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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Nah fuck that. With the amount of times Brian hadĀ been in trouble I don't blame Lawler for not bailing him out this time round, especially for $40k. He'll probably regretĀ the decisionĀ for the rest of his life but in no way would I put any of the blame on Lawler.Ā 

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5 minutes ago, CTXRussomark said:

Nah fuck that. With the amount of times Brian hadĀ been in trouble I don't blame Lawler for not bailing him out this time round, especially for $40k. He'll probably regretĀ the decisionĀ for the rest of his life but in no way would I put any of the blame on Lawler.Ā 

I dunno. If I was a 70 year old millionaire with a regular six figure income and my son, who had previously attempted suicide, had called me and asked to bail him out, I'd find it hard to say no. I'm not blaming Lawler, but I bet he regrets it now.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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As regards Volkoff, there's a really good comic series on Comixology that someone's done about Volkoff's life, going from his time in the USSR through his defection to the US and to the high points in his wrestling career. Only read one issue so far, but it's a cracking read.

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1 hour ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

I dunno. If I was a 70 year old millionaire with a regular six figure income and my son, who had previously attempted suicide, had called me and asked to bail him out, I'd find it hard to say no. I'm not blaming Lawler, but I bet he regrets it now.

Millionaire or not, the guy is probably paying his exes a lot from that plus Tax. Look at Flair. He should be set for life with his paydays and his lifestyle out weighed his income. Just cos he should have it, doesnā€™t mean he does

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Sad news to read about Brian Christopher. Too Cool were a highlight of 2000 WWE, which considering how many standout acts they had that year, is really a big achievement. I got a kick out of the very brief Grandmaster Sexay / Steve Blackman team before they released him in 2001, and his brief return in 2004 too. Strange how much he seemed like a relic from a bygone ageĀ only 4 years after his biggestĀ run. If someone from 2014 turned up again now youā€™d just assume theyā€™d been on Superstars the whole time or youā€™d been skipping their matches.Ā 

The Hip Hop Drop was a hell of a top rope leg drop too. RIP.

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You get the impression with Brian Christopher that regardless of how many times you could bail him out he would still make the same mistakes and get himself into silly situations. There is only so many times his family can help, not sure you canĀ blame Lawlor (not actual blame, but in a understanding sense) for not wanting to help this time. Sooner of later something like this could have happened regardless of being bailed out this time, next time or not at all.

Sad news for all involved, Too Cool (with Rikishi)Ā even to this day are remembered by pretty much everyone including your casuals and those who don't even watch WWE as they were a unique trio at the time.Ā 

Edited by Briefcase
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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Millionaire or not, the guy is probably paying his exes a lot from that plus Tax. Look at Flair. He should be set for life with his paydays and his lifestyle out weighed his income. Just cos he should have it, doesnā€™t mean he does

If you own your own Batmobile, you're not struggling. Plus, I think he's only been married twice - the first wife, who he had Brian and Kevin with, and then Paula Lawler, the rest from Stacy to Renee and onward were just girlfriends.

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Perhaps itā€™s too soon after the news breaking, Iā€™m noticing a distinct lack of obvious posts from wrestlers and former colleagues on this or Brian Christopher as a person. They are probably out there but the usual sites have not posted links to them.

Which makes me think out of respect to The King, perhaps people are not saying anything if they canā€™t say anything nice.Ā (though I hear that Sabu went in pretty hard on him, but then deleted his comments).Ā 

Conjecture on my part so Iā€™m happy to be corrected on any of the points Iā€™ve made.

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7 minutes ago, uklaw said:

Perhaps itā€™s too soon after the news breaking, Iā€™m noticing a distinct lack of obvious posts from wrestlers and former colleagues on this or Brian Christopher as a person. They are probably out there but the usual sites have not posted links to them.

Which makes me think out of respect to The King, perhaps people are not saying anything if they canā€™t say anything nice.Ā (though I hear that Sabu went in pretty hard on him, but then deleted his comments).Ā 

Conjecture on my part so Iā€™m happy to be corrected on any of the points Iā€™ve made.

Ā One from Facebook


Dan McDevitt
7 hrs
I try only to judge people on how they treated me. One of the first times I ever met "Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher he worked for me in Paw Paw West Virginia, a town seemingy in the middle of no where. The show absolutely bombed and he was fresh off WWE TV and was at the time very over just coming off his run as "Too Cool". That means his price tag was steep (several thousand dollars).

He went to the ring and worked as hard in front of 100 people as he would have if there were 3,000 people in the building. I paid him and shook his hand and thanked him. As we were dealing with the end of the show stuff he walked up and handed me an envelope and it had over half his money in it. He said to me "I have been around this business my whole life, I know you guys lost your ass tonight, take this back and lessen the blow and make it up to me down the road" In 25 years in pro wrestling he is the only star that has ever done that.

He had his demons, but that's how I remember him, how he treated me, as a good kind hearted dude. May he rest in peace and hopefully his father, Jerry Lawler finds peace as well.

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Two people I don't even remember as being wrestling fans (back in the day) messaged me to ask if I'd seen that Brian Christopher had died. Probably an indicator of just how over Too Cool were at their peak.

His brief WWE return had completely escaped my memory until I read Lance Storm's tweet. Lance would indeed appear to be a bellend.

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