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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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Yeah fair fucks to Miz. Was never a fan, but he hung in there and got more than rewarded for his perseverance (WM main event, even if he was an afterthought + Maryse.) Only interview I've heard him do was Cabana's podcast a year or two ago, where he'd be right on the verge of saying something interesting, but then he'd realize and pull back and go back into Miz character mode. Definitely a fascinating book in him when he retires and is comfortable speaking the truth.

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Yeah that book has to come away from WWE - but I can't imagine him ever leaving. He'll be around forever even if it's only doing the talking head/network preshow/media appearance circuit.

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Miz is one of lifes success stories. Never been a fan of him really, but always liked him when he's been on interviews and stuff. Always glad to hear he's done well, because he seems such a nice guy. Its not hard to see why he made it. He rolled with the punches even when everyone was out to get him. I bet his autobiography will be worth reading. His early years in the WWE were quite brutal by all accounts. Getting bullied by the small willys of the promotion and stuff.


The fact that he's still employed makes him a success. I hate him. Not in a heel way but in a "your face makes me want to end my own life" sort of way. Can't argue with this post though. He's made it a hell of a long way on a thimble (half) full of talent in an incredibly tough environment (well it was). I'm not pleased for the smug looking fucker but I do accept he's done alright. And that match with Lawler that time was really good.

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