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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The Shield are let down by their terrible t-shirts so far and having done fuck all of note. That week that 3MB had a "behind the music" video was more character development than The Shield ever had. They're just rookies dressed up as Big Bossman having tag matches all the time. Good tag matches, but until they actually do something besides that, they're nowhere near top faction.


Evolution and the Horsemen were a bit different as they had established main eventers at the helm. Look at summer 1998 DX vs The Nation for how to do midcard stables properly. If that was The Shield, they wouldn't even feud and you'd never see one group come down in blackface mocking the other, they'd just have six-mans every week for half a year.

Edited by King Pitcos
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That's not true.


TNA's issue is that nobody does anything. If WWE has a problem it's that when someone does do something, then the person they've done it too has to do something of equal value in return a week later.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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They're no different from the majority of the roster unfortunately.

That's true. Very few acts currently are as engaging as their equivalents from ten, fifteen, twenty years ago despite being better athletes and in a lot of cases, more exciting wrestlers. Every fucker's overexposed now with little to show for it. Even CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and The Shield are fast-forward worthy half the time once the bell rings. Punk's messing about with R-Truth and Curtis Axel, which nobody should have time to watch. And as good as Bryan and Shield are, they've been on a loop for months doing the same thing. WWE are in danger of blowing the Goldust and Cody Rhodes momentum by throwing them into the same match every week too. At some point, the Rhodes boys beating Reigns and Rollins (and vice versa) stops meaning anything.


To use a WWE home video analogy, Evolution were a proper DVD with a documentary. The Shield are just a lazy match compilation where occasionally Matt Striker shows a couple of clips beforehand.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Its strange that so many promotions seem to be guilty of that kind of booking. Certainly NJPW, TNA and CMLL are guilty of booking some of their good matches over and over again with little behind those matches. Its fine having good matches between good wrestlers but it seems like hardly any of them actually matter.

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That's not true.


Nobody does anything memorable is what I meant. I agree, the parity booking cripples everything.


Everyone's plugged into the same midcard formula. Bloke has match with bloke, bloke watches bloke wrestle someone else whilst doing colour commentary, bloke jumps him after match, bloke has three more matches with bloke, second bloke 'distracts' first bloke to a loss by standing outside the ring. Match, match, match. Miz TV is you're lucky.


Looks like they're at least attempting something different with Wyatt, mind.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Somewhat related to the WWE parity booking - one of my current pro-wrestling pet hates is when, every time there's a triple threat title match, the announcers have to let us know "the champion(s) only have a 33.3% chance of retaining the titles!"


What, so each participant has exactly the same probability of winning the match? I'm all for promoting an "anything can happen, everyone has a puncher's chance of beating the other guy" style, but that's a bit much.


It only ever seems to apply to triple threat matches though, which presumably explains why they haven't abandoned singles matches in favour of a coin toss.

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Oh dear...


Caught the end of TNA. Pile of bumjumble that was.


And now 'WrestleTalk'. Utter shit. Utter utter shit. Who the fuck are these people? Is this the general consensus of wrestling fans? Eugh.

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I really wish the 'E would do a Halloween Havoc edition of RAW with all their crazy characters from yesteryear making an appearance and a special cheap and naff set (I know the WCW Havocs had great sets but I want a naff one).

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