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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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This might interest people: Meltzer 90s Quotes Twitter

Vamp, that's really weird! I swear to God I just logged on and entered this thread to post the exact same thing. Seriously. I just noticed that Tweet about Abdullah not wanting to put Dustin over in 92 and thought to myself that I should share this little gem of a Twitter account.


Great minds.

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This one is far funnier than it should be:-


Meltzer in the 90s ‏@ObserverQuotes 26 May

Earl Hebner broke his hand in England when Yokozuna fell on it. [10/94]



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I think its a bit of a shame that when people come to wank over the World of Sport stuff these days they focus mainly on the technique of the ringwork and stuff. I think the celebration of that stuff has come to overshadow the possibly more important thing, how brilliant they were at creating characters. They didn't need promo time to get Jim Breaks over as the crybaby, just good announcing and character driven actions in the ring.

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Just been catching up on episodes of The Daily Show, and discovered they did a whole segment last week on Zeb Colter! The episode was based around immigration, so they showed footage of a Zeb promo to show how the immigration debate is reaching every part of American culture... And they were actually quite complimentary! They showed several clips of an Antonio Cesaro vs William Regal match, followed by John Oliver and Mick Foley cutting a comedic promo on Zeb. Worth looking for online if you didn't catch it on Comedy Central.

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How would you lot feel if wrestling was shot like a movie? Jeff Katz (the bloke who ran off with $100,000 of kickstarter money) talked about this for his Wrestling Revolution thing that he was going to start. He was going to use these really expensive cameras that they'd used on Snakes On A Plane and create this cinematic feel to it all, as opposed to the way Raw has always filmed their stuff. I just imagine matches like that the matches in The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke and The Necro Butcher.

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I'd have to see it properly in action, but I don't think it'd work. I think WWE shoots it pretty much perfectly at the moment for what wrestling is. To do it like a movie you'd need multiple setups and multiple takes, and the fans oohing and aahing would be fake. There'd be no organic crowd response to it. You'd never get something on par with a big WrestleMania match, live and full of false finishes with the crowd completely hooked.


I don't think wrestling as a genre has enough depth to work as a pre-recorded TV season the way The Wire, Breaking Bad or Spartacus do. Too much of its appeal is in the live performance nature of it. It'd be a really different beast to do it like a film or proper TV show, and I'd be interested in seeing it, but I don't think it'd work.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Same as watching cricket, football or any other sport - it would be shit to get into. Wrestling is presented as being real, it needs to be shot like a proper sporting event. Watching DeNiro box in Raging Bull with all the cinematography is incredible, because there is a time and place for it. When Tyson boxed Bruno in 96, who really would have wanted to watch it filmed in a cinematic manner? It would be distracting as hell when you are trying to concentrate on something heavily hyped.

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Supposedly it would look like this: Wrestling Revolution preview match. Enter the password 'whattooksolongkatz'. Its a battle royal. Apparently the project is going ahead and they'll be uploading preview matches.


To be honest, I think WSX did it better.


The problem with this sort of thing is I think you're in danger of really sucking the life out of shows. But then I don't think its something that anyone's really done well yet and I think wrestling could probably do with a new way of being presented. I think its difficult to judge the idea until we've seen a real good execution of it, and I don't think we ever will.

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I watched the two Raws after Wrestlemania 14 last night. The reaction that Austin gets is incredible, the crowd even chant for him when stuff in the ring doesn't have anything to do with him.


Anyway, the Raw straight after Wrestlemania was stacked full of all kinds of shizzle. First Austin comes down and stuns Vince then he gets arrested. Rock cuts a promo with the Nation backstage saying Farooq is the man, then shits on him in a tag match with Shamrock and Blackman and takes control of the NOD. HHH slags of Michaels, then introduces Xpac who cuts a blistering promo taking shots at Hogan and Bischoff and saying Hall and Nash would have jumped with him if they could. The main event is the cage match between Funk and Foley and The New Age Outlaws, which ends with The Outlaws joining DX. Xpac smashes Foley's head in with a chair, while the crowd chant for Austin. Undertaker and Kane fuck about which leads to the Inferno Match. I've never watched all this before in its entirety and its fantastic viewing. Yes there was shit sprinkled in amongst the good stuff, but to reset things after Wrestlemanis it was superb.


I'm gonna watch most of the Summer of 98 I think.

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In regards to the wrestling/film question.


I think that the annount of post editing to get it to a decent standard would be a mammoth task and expense. When you take in to consideration the annount of time WWE currently take to complete basic edits in order to roll out a weekly show, compared to the annount of months the average production company takes to roll out a movie, it doesn't add up.


I agree with the above replies too, the life would be drained out of it. Promo packages and recaps are enough 'movie style' action in wrestling to warrant a full show. I can't see it being viable. Interesting idea, but pointless overall unless executed perfectly with months to spend on each edit.


I would however love to see a WWE movie of The Wrestler ilk. The story being around a particular wrestlers life journey or the build up and fall out of an event.

In fact, a Vince Mac life story movie would be the dogs bollox. Have Vince play himself and Shane as Younger Vince. Well aye.

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