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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Random thought, but noticed Corey Graves' voice on the promo package for Itami/Strong at the beginning - do they use Percy Watson or Nigel McGuinness' voice on any of these? I don't remember ever hearing them.

It's likely because Percy's never said a single thing worth remembering, but it doesn't suggest they're all that happy with Nigel "Ring Of Honor" McGuinness as a colour guy if they're not getting a single soundbite out of him, surely? Or am I just over-thinking this.


Again, on Ruby Riot, I've worked with her, like her a lot, and a big fan of her work. She's done just about nothing in NXT so far that's as good as what I think she's capable of. I'm hoping that she'll have the chance to showcase that at Takeover, as most of her "crazy brawls" with Nikki Cross so far have just been them rolling around on the mat like an Attitude Era catfight.

Edited by BomberPat
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The Punk gimmick never comes across well in wrestling, it's not something that you can really play at being as the insincerity always shines through. Maybe that's also just me looking at the American take of it through British eyes.

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I don't think there's much insincerity in Ruby's case; that's pretty much her. They do overdo it with her entrance; on the indies, she'd stick her tongue out at the camera once or twice, in NXT it's hanging out all match, and she's skipping about like sodding AJ Lee. They seem to be exaggerating the wrong bits of her character.

And, I've said it before, but the announcers keep going on about how she could be just as crazy as Nikki Cross, while Ruby's doing calm and measured promos, and getting video packages about how she's just a small town girl trying to make a name for herself. The disconnect in their storytelling is the problem, not her.

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I'm fascinated as to how Black is hitting some of his strikes without just potato-ing guys. That spin kick in particular looks like he's throwing it full-force, not pulling anything back. Either he's really fucking good or he's the new RVD and people are going to hate working with him on the main roster.

Edited by Supremo
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Black faced Hawkins on Main Event this week, still did all his kicks etc but guess Hawkins is a jobber and can't/won't complain if someones stiff.

I did wonder too how his kicks would fair against main roster guys but guess it depends who he's against and how stiff his kicks are?

Did he have a reputation before nxt?

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8 hours ago, The Cutting Edge said:

Black faced Hawkins on Main Event this week, still did all his kicks etc but guess Hawkins is a jobber and can't/won't complain if someones stiff.

I did wonder too how his kicks would fair against main roster guys but guess it depends who he's against and how stiff his kicks are?

Did he have a reputation before nxt?

Bold new gimmick for Curt Hawkins there . . .

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53 minutes ago, Statto said:

Is NXT guys turning up on Main Event a regular thing? Don't pay that show much attention these days.

It has happened, but not really regular.


Kalisto, Sami Zayn, Charlotte and Sasha Banks all appeared on Main Event before their 'debuts'.

Edited by The Dart
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What is Black's mic work like? I don't think he has said a word has he in NXT, and tbh i didn't see anything promo wise on the indies as Tommy End. For me most certainly has somw kind of IT factor, but he better be able to speak otherwise i can see it being a character Vince just don't get at all.

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I wasn't interested in him at all during his NXT debut but a few fun squashes later and he's one of my favourite parts of the show. Selfishly hoping he doesn't get called up in a way, as I'd like to see him against McIntyre, Ohno and the like sooner rather than later/never.

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