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Bellenda Carlisle

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Tonally it's different to everything else. It plays more like a comedy for the most part, rather than an action movie with quips. 

I'm on my phone so can't spoiler but there seems to have been some major last minute tinkering with the film which has left some of the worst greenscreen I've seen in a big budget film in quite some time. 

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4 hours ago, chokeout said:

I'm on my phone so can't spoiler but there seems to have been some major last minute tinkering with the film which has left some of the worst greenscreen I've seen in a big budget film in quite some time. 

Which bit?


i loved Hunt for the Wilderpeople and you can definitely see some of his influences (as well as the actors) in this. I thought this was excellent and possibly my favourite marvel film this year

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8 hours ago, Nick Soapdish said:

Which bit?


i loved Hunt for the Wilderpeople and you can definitely see some of his influences (as well as the actors) in this. I thought this was excellent and possibly my favourite marvel film this year

all of the stuff with Odin / Hela was originally set in New York. No idea why it was changed but all the stuff in Norway, and the flashbacks featuring Odin were shockingly bad. Also I could have missed it when I nipped out for a wee but was the coolest shot of the trailer, the valkayres charge on Hela, cut out as well? It feels like there was an entire sequence of how she was originally beaten and banished cut out and replaced with some exposition) 

I really did enjoy the film but it really felt that they had jumped in with the scissors to get everything they wanted in


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@chokeout I don't need to put this in spoiler tags, but yes, that sequence was still in the film, so it must have been when you went out for a piss.

What was off putting for me, was Cate Blanchett's bizarrelly CGI'd mouth during a particular sequence and then there was her voice that was obviously dubbed over post production. Found it nearly as off putting a Jodie Foster's dubbing in Elysium. 

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14 minutes ago, chokeout said:


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all of the stuff with Odin / Hela was originally set in New York. No idea why it was changed but all the stuff in Norway, and the flashbacks featuring Odin were shockingly bad. Also I could have missed it when I nipped out for a wee but was the coolest shot of the trailer, the valkayres charge on Hela, cut out as well? It feels like there was an entire sequence of how she was originally beaten and banished cut out and replaced with some exposition) 

I really did enjoy the film but it really felt that they had jumped in with the scissors to get everything they wanted in


Yes, you missed a flashback of the Valayres charge on Hela. It explained why she went the way she did when Thor brought up Asgard

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Dammit. Thought that might be the case. The other bit of obvious 'we haven't got time for this'  editing was

the terrible use of the warriors 3. I know they haven't been super well used in the previous films but they are a big part of the Thor character and cutting 2 of them down to a single line and a 5 second death was a bit shitty and I'd be stunned if it doesn't come out they they filmed way more of them than was included

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3 hours ago, chokeout said:

Dammit. Thought that might be the case. The other bit of obvious 'we haven't got time for this'  editing was

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the terrible use of the warriors 3. I know they haven't been super well used in the previous films but they are a big part of the Thor character and cutting 2 of them down to a single line and a 5 second death was a bit shitty and I'd be stunned if it doesn't come out they they filmed way more of them than was included


I didn't leave the screening and still missed that ?

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I finally got around to watching Spider-Man homecoming. I really enjoyed it! Don't know what the critical reception was like, but it had mixed review from my friends.

One of my favourite superhero films. I read a lot of Spider-Man growing up and this one captured the character for me best of any all the on screen adaptations, despite the cosmetic changes.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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10 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I finally got around to watching Spider-Man homecoming. I really enjoyed it! Don't know what the critical reception was like, but it had mixed review from my friends.

One of my favourite superhero films. I read a lot of Spider-Man growing up and this one captured the character for me best of any all the on screen adaptations, despite the cosmetic changes.

I really liked it too. Michael Keaton was ace & found myself enjoying the high school/Peter Parker bits just as much, if not more than the Spidey action scenes.

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Michael Keaton really is brilliant, eh? Even something as borderline average as Robocop, he's doing his best.

It's annoying The Founder didn't handle the story a little better, because it's another performance up there with his very best. Sadly, the middling reviews meant it was dismissed.

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Chalk me up as another one saying Thor Ragnarok is brilliant. Nonstop entertainment, great gags, great music, maximum Goldblum, Blanchett going the bank, Skurge Mitchell, Battlestar Asgard, and going full-on Golden Axe at the end. Far superior improv vibe than anything Apatow has ever done (maybe improve before filming then edit, yeah?). Very linear, and some editing jumps and iffy CGI, but a brilliant popcorn romp.

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4 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Yep. Michael Keaton is two for two in films in which he plays some sort of man bird. I'm really enjoying the resurgence of his career.

Absolutely, I've always enjoyed him.

Tarantino tried to 'John Travolta' his career with Jackie Brown (QTs best film by a mile), and it didn't quite take off, so glad he got this run,,,

People that have seen Thor Ragnarok, is it suitable for a fairly robust Thor obsessed 4 year old? She hasn't seen the others but she was bloody smitten with the trailer and the video of Hemsworth playing with toys and tonally it sounds a bit more suitable...

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I had ridiculously high hopes for Thor Ragnarok and it was pretty amazing, I could've done with the humour being cut down by 50% (it literally is a comedy) and Thor was a bit too goofy but a couple of the jokes really landed.

I think I'm over Loki, Hiddleston's portrayal of him seems to have evolved into some sort of weird caricature for geeks who fetishise sexy posh rogues. Odin's bits were weird too but everything else was fantastic and the action and scale were incredible. Hulk was amazing and it was my favourite version of Banner ever. It was like Guardians of the Galaxy but with characters I give a shit about.

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