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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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That's really good - looks like it could be sponsored by the BBC. Very professional, even a bit sportsy.

Instantly reminded me of the BBC video releases of the late 90's.


Great effort except the bloke in the background has had his head cut off.

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It's amazing what a bit of direction does for a promotion, cmll is cracking at the moment. There's some tot lower down the card still but there's some real good story driven matches at the top rather than the usual random high spots showcases.


I've also been watching some wwc, including a great match between Murdoch and Wahoo that didn't have a single wrestling hold. Wrestling holds are overrated.

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Been watching a lot of 1996/7 PPVs starting from Royal Rumble 1996 up through to Wrestlemania 13. The upper card is quality, one of the best I'd say. The lower card though is the fucking pits. Why did The Godwinns have a job for so long?

Edited by FelatioLips
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There's a match with the Godwinns against our Davey Boy and Vader which is pretty exciting, I think it's the opener of the first Best of Raw tape, which also popped up as a Tagged Classic towards the end there. They proper chuck Vader around in it; surprising when they were setting him up for Michaels. But yeah, it's fun.

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The Godwinns were also pretty decent when they were being used correctly, in roles that suited them - which was practically their whole careers outwith that horrible period being talked about in 96-97. Even if Phineas was a big stiff.


In terms of talent, in some ways you could liken 1996 WWF to WCW the previous year. A pretty crap midcard despite having loads of talent, mainly because it was so unbalanced with a wealth of good heels but very little in terms of babyfaces. You look at the likes of Austin, HHH, Goldust, King, Owen, Faarooq etc and the only real opponents for most of that period was Ahmed when he was fit, and the Wildman (who was actually on fire in 1996 , he deserves way more praise than he seems to get). The likes of Savio, Jake (as much as I still enjoyed him just for who he was,a nd loved the Lawler stuff), Holly, Aldo, Duke and co. were never going to cut it. There were other odd fun guys, like Freddie Joe Floyd for example, but he was barely above ham n egger level, and didn't exactly have the look to go much higher. Things were so bad, they had to resort to heel v heel with Austin and HHH at an IYH.


As they aproached 1997, things did pick up though, partly thanks to the influx of talent around Survivor Series time, as well as guys like Ahmed coming back from injury, some new tag teams like the Can Ams, the Blackjacks who were quite good, and Headbangers who were passible I guess (they were popular at least). So i wouldn't really include those months prior to WM13 in that. They should have done way more with Flash though. He could easily have fitted into the spot left by Mero when he got injured early in '97 and thrived, instead of just being stuck as another Spark Plug


The 'Awful in WCW in 95/WWF in 96' similarities were apparent at the top end of the tag division too, in particular the babyface side with the flagship teams being the Nasty Boys and Godwinns. If ever a time was crying out for LOD or the Steiners, it was then - and sure enough, one of them turned up in each fed the following year (both in WCW). Furnas and LaFon would've been ideal for 1995 WCW too imo, they'd have been far more popular than they were in the WWF.


The worst thing about the WWF ranks in 96 though was that as weak as the division was, they still could've made it miles better if they'd only played to each teams strengths i.e build the division around the Gunns and Rockers as babyfaces with the Godwinns and Bodydonnas as heels. Instead, they practically done the exact opposite. It's not like it was an afterthought of a division either, it was pretty prominent back then, pretty much every PPV had a tag title match.

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That GAEA Girls thread reminded me that I was watching some random Prime Time Wrestling last night and to my surprise The Crush Girls popped up in a match at MSG on an early (February I think) 1986 episode. I read that Vince apparently looked into bringing them in at some point before going with The Jumping Bomb Angels but had no idea that they actually wrestled there.

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Did anyone see the eight-man tag on Superstars this week between Los Matadores and the Usos taking on 3MB and Curt Hawkins (who was "auditioning" to join 3MB)? I've not been very interested in many matches (particularly on TV) over the last few months, but this was a match I enjoyed. It wasn't long anough to lose my interest and was a quick, fun match with a great finish, definitely worth a go if you're on the hunt for something fun to watch.

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Last week on Superstars there was a 3MB vs Uso's and Big E Langston match which was really good. Uso's and Langston were a really good babyface team and had chemistry together.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Been asking a few people around here, for suggestions on things to review for a new podcast me and some mates are doing. It's going to be a review of the worst or weird in wrestling covering PPV's, episodic TV, Wrestler/Wrestling movies, Wrestlers in TV shows and all sorts of weird other anomalies in wrestling. Anyone have any suggestions for things they would personally like to hear us review? Thanks to those who already messaged back with some suggestions.


EDIT: So far my own list included most of WCW 1999/2000 (including PPV's and Nitro's), XWF, XPW, WWA, Early TNA Wednesday PPV's, Legends and Icons IPPV and the super awesome GLOW.

Edited by WWFChilli
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