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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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Ken Patera vs One Man Gang was guaranteed to be 90% bearhug. I can actually see the whole match in my head. Actually, probably a front facelock from a grounded position, because they could have a rest after last nights match went over 8 minutes. The Gang probably left the ring and took a count out loss as well.


You'd think Bravo vs Patera and The Gang vs Hacksaw Duggan would have been better suited there.


The spot leading to OMG's victory would have been Patera missing a shoulder charge into the corner and twatting himself on the post. He always bloody did that as a lead in to the finish as a baby.

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Edge, Rey, Chavo, Eddie, Benoit and Angle


Between those guys all had great matches together on SD from 02-03, singles and tag.


Heyman is credited with making SD better than Raw in that period when he had the book and those 6 guys all contributed in making SD a cracking show.




We had the Smackdown 6, now it's the NXT 5. Going to be a good few months ahead on that show

Who were the Smackdown 6?
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The Smackdown Six were Edge, Rey Mysterio, Chavo and Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. There was a period where there were some outstanding matches between these six in singles and tag matches. Then you had a young Brock Lesnar on top. I'd stopped watching by this point unfortunately but going back over it, it was a great time for Smackdown. 

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Smackdown was a great show between that 2002-03 period but from 2004 onwards i thought it became so shite that i would only watch Raw. When they booked JBL as a main event player and putting the title on him killed Smackdown for me.

Nah, not having that. Sure, I did a double take when JBL was given the nod given his so-so run with the company in all the years he was there, but his SmackDown! title run was immense. I'm not sure how he performed on top numbers wise (nor do I care really), but the man was an absolute hoot. He was making people laugh one minute and could have nuclear heat the next. His facials and mic time during the original One Night Stand PPV was some of the best stuff on that show.


He may be a bit shit on commentary these days but fuck, I really miss having him as champion. I'd post a pic of the great man himself with the belt but can't quite figure out how to do it on my phone. Someone else do it for me.

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JBL kept Smackdown afloat for me in late 2004-early 2005. Aside from his title reign Smackdown was pretty dire around that time. When you had 20 minute Tough Enough segments opening the show, the crappy split between Kidman and Paul London where Kidman sulked for weeks because he injured Chavo, Jackie and Dawn Marie fighting over Charlie Haas, Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree as tag champs.


JBL's title run was the only interesting thing about the show for me. He had a couple of really good TV matches with Kurt Angle around that time as well, if I'm remembering right. Only thing that was shit about him was he was saddled with the Bashams and Orlando Jordan. He deserved better than that shower.

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No matter how much you disliked Bradshaw before the run or thought he wasn't a fitting champ, I don't think anyone could deny he grew into the role brilliantly. He cut money promos and he carried his end of big matches. Smackdown was dire at the time so there wasn't an undercard to help nor many main event guys to oppose him but he definitely made the best of the situation.


I say that as someone who took a long time to come around to him as champion. Agree on the 'cabinet' though. Easily one of wrestling's worst ever stables!

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Who was the chick in the cabinet, the brunette? She was nice, and never actually said or did anything other than stand around looking hot. Amy Webber, I think..?


OJ and the Bashams were worthless though.


Add me to the list of people who hated Bradshaw winning the title off Eddie at first and then completely came around to his title run and his transition to the JBL character.

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