, but the legs on the right are shorter than the left, due to the haggis running round mountains in a clockwise direction.  

My spin was that to slaughter the haggis, they trapped them in a cage.  The haggis is normally a carnivore, but they go completely apeshit for jam.  You stand one end of a corridor with the jam, release the haggis and it runs at top speed to the jam.  Unfortunatly due to the discrepancy in leg length, instead of running to the jam, it bears right and smacks the wall face first at top speed killing it.  Sadly, if it’s an unusually tough haggis, this can take 3 or 4 goes.  She was in tears.

This was not a stupid woman, far from it, but she was very, very gullible. 

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ASDA have decided to give Iceland a run for their money in the fine dining stakes. Might get one & stick it in the freezer for when I'm going through my next bout of self loathing.



Edited by Dead Mike
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