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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Brodus as Del Rios bodyguard was great casting initially. Be good if he could recover from it. He's definitely got it in him to be a believable nasty hard bastard. He needs to change from the singlet with that though.


On the finishers, SCM could easily be argued for top 3 yeah, but it would only replace the pedigree if it did for me. But the pedigree and the tombstone are probably the most well protected, over finishers ever. Rarely kicked out of and when it was it was big shit. Sweet Chin Music during Michaels second run was perhaps even more over than before but more frequently didn't signal the end of the match. The stunner is simply the most over finisher ever and is also pretty well protected.

Edited by ShortOrderCook
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On the finishers, SCM could easily be argued for top 3 yeah, but it would only replace the pedigree if it did for me. But the pedigree and the tombstone are probably the most well protected, over finishers ever. Rarely kicked out of and when it was it was big shit. Sweet Chin Music during Michaels second run was perhaps even more over than before but more frequently didn't signal the end of the match. The stunner is simply the most over finisher ever and is also pretty well protected.

Granted I haven't seen much post-2004 but from what I can recall virtually every major feud Trips had from 2000-2004 had his opponent kicking out of the Pedigree. I certainly never considered it a definite match-ender at the time. I guess it comes with the territory of being a heel for most of the run though.

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Find me a match from Japan where Albert was good and I'll call you a liar. Been watching some stuff this afternoon and he was just as fucking crap as he always was! It could be the most impressive Power Slam/IWC myth of all time that he magically got good. What a complete load of shit, no wonder Tensai was such a disappointment when he came back.


I finally got round to watching that cracking Cesaro vs Regal match from NXT and his commentary during that is fucking abysmal. Reminds me of that old Clive Anderson line - is there no beginning to his talents?

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Think it was a case of them playing up to his strengths in Japan however limited they may be. Tell everyone long enough that someone is great and people believe it. WWE only seems to like their own creations and for people to react in the way they tell them. Wish they would allow wrestlers/superstars to progress more organically.

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In response to Dopper's concerns over the use of the term 'WWE', isn't it simply the company's way of avoiding the term 'Wrestling'?


That's not the point I was making. I get why they replace "wrestling" with sports entertainment", but the thing where I think they are taking it too far is referring to things that happened in other promotions with no affiliation with WWWF/WWF/WWE as being a part of "WWE history".


Like how Sting's Scorpion (Death) Lock is ranked as one of the "Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History".

He never did the move on a WWE show, he never even wrestled a single match for WWE, so for them to proclaim that move is a part of WWE history is wrong.


They worded it differently in other DVDs of this type like the Greatest Ladder Matches and Greatest Cage Matches sets, which is why this one stood out when I read it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not up in arms about it and preparing to make a YouTube rant about it.

It was just a random thought.

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Find me a match from Japan where Albert was good and I'll call you a liar. Been watching some stuff this afternoon and he was just as fucking crap as he always was! It could be the most impressive Power Slam/IWC myth of all time that he magically got good. What a complete load of shit, no wonder Tensai was such a disappointment when he came back.


I finally got round to watching that cracking Cesaro vs Regal match from NXT and his commentary during that is fucking abysmal. Reminds me of that old Clive Anderson line - is there no beginning to his talents?


Not seen that match yet but I did catch some of his first appearance at the desk on NXT and I honestly believe that Regal really wanted to stick the header on him withing three minutes of the show starting.

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Did Earthquake get pinned much on TV in WWF? I know Warrior pinned him on a Coliseum video match but I'm struggling to think of many more.

Hardly ever, he was pretty well protected (as he should have been). Until he turned babyface (one of the most miscast roles ever), I can't remember any pinfall losses on ordinary weekly TV actually - just to Warrior and DBS on vid, and Jake on the MSG network.


Dibiase did beat him with the $M dream in 1992, and I remember him losing clean to Yokozuna, but that's about all that springs to mind other than countouts etc.


It is somewhat surprising there aren't more TV losses from 1991 as he was being jobbed out to almost everyone and anyone on the house show circuit prior to forming the Natural Disasters, often through Andre interference.

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Did The Shield lose a six-man tag by disqualification the other week because one of them broke up a pin?



Find me a match from Japan where Albert was good and I'll call you a liar. Been watching some stuff this afternoon and he was just as fucking crap as he always was! It could be the most impressive Power Slam/IWC myth of all time that he magically got good. What a complete load of shit, no wonder Tensai was such a disappointment when he came back.

This is pretty good. Not a case for Tensai being some kind of super-worker or anything, but he's far from shit here. I think it's from 2006, but not 100% on that.

Have you got a link to one where Natalya's good? I think her being good is a bigger lie than the Albert lie, because at least everyone admitted he was shit after about six months of him being back. But you still get clowns demanding Nattie be made divas champion because she's a WORKER~ and top quality and all that.


Brodus as Del Rios bodyguard was great casting initially. Be good if he could recover from it. He's definitely got it in him to be a believable nasty hard bastard.

As a bodyguard, maybe. As a wrestler, he hasn't. Or at least he's never really shown it. The only time he's ever been good in the ring was the very early Funkasaurus stuff, with the "Should I get him? My bad!" lines throughout. Try to do anything serious, and he's too wobbly and silly-looking. He's basically got nothing going for him as a serious wrestler except that T-bone suplex. I do like his delusion gimmick at the moment, though.


In response to Dopper's concerns over the use of the term 'WWE', isn't it simply the company's way of avoiding the term 'Wrestling'?


That's not the point I was making. I get why they replace "wrestling" with sports entertainment", but the thing where I think they are taking it too far is referring to things that happened in other promotions with no affiliation with WWWF/WWF/WWE as being a part of "WWE history".


Like how Sting's Scorpion (Death) Lock is ranked as one of the "Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History".

He never did the move on a WWE show, he never even wrestled a single match for WWE, so for them to proclaim that move is a part of WWE history is wrong.

WWE owns WCW. Anything Sting did in WCW is a part of WWE history.

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