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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I know it's un-befitting of the face of the company and all that, but I wish Cena would give these kinds of responses to his detractors, rather than the "aww shucks, you guys" route.


After the main event, John Cena got in the ring and put Adrian Neville over. Cena said he'd keep it brief, and a guy in the crowd yelled "Good!" Cena buried the guy. Cena said he knows it's two hours past the guy's curfew but Cena talked to his mom and got him off the hook. Hilarious.


From prowrestling.net

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I was dizzy with joy after the Cesaro and Sami Zayn match. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at times. I looked at it and thought "the bloke wont be in developmental for long". Zayn is fucking shockingly talented. Like ridiculous. Jim Cornette hates him with a passion personally but even he said he's the best seller he's seen since Ricky Morton. Zayn will get over on the main roster like nobodies business. He might be the next Daniel Bryan. He's likable, has fire and can sell like Steamboat. When you have those three things, you cant not get over.


Paige has talked herself out of NXT as well I reckon. You could easily bring her in the night after WrestleMania and turn AJ Lee and let feud. Paige is another one who would be over like fuck if she ventured onto Raw and Smackdown. Neville is amazing as well, but I fear for what you can do with him. Look at the problems Emma is having, and they love her. Emma had a gimmick and a personality on NXT. Neville only has his wrestling to get by on, and with the likes of who they have on the roster these days that might not be enough. Someone said on another forum they should bring Bo Dallas up as Sister Abigale, which I found funny.


One thing, though, the show excellent. Very well paced. The arena setup looked class as well. Like a mini-Raw. Its pretty sad that NXT is the alternative to WWE, yet NXT is actually WWE. Nobody caught on that this is a formula that would have been lapped up by the fans in 2007 if TNA tried it. And Cesaro and Zayn were around back then. WWE weren't in the market for them. Someone could have taken advantage there.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I thought the emotional ending to the cesaro match really elevated it for me above their first three matches.

I went to bed during the ascension as i had to be up at 6. I really wanted to see the first hour or so to check how live events would go.

Nxt arrival being the first event was less about them overly caring about new guys and more about them being the guinea pigs for the network first significant live offering.

After the first day my service has been great, no drop outs or buffering. For those affected though I believe they should extend the trial.

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I watched Cesaro/Zayn this morning and of course it was excellent. Their best match so far in my opinion. Zayn's new tights are swish and he hasa bright future ahead of him. He's toned up alot too. Can't believe he hid his face under a mask for so long, he has a natural charisma that just can't be taught.


Is it just me or is Mojo Rawley pretty rubbish? I know he's green as hell but I just can't see a long term future in him at this point. His flying butt bump finisher is the absolute shits.

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Don't like Mojo either, I've only seen him one though. He was jumping around ringside at the fans and it looked a bit cack. I know that's his gimmick but I didn't like it. He also didn't seem to make much use of his size. He's a big lad.


Edit- this is based on an episode of NXT I saw him on a few weeks ago

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Never paid any notice of NXT since i saw low ki playing wwe triva.


Decided to give arrival a go, glad i did!


Cesaro/Zayn was awesome, not really a WWE style match at all. Probably enjoyed that as much or more than anything WWE has put out the past year or so. I will make more of an effort to watch it from now on.

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Just finished watching the show. Great show top to bottom.

* Cesaro/Zayn was great as it usually is when they lock up

* CJ Parker/Mojo Rawley was probably the weakest part of the show but it wasn't overly long so its not like it overstayed its welcome

* Ascention look really good (great theme music too)

* Emma/Paige was very enjoyable.

* Rusev slaughtering Tyler Breeze and Xavier Woods was great. Rusev has the same qualities as what Umaga had when he debuted. Big guy who can move like a half his size but impact moves look like they will mess you up. Looking forward to seeing more of him

* Neville/Dallas - Can't believe that is the same guy I saw footage of backyarding in Middlesbrough, shorter than I seem to remember though, or maybe Dallas is taller than I thought. Real good match between them though

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Watched this this morning. An awesome show all told.


Zayn vs Cesaro was insane. Cesaro is amazing and Zayn has to be called up soon. If they are turning Cesaro face on TV I think a good way to bring Zayn up would be as a mystery partner for Cesaro or something. A respect angle.


Really don't see what all the fuss is about with Mojo Rawley.


Ascension are pretty good but I don't think there's a place for them on TV while the Wyatts are so dominant. Was fun to see Too Cool back again.


Emma and Paige was pretty good. It's difference between Emma on Raw and Emma on NXT is startling.


Rusev looks like a badass. I think the best way to introduce him to TV would be in a similar vein as last night. Have him take out midcard guys for week a'la Brock.


Bo is such a good heel, that face is so smackable. I thought the ladder match ended a bit suddenly but was glad to see Neville get the win.


I've only watched NXT sporadically to this point but I may start watching it weekly on the Network from now on. Fantastic show.

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Incredible opener. When Zayn made his entrance my reaction was "who is this goofy looking prick?" but come the end I was right behind him.


I liked the video packages and you can see a lot of the NXT lot have potential.


The Women's match was like something from a different company. It's felt like years since I've enjoyed a WWE produced Women's match. I agree Paige is seemingly ready for the main roster.


The ladder match was pretty weak, I thought. Wasn't bad, but I expected more from Neville.

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I'mma have to watch this one!


Cesaro / Zayn sounds cool, and I've been looking forward to seeing Rusev in action properly since The Rumble.

I really like what I've seen of Rusev so far. Not sure what he'll be like in matches where he isn't the dominant heel- hopefully something along the lines of Umaga vs Cena. But his offence is certainly unique and interesting. I love his stance.


Oh, and Lana :love: Very good in her Bridgette Nielsen role

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