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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I was going to post earlier but unsure of spoiler protocol in this thread, but the UK championship match was fantastic, I've not watched or really cared about the UK scene for well over 10 years now, but that match has surly peaked my interest a little. 

Pete Dunn just has that look and feel about him that he genuinely doesn't care about anyone but himself which just makes him so damn unlikable and the flipside you just could'nt then help but get behind Tyler Bate and the crowd were fantastic, never thought I would ever here a "UK" chant at a WWE event which was so damn loud!

It's the subtle things that I find NXT does so well, even down to when Ciampa and Gargano were raising their arms on the entrance way at the end, the copyright logo came up which is normally the tell tale sign that everything is over and it's time to turn off the TV and then the turn came. Such a small thing but all added to the shock. 

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41 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

I'd love to know what anyone saw in Nikki Cross though. Can't act, can't wrestle. Why is she there? Every aspect is crap.

Do you still think Pete Dunne has no chance on getting to the main roster?

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9 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Do you still think Pete Dunne has no chance on getting to the main roster?

Maybe if they need Jinder Mahal to squash someone.

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Christ, you don't get much from pro wrestling , do you? You should probably just take your horsey for a walk in Zelda instead of continuing to watch.

I mean seriously, you thought the ladder match was better than the UK bout? You're doing wrestling wrong.

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I wouldn't say she can't wrestle, but I don't think the gimmick suits her at all, and when you're trying to adapt you're wrestling to suit the character it's going to have a knock-on effect. I don't know exactly what gimmick she could change to, but as somebody mentioned here recently, the 'shit Daffney' isn't working for me.

I like Pete Dunne's matches that I've seen, but in his pre-tapes he always looks uninterested. I'm assuming that's part of the act, but if it isn't he desperately needs someone to do his talking for him. A heel turn from Regal to a manager role would have potential 

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9 minutes ago, Ladiesman345 said:

Christ, you don't get much from pro wrestling , do you? You should probably just take your horsey for a walk in Zelda instead of continuing to watch.

I mean seriously, you thought the ladder match was better than the UK bout? You're doing wrestling wrong.

It's not often these days ladder matches make you stop in shock and aren't just spot fests. Anyone can go down to NXT and put on a clinic, it's pretty much the point of the brand. Midcarders getting it all out of their system before they (mostly) move on to nothing. 

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16 minutes ago, Ladiesman345 said:

Christ, you don't get much from pro wrestling , do you? You should probably just take your horsey for a walk in Zelda instead of continuing to watch.

I mean seriously, you thought the ladder match was better than the UK bout? You're doing wrestling wrong.

I preferred the ladder match too. Gargano and Ciampa are absolutely magic together. The UK title match was excellent, really really superb, but it felt like two guys having a match for a belt. I found the stories and sub plots of the ladder match far more engrossing. The emotions and story of this massive David and Goliath battle, with the little guys still winning and being undone by the big guys bastard manager, gargano taking the bullet for Ciampa, that strike setting off the psycho killer to just hurt them rather than win the match, losing at the last moment despite throwing everything at them, Ciampa snapping and deciding to put gargano out of his misery, Gargano lying in Ciampa's lap, looking emotionally devastated as much as physically and pawing at Ciampa's face to literally reach out to his friend, which only set Ciampa off more, it was all just brilliant. 


The UK title match was a better pure contest, I guess, but I couldn't look away during the ladder match. Absolutely exceptional. 

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Dunne and Bate were absolutely brilliant. I think I agree on the MOTY nomination. Cant think of a better one. 

The real testament is when you consider it had the crowd chanting the sort of stuff that's normally vomit inducing, Nigel McGuinness talking over it and Jim Ross sounding so broken down it would make a drowned puppy cry and it was still absolutely epic.

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Just watched the Ciampa heel turn again, and it's so refreshing to actually hear a crowd turn on Ciampa rather than "thank you Ciampa" which we've come accustomed to the last couple of years. I'm sure there will have been some bellend doing it somewhere, but the audio certainly didn't pick it up

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The audio didn't seem to but they definitely made some strange choices with the fan reaction shots they showed at the end. Their facials weren't exactly conveying the desired emotions for what had happened. 

I definitely enjoyed this show, going in pretty cold to it (I don't watch NXT weekly or the UK show) I wasn't too sure what to expect but it was very enjoyable.

Tyler Bate v Pete Dunne was fantastic, and the Ladder match as well as the turn, and the NXT title match were very good. 

I didn't watch the women's match. Asuka wins after 13 minutes should be written in stone before her matches. 

The opener was fine, but it has Roderick Strong in it. A complete vanilla midget if ever there was one. 

Meltzer on Observer Radio is falling all over Nigel McGuinness. I'm sorry Dave, but he's shit.

One question I have though when I watch the NXT Takeovers and seeing the style made popular by guys on the indies is that so much of it is the same. Which is weird as that is what people who criticise the WWE main roster style often say about it. Knees, strikes and kicks by the thousands in every single match, the guys and the matches all feel way more similar than main roster matches do (I'm not really debating the quality, more the feeling of similarity). Does anyone else get this feeling or is it just me?

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I think it's fair to debate which was better out of the UK Title and Tag Team title matches. They were both absolute corkers that offered different things. I think maybe I'd edge towards the ladder match just because it meant more in story and emotional terms. The UK Title match was as fun a match as you're likely to see two guys have, but it did have the the faintest whiff of "two guys who know each other really well putting on an exhibition". The clash of styles in the ladder match, however, coupled with DIY's typically creative, engaging style and the heel turn in the end: it kinda had everything you could want from pro wrestling.

Honestly, as I was watching DIY in that match, before the turn, I was thinking, "these guys are absolute stars". As a team they're so fantasic. Every time I've seen them, which has mostly been on Takeover events, they have stolen the show. They're likeable, believable, they're creative and fun to watch in the ring; I can't think of a tag team I've been even half as impressed by in a very, very long time. And just as I was thinking, "these guys need to be on the main show and given a spotlight", Ciampa goes and destroys Johnny. I guess it kinda makes sense for NXT because down there this will play as an epic, awesome feud on a brand currently lacking in established stars, but long-term I hope they find some way back together.

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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

Maybe if they need Jinder Mahal to squash someone.

It'll be fun to look at this in six months to a year and see how their respective careers go.

I imagine Triple H is absolutely made up to have discovered someone like Dunne. He's got an insane amount of potential already.

The ladder match suffered from the same problem loads of Authors of Pain matches have, which is the deathly silence when they're getting heat on the babyfaces. I can't put my finger on why it always happens, but those long drawn out moments when they're on offence always drags their matches down and makes you realise that they're nowhere near as polished or connected to the fan base as the rest of the NXT roster. You can tell they haven't had the experience in front of crowds that the rest of the Indy guys have. I mean, seriously, if you can't get the heat beating up Gargano, one of their most natural babyfaces ever, you know there's a problem.

Edited by Supremo
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That UK Championship match was amazing. I mentioned before that I did Pete Dunne's knee but since then I also did the tattoo on Bate's hand (which he got in trouble for because we did it after they had some scans done I think.) 

Knowing I got to tattoo both members of a MOTY candidate is just made me even more invested in the match. Both of them are awesome talents but I can see Dunne going further. I'm not sure if Bate's is too interested at the moment or not, but Pete seems to be really invested. Just hoping he brings that beautiful belt down to the studio soon so I can see it in person


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2 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

That UK Championship match was amazing. I mentioned before that I did Pete Dunne's knee but since then I also did the tattoo on Bate's hand

HA, that's brilliant!  Nice one.

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