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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Nah, Bray's theme is still awesome. He went into a bit of detail about it when he was on Austin's podcast as he wanted something to combine well with the character. Said that a lot of the NXT guys would hear a few seconds of some generic metal track and decide on it quickly, whereas he really took his time to find something

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Finn Balor's Royal Blood rip-off theme tune is pretty awesome, yeah.


Sami Zayn's is one of the best in all of WWE I reckon, suits him down to the ground. I also like the themes of Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin, even if they are a bit generic.


Oh, and Hideo's and Enzo's too... To be honest they have done a pretty good job with the NXT guys over the past year.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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For me, the fact that Reigns is still clinging to his Shield identity is a bit of a let-down. I know that people pop for the tune, enjoy the entrance through the crowd and he can't take off his Big Boss Man outfit because he's got a Samoan belly, ]but none of those things are really his. It's a bit like how X-PAC would wear DX colours and kept their theme tune long after the group had disbanded. Made him look a bit small-time.



I wouldn't go so far to call the brother fat. I mean he's got a weight problem but what's he gonna do? He is Samoan.


Weight problem?!?! I wish I was a "fat" bastard like Roman Reigns.

I got the Pulp Fiction ref Mr Danger.

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Sami Zayn's theme is also awesome. And Finn Balor's. And I really like the NXT theme itself.

I think it's completely different people doing these themes - I know Full Sail students do camerawork and the like, do they do the music too?

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Sami Zayn's theme is also awesome. And Finn Balor's. And I really like the NXT theme itself.

I think it's completely different people doing these themes - I know Full Sail students do camerawork and the like, do they do the music too?


They might do the music videos (hello, free templates) but CFO$ do most of the themes, as previously mentioned.

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I'm one of the guys on here that's in their early 30's and was introduced to wrestling via the vibrant Hogan, Savage & Warrior era, initially peaked at Davey Boy Smith's triumph at Wembley then tuned out until the magical Attitude era where wrestling was hotter than hot and the entertainment levels were unmatched. Then since around 2003ish, I've been an Internet mark who fuckin hates almost all of the new generation of cookie cutter, soulless, clean living cunts who make up the PG era roster....


That said, this Dean Ambrose lad has caught my eye on YouTube, seems cool as fuck, and brilliant in the ring. I don't watch the shows now, so wondering if there's a chance WWE would trust this guy in a top spot?

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Simple answer is yes, but a few tweets maybe required.


WWE really are obsessed with social media these days, aren't they?


#RAW #COO #BestForBusiness #RumbleControversy #PurpleReigns

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