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"Shane is the most formidable opponent Undertaker has ever had at Wrestlemania" - Vince McMahon




I really don't like them calling Undertaker a bitch...especially when he's acting like one by just accepting a match with Shane for no reason at all and then still going ahead with it after everything Vince has said. 

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I actually enjoyed the Funk/Ambrose segment more than anything on the show. Was silly but fun.


I have officially given up trying to make sense of the HHH/Reigns 'story'. Hunter gets blindsided by Reigns and was trying to protect his wife but somehow he is supposed to be the heel in the feud? Urgh. Reigns is shit but the politicking reign of terror version of Triple H shouldn't be making a re-appearance in 2016. Bet he lies in bed all night dreaming of his first ever big Mania pop.
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I actually enjoyed the Funk/Ambrose segment more than anything on the show. Was silly but fun.
I have officially given up trying to make sense of the HHH/Reigns 'story'. Hunter gets blindsided by Reigns and was trying to protect his wife but somehow he is supposed to be the heel in the feud? Urgh. Reigns is shit but the politicking reign of terror version of Triple H shouldn't be making a re-appearance in 2016. Bet he lies in bed all night dreaming of his first ever big Mania pop.



I disagree on this. It made perfect sense, Hunter gave Reigns a brutal beating, Reigns wants his revenge and Hunter was hiding from him so Reigns went and found him.


I feel sorry for Reigns, this is the way he should always have been booked but it's too late now.

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Yeah I have no idea why Zack Ryder is in that match unless they either a) bring back Orton or something in his place and he is easy fodder no one gives a shit about to throw out the match last minute, b) The Wyatt's enter in three of the places to replace Sin Cara, Ryder & Stardust or c) They just don't care and anyone will do.


That being said I am quite looking forward to this gimmicky WrestleMania with Ladders, Street Fights & HITC. 


Although maybe the one fight that could do with a gimmick is the World Title match itself. 

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Yeah. During the opening I was thinking to myself Reigns was doing and saying all the right things, but you wouldn't know because most were busy shouting a "BOO!" at him. He was a superstar on this show; I can get behind this Reigns, sadly nobody else will. Completely their own fault, of course, as it's been clear for over a year since the fans were heavily rejecting Cena Reigns. Turning him heel seems like the clever option, as with almost anybody, a strong heel run always leads to people liking you in the end. They can run with Ambrose in the meantime or even John bloody Cena.


Terry Funk stole the show.


Taker v Shane just gets more mental by the week. First you've got them building Shane McMahon up as a Taz/Goldberg/Sabu hybrid with an amazing video - maybe the best they've hyped a bloke up in years - so good, I still maintain they put the strap on him. Second they add the retirement stip out of nowhere and Vince decides he's going to be calling The Undertaker his "bitch", it's like they've decided they don't want Shane getting many cheers, because nobody is cheering on a bloke that may retire 'Taker. Maybe they've decided on a new direction for the outcome. I have a slight suspicion some of the famous McMahon shenanigans are at play here, but maybe I'm giving them too much credit, as they're clearly scrambling to make this an attraction also. If Undertaker is losing (and come on now) it's surely due to some arsehole doing the dirty.


New Day were abysmal, but I thought the League of Nations (apart from Rusev) were equally as shite during it, because they decided instead of selling anything they'd rather smile like clearly hurt berks. Words hurt.


They always do one of these filler shows a couple of weeks before 'Mania, which isn't a bad thing because you don't want to go mental and ruin the show (yo, Triple H v Orton), but meh.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Ryder has been given this Mania payday as a "thanks for everything" because they're going to cut him in the spring clean, I reckon.

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After reading stories on the news sites, I find it hilarious that Braun Strowman gets attacked by a fan and no sells that too. Useless lump.


I'd actually be more dismayed if he did sell it. A guy that size shouldn't sell too often, and certainly not for some random in the crowd - part of the illusion of pro-wrestling is that these are professional fighters who do what they do because they're tougher than the average guy.

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Another New Day/League of Nations dogshit segment.


I'm so glad someone said that.


I'm off work today and as I wasn't tired, I ended up watching a little over two hours of Raw in what must have been the most WWE TV I've watched since the last Wrestlemania.


Having read a lot about the New Day, I must say that based on last night's evidence, their act is a load of bollocks! I hope that's not usually the case.


I quite liked the old-school simpleness of the Jericho/AJ Styles build but that Andre Battle Royal segment was a load of nonsense filler wasn't it?

Edited by garynysmon
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After reading stories on the news sites, I find it hilarious that Braun Strowman gets attacked by a fan and no sells that too. Useless lump.


If he isn't going to bother to sell for Brock Lesnar why would he sell an attack from a random fan?!?!

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Strange how Owens who had about five segments during the night still felt fresh right till his last stint of the night backstage. Makes you wonder how monotonous they handled Rollins taking up most of the show each week during his reign.


New Day I'm done with. Entertaining at first when they first formed, but quickly diminished into a tiresome act. Said this from the beginning that they'll screw up with too much overkill so I'm not surprised one bit to be honest. Beggers belief what they've done with Del Rio. A shadow of his former self in AAA and LU. Not sure how long his current deal runs for, but fucking hell he's either laughing at the cash he's earning or he's more pissed off that he's stuck right where they want him, makes no sense and a waste.


Says absolutely everything on the shambolic singles match given to Strowman. The disbelief they would book that, again shows the company really doesn't give any fucks whatsoever. Same goes for Sin Cara, Stardust and Ryder being added to a marquee match, just laughable!

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