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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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As someone who was familiar with the name "Tommy End" but not his work, taking a seat during matches and channeling his inner Chuck Norris with his spin kicks whilst looking moody isn't really doing anything for me at the moment. He just looks like a CAW someone who's a fan of Undertaker, Raven and RVD made to amalgamate the three.

I'mĀ not by any means saying he's a bad performer, but I think he's just been stuck in squashes and WWE's hoping you're already familiar with him.

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He spoke during the vignettes. He sounded Dutch, as he probably should.

He reminds me a lot of Punk though. If he CAN talk, maybe we'll get the replacement few people around here will want.

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I can see him getting over saying very little, then once he is on the main roster he has to struggle through long scripted promos and being exposed.Ā 

He certainly has an aura about him which should be easy to capitalise on, but I just can't see it working out. When he is eventually forced into a comedy role it's going to be fucking direĀ 

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Black can talk, seen him do good promos in English. Most northern Europeans speak better English than us in the UKĀ 

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They should rename it 'NXT: Pete Dunne takes over', because it's the main thing that will probably happen. The rest of the card seems ok but not exciting, it's certainly Dunne's chance to make everyone take notice.

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Looking forward to the show tonight...not too much hype which helps expectations and maybe a sleeper hit?


Is Nakamura still on the nxt tour next month....the wwe tweeted a video of him saying he would be late march

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