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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I knew what the ending of the show was going to be because it was being talked about in two other threads on here, but it was still great to watch. Samoa Joe in WWE. Never thought I'd see the day, etc etc. Surreal. So many options for him too. Joe vs. Owens, Balor, Itami, Rhyno*, Cena (they're friends from back in the UPW days, aren't they?), Rollins, Ambrose, Harper, Rusev, Reigns, Neville, Lesnar etc, all sound good to me.


Balor's entrance in the opener was brilliant - I just wish we got a bit more of 'the demon' in the matches themselves. He psyches himself up with the war paint and everything, then the bell rings and it's just the same as if he hadn't. Shame for Itami, hope he's back soon. I do wonder when Finn will get his title shot without it being overshadowed by Joe. I agree with others that it's time for Tyler Breeze to move up - it feels like he's in a holding pattern on NXT now, he's kind of done everything he can.


Damn Alexa Bliss! Damn her! I really wanted Enzo and Cass to win the titles. Blake, Murphy and Bliss vs. Enzo, Cass and Carmella, though? I'll take that.


Echo the love for Banks vs. Lynch - great match.


Very cool that they had the Mountain and Stephanie McMahon in the audience, made the show feel really big time. If they sign him up and don't give him the head vice as a finisher, though, they've missed a fucking trick.


The main event was very good, a proper mad brawl with probably the most appropriate ending they could have had. Owens wasn't losing, but you couldn't have Zayn lose outright either, so what happened worked. Loved the Regal involvement, and can only imagine how big the pop for Joe would have been if you hadn't had the crowd chanting for him as soon as music played. 


Great show.



*I know they had matches in TNA. Doesn't count.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Cracking show. Joe's music is dire but it's been in my head all night. Great to see him in such great shape and motivated. TNA destroyed that guy for me. It's only since after he left I remembered how awesome and hot he once was. Great to be excited about him again.


I thought Owens looked like a right proper star on RAW and Unstoppable. I've had my doubts but damned if he isn't making me a believer. I always thought he could be good. Just wasn't sure they would give him a chance.


I'd love them to pair Becky Lynch with Shamus. She's stunning and looks like a badass too. I think it would give that little bit extra to Shamus sort of like a more violent version of Lita to Edge.

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Samoa Joe in WWE. Never thought I'd see the day, etc etc. Surreal. So many options for him too. Cena (they're friends from back in the UPW days, aren't they?)



Yep, pretty sure they are. I think I read somewhere that Joe suggested the 'Champ Is Here' tagline to Cena after he used it himself in RoH.


The thing that surprised me about Joe’s music was how similar the opening was to his TNA theme. WWE usually come up with something completely different (see: Sting).

True, but I don't think the opening to his theme was strictly a TNA thing. The snippet is from the old Godzilla movies (Pharoe Monch also used it in his track 'Simon Says') and I think he had it at the beginning of his RoH theme too. Bit like Homicide used to have the beginning of the Ironside theme at the start of his RoH entrance.
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The thing that surprised me about Joe’s music was how similar the opening was to his TNA theme. WWE usually come up with something completely different (see: Sting).


True, but I don't think the opening to his theme was strictly a TNA thing. The snippet is from the old Godzilla movies (Pharoe Monch also used it in his track 'Simon Says') and I think he had it at the beginning of his RoH theme too. Bit like Homicide used to have the beginning of the Ironside theme at the start of his RoH entrance.


I’m not saying it was strictly a TNA thing, but WWE usually distance themselves from things like that.

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Joe's still working indie dates.


Is his deal really informal? Like a Rhyno style gatekeeper for NXT.


That'd be a shame.

He worked the tapings that happened last night. As I said yesterday, I imagine that with NXT being taped so far in advance, they'll allow him to honour the dates he already has so long as they don't interfere with any other NXT tapings.

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First NXT special I've watched and for the first hour, I was thinking that it was okay but wasn't exactly wowed by anything on the undercard.


After that, it exploded into life with that Banks/Lynch match. Definitely one of the best women's matches I've seen and just shows what can be done when they're given a chance. I would say that it will be great when they're on the main roster but the problem is, when are Divas ever given engaging storylines and then 15 minute matches in WWE?


The main event was more an angle than anything but really enjoying Owens from what I've seen and it's fantastic to see Joe in WWE. Definitely think I'll start watching the shows weekly as a result.

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The Becky/Banks match was good but the internet is going crazy with MOTY talk. It's a bit absurd. I can think of 3 matches in the past three weeks that were miles better just off the top of my head. If it was the same match but with blokes I doubt anyone would think too much of it. Yeah it's probably in the top 20 divas matches ever but there's only been about 20 good divas matches ever. I think I preferred Paige/Emma to this personally. And while the current NXT divas are clearly more talented that the main roster lot I wouldn't expect miracles when they reach the main roster. Lynch and Banks have probably been practicing and putting this match together at the performance center for weeks.

Savage and Steamboat did the same. Not that Banks/Lynch was that level but still, nothing wrong with rehearsing the match if they did and it doesn't take from the match for me. It has a superb narrative with both girls working the arm, Lynch's eventual escape from the arm scissors being a well earned spot and the post match with Lynch in absolute tears completed the story. I watched it twice today, superb match. I'm just greatful for what we get these days.


I don't think he's talking about it taking away from the match. I think he's making a fair point abut their ability to step up onto the main roster. Suddenly with the travelling, having the time and inclination to practice to this level is going to be very difficult.


We've already seen a couple of girls step up from NXT and their work isn't he same. That's down in part to opportunity but it must be difficult to put the same into it too.


The match was really good but I was most impressed with their demeanour. It's rare from a Divas match that they are able to convey how much it matters and how much it hurts,both physically and emotionally. Their work was solid but the way they were able to suck you into the match was most impressive.



Lynch and Banks have had countless matches at NXT live events to prep for their match, which was probably one of the reasons it was so good.

It's not unreasonable that, were they allowed to do this with WWE, they could not produce something as good but I agree the schedule is a lot more demanding and the time limits to WWE main roster Diva matches, while increased, is still not NXT standard.

'Back in the day' wrestlers did that all the time - work countless matches on live events before it made TV. It gave them a chance to get used to each other, work out spots etc. so that it looked crisp on TV.

If only they did that more these days, to be honesy

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