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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Just joining the people here that promote their own podcasts, but hopefully these are a little different as its all about being in New York for Mania and will be interesting if you wondered what it was like to be there. I think these will genuinely be of interest if you have never been, or wanted to compare your own experience.

We did one episode all about Wrestlemania Sunday, talking about getting to the event, the live experience, comparing it to watching on TV and what a 7.5 hour event feels like to attend.


We then followed up with an episode about the entire week to cover the fun you can have in New York while attending Axxess, Takeover, Wrestlecon, indy shows and the RAW after Mania. This included what the fans are like for the week, budgets to plan for and chatting to the likes of Matt Riddle and Nikki Cross. We seemed to be following Riddle around for 2 days.


Just search for Holy Shoot in whatever podcast app you use to find these are our other episodes.

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Listening to a fairly recent episode of Talk is Jericho, guests are a mate of Jerichos and someone who had a minor role in classic film “The Warriors” as the episode is a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the films release. 

The gentleman who was in the film responds to nearly every question or comment by wetting himself laughing. It’s really made my afternoon listening to him laughing at everything for no reason.

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I'll never forget listening to Jericho's podcast when he claimed London was the oldest city in the world. 

I cannot remember who his guest was they mentioned London being beautiful and full of history which led to Jericho piping up "Chyeahh man I mean it's the oldest city in the world". 

I wish I could remember who it was on with him as you could tell they were like "what the fuck is he talking about".

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2 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

I like how Jericho knows nothing but thinks he's the expert at everything. Its glaring when you listen to his podcast on something you know a lot about yourself, and you can see he's just winging it, but doesn't want to admit he's clueless.

I remember trying to listen to Colt Cabana's podcast a few times and thinking he came across as so dense. Every point he would misunderstand and ask a dumb question about. I've invented a conversation to demonstrate my point. 

Wrestler: So that's when I had heat with Hercules, because he me with his chain too hard

Colt: Haha! Man that's funny, so it was like a rib?

Wrestler: No, I was pissed at him.

Colt: Was Herc a good ribber? 

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Suprised that Conrad hadn’t put in a word for him to Westwood One

The last time Austin was in a partnership with someone with a southern drawl and big tits it ended with him being arrested for domestic violence so I reckon Conrad wants to be staying the fuck away from him. 

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17 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

I like how Jericho knows nothing but thinks he's the expert at everything. Its glaring when you listen to his podcast on something you know a lot about yourself, and you can see he's just winging it, but doesn't want to admit he's clueless.

He also clearly doesn’t take notice of anything around him but himself. I remember the podcast he did with Owens and Zayn. Those two started talking about Shawn Michaels been in the nWo and Jericho just didn’t believe them. “Shawn was in the nWo? In wwe? When?” Jericho was on Raw at exactly the same. 

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Jericho does the same thing when interviewing musicians on his podcast though, he plays dumb so that it means they talk more detailed about the subject rather than him just saying "yeah so tell me about that time when...". I think it's a clever way of running things. I first noticed it during his podcast with Chavo Guerrero when talking about Eddie Guerrero's death and he's questinong him in ways that he's not asking the question but is getting a full detailed response. Dude's smarter than you think. His music knowledge is fuckin incredible too.

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