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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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HHH's promo on Raw was worthy of the occasion. It was spectacular, with some excellent lines. 


If we're heading towards anything other than HHH/Reigns in the Main Event of Mania i'd be extremely surprised. To be fair, as feuds go they've done a reasonable job of giving it a decent build up over the past few months. I think the negative outlook concerning Romans future as a star is a bit unwarranted and it's more than unfortunate. I don't think he's going to be the man, but he's most definately already a star on a level above most of the rest. Despite everything that's happened he's an established main eventer, and you're a long ways from being "fucked" if you're closing Wrestlemania 2 years on the bounce. There's a lot of focus on what he isn't as opposed to what he is, and i'd gladly take 2 or 3 more full timers at his level over the rest of the shite they're trotting out just now. The project has been poorly handled, but it's not a disaster like Ryback for example. 


What to do with The Undertaker though. In some respects this probably being his last Mania in his home state is as much of a disadvantage as it is an advantage. On one hand, his last match would sell itself, but you'd need a strong opponent for a big moment like that they are struggling for someone that could cut it. If it was just another appearance like the Wyatt match last year there are options all over the place. They'll need someone that belongs in the role. Cena or Sting would have been ideal, and i'd buy the idea of HBK getting closure by coming out of retirement for one match only to retire the Undertaker, even if it's been done. It's anyones guess just now, his brother in a career v career match in Texas is an option albeit a poor one. It's probably more meaningful than most of the alternatives though. 

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After the crap go home show for the Rumble, that was much better. Really decent show other than The Authority just handing Reigns a chance to headline Wrestlemania after spending the last month trying to get the title. Where's the drama in that?


Was great to see Styles vs Jericho, it was a good match despite Jericho showing his age and then The Rock segment was just a treat. He was on screen for about half an hour uninterrupted and completely killed it. I don't think they'll ever be anyone as good at him at that sort of thing.

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Read on Twitter that RAW viewing figures increased by 500,000.


Down to Triple H or The Rock do we think? Or simply cause the NFL wasn't on?


HHH or The Rock?  The viewing figure increase was down to AJ Styles, obviously.


I have a feeling Undertaker will tag with Brock Lesnar as a dream team vs all 3 Wyatts. A one on one Undertaker match at Mania is worthless now unless its John Cena but even then with no streak it means nothing. Plus it would be quite cool to see Taker and Brock on the same side

When you say "all 3 Wyatts", which 3 of the 4 do you mean?

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Considering they feel they have to try so hard to get Roman over, the booking for this Fastlane main event seems pretty daft.


Nevermind that it makes no storyline sense to put Roman in the match - he's in there with Lesnar and Ambrose who he's got no chance of getting cheered over with the worst thing being he's probabaly going to pin his best mate to get his Wrestlemania title shot. He's then going to get booed out the building at Wrestlemania against the evil boss. They're absolutely crackers carrying on down this road.

Edited by Benno
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Can't see it.


Towards the end of the match the lights will go out and Bray will be standing there and they will drag Brock down beneath the ring or some shitty kidnap, then Reigns will hit a spear and win. My big issue with Brock/Wyatt is that it's just so weird seeing Brock in a "Sports Entertainment" style feud, he has to be presented in matches that seem like an athletic sporting event and a real big match fight, him getting kidnapped or struck by Bray's lightning effects is just shite.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Can't see it.


Towards the end of the match the lights will go out and Bray will be standing there and they will drag Brock down beneath the ring or some shitty kidnap, then Reigns will hit a spear and win. My big issue with Brock/Wyatt is that it's just so weird seeing Brock in a "Sports Entertainment" style feud, he has to be presented in matches that seem like an athletic sporting event and a real big match fight, him getting kidnapped or struck by Bray's lightning effects is just shite.


Agreed, although i'm sure the undertaker used some magical stuff against him. Just having the Wyatts as hillbilly thugs in this feud is the best way, just a group of big men  trying to take him down for whatever cause. No silly shit I hope

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Can't see it.


Towards the end of the match the lights will go out and Bray will be standing there and they will drag Brock down beneath the ring or some shitty kidnap, then Reigns will hit a spear and win. My big issue with Brock/Wyatt is that it's just so weird seeing Brock in a "Sports Entertainment" style feud, he has to be presented in matches that seem like an athletic sporting event and a real big match fight, him getting kidnapped or struck by Bray's lightning effects is just shite.

Can't see them doing it either but it could give Reigns the shot in the arm he needs. 


Losing the chance to regain the WWE Title, could give him a heel turn. Then he could face Taker, in his own back yard, and Reigns wins retiring him. He can brag about it for the rest of his career then. They could build SummerSlam as the man who ended Undertaker's Streak against the man who ended Undertaker's career.

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