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Sounds pretty good. I was wondering why someone hadn't got him booking somewhere. Seemed like such a waste because you can tell by his shoots that he's still got a real enthusiasm for wrestling.


Are there any other shoots of Sullivan's I should watch? Only seen the two I've mentioned.

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There's one you should see for all the wrong reasons. It with Raven & Jake Roberts and Sullivan has taken a load of pills and passes out after 10 minutes. He sits there snoring and talking to himself. I think he wakes up halfway through, answers a couple of questions and then falls asleep again.


His radio show with Mr Saint Laurent on MLW is really good. They're doing a timeline of Nitro & PPV's from 1996 where each show Sullivan breaks down the card and talks through why he booked those matches. It use to be a MLW VIP show but its been changed to a general podcast.

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Listened to the Disco Inferno Guest Booker on my commute the other day. The trailer was one thing but I couldn't believe how fucking stupid he is. The sad thing is he actually thinks his ideas are good.


The alien invasion angle was something he actually pitched in a WCW creative meeting as a serious storyline. Team Canada were all going to be aliens. Russo tried to get Disco a job in WWE but Vince heard about the aliens angle and nixed it.


He keeps going on about how he likes to do the opposite of what is the status quo in wrestling. He mentions some scenario where a small babyface keeps getting beaten up by a larger heel. Then asks why can't the babyface learn from the past and have a can of mace to stop the heel. (fair point) Then he goes on to say, why can't Jimmy Hart beat up Jeff Jarrett?!


Bemoans that the likes of Keller/Meltzer are all about matches and not about wresting storylines. Says the facts down lie, look at the ratings during the Attitude Era. Yeah, WCW's wacky angles and ratings were both the shits.


Apart from Cena, no-one in WWE can cut a promo thats why they're all scripted. He keeps going on about this a lot, like he works on WWE's creative team. I listened to Kevin Nash's Breaking Kayfabe and he said you would be surprised how good some of the roster can cut a promo but don't get the chance. I doubt Nash is as tight with WWE that Disco is though.

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Is it the The Rock's This Is Your Life segment that's convinced Russo and his mates that segments not involving matches are the biggest draw?


I suppose it's technically true as I think that is still the highest rated single segment but I think that might have a bit to do with 2 of the most popular babyfaces the company has ever had being involved


Plus didn't Foley say in one of his books that Russo wrote some absolute shite to follow that up

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  • Paid Members

Is it the The Rock's This Is Your Life segment that's convinced Russo and his mates that segments not involving matches are the biggest draw?


I suppose it's technically true as I think that is still the highest rated single segment but I think that might have a bit to do with 2 of the most popular babyfaces the company has ever had being involved


Plus didn't Foley say in one of his books that Russo wrote some absolute shite to follow that up


Why are they always so black and white? Wrestling without matches wouldn't be wrestling and wrestling without promos/skits/vignettes/etc is dull as fuck. So there is a perfectly happy medium. The best TV in the last 20 years has always been built on a fine balance. Sure we all want good matches but there needs to be a reason to invest - however that's acheived. that's the goal. Not matches for matches sake and not shit skit after skit that only the writer finds hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The 1988 WWF KC timeline with Jim Duggan has a line that just had me laughing out loud.


"On the live satellite feed of the Royal Rumble, you could hear Vince McMahon yelling "Stop looking like a fucking stone and show some interest in the matches" at Howard Finkel."

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