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Vince McMahon may actually be done this time [Trigger warning: Sexual Assault]


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WWE doesnt need to die. Its just three letters and lots of great human beings work there. It also serves a purpose for so many kids over the world, like myself when I was a small autistic boy with bags of imagination and energy.

What needs to die is the culture in that tower, and everyone who knew and accepted it needs to go. Every single one of them. Lance Storm was spot on. Every one with even a sniff of knowledge needs to be thrown out of that company. Maybe WWE will actually be better without that lot who has festered away in that office for 30 years.

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It's tough to tear out the rot from the core of such a long built institution and I'm a cynic when it comes to thinking it'll ever happen but I do hope it does, for all the good people there. I don't know much about the TKO top brass and if they'll be any better.

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I'm reading the court document now and it's absolutely brutal. I always thought Vince was dodgy but this outright inhuman.

I have a question regarding the document. I'm not really educated on the how's and why's of the structures of these things and want a better understanding.

Why don't they say the names of the WWE/UFC Champion, Doctor, Physical Therapist and the 4 executives? Is it a choice by the victim or is it it a law thing?

If the former then all power to her she has every right to keep whatever details she wants private in my eyes. She's been incredibly brave and detailed.

I really hope this leads to prosecution because it's as clear as day they are out right crimes of the worst kind.

If the latter, anyone know why? 

The only hope I have of the company attempting to do the right thing is TKO is now in charge and not Vince's goons.

Hopefully more sponsors pull their support because let's be honest the only reason they are likely to do anything is of they loose money.

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4 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

WWE doesnt need to die. Its just three letters and lots of great human beings work there. It also serves a purpose for so many kids over the world, like myself when I was a small autistic boy with bags of imagination and energy.

What needs to die is the culture in that tower, and everyone who knew and accepted it needs to go. Every single one of them. Lance Storm was spot on. Every one with even a sniff of knowledge needs to be thrown out of that company. Maybe WWE will actually be better without that lot who has festered away in that office for 30 years.

Thanks for this. I'm not even close to being a victim in all this shite but as a lowly fan I think you're singing the one true god here (as per usual with your infrequent contributions) amongst all the well intentioned discourse. WWE is a planet, sustained by far too many imaginations. Burn the cancer from it but christ, save the planet. 

I'm not throwing my hat into it now but if there was a "Did WWE ever pull you back from the brink?" thread well then...shit...yeah. I'm there. 

Edited by The Gaffer
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Good riddance. But this can’t be the end, if this is the symptomatic issue which appears to be, it mustn’t just stop with Vince’s resignation.

Also, this has been timed to be released now as damage limitation. Companies often make announcements like this late on Friday as it’s likely to be forgotten by Monday, a well known practice https://politicaldictionary.com/words/friday-news-dump/#:~:text=By releasing significant information on,relatively unnoticed or fade quickly.

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1 minute ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Also, this has been timed to be released now as damage limitation. Companies often make announcements like this late on Friday as it’s likely to be forgotten by Monday

Also while they have a TV show ongoing, it’s certainly damage limitation timing.

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5 hours ago, DEF said:

Why don't they say the names of the WWE/UFC Champion, Doctor, Physical Therapist and the 4 executives? Is it a choice by the victim or is it it a law thing?

It’s a law thing. The suit is very clearly seeking restitution from and justice against Vince and Johnny Ace for their wrong doings. If you name names for others you open yourself up for 7 further possibilities of being sued for libel. Accusing people in public of things that haven’t been proven can land you in court. Not to open a can of worms but see Johnny vs Amber.

Happy days though, the fuckers out. We can say “belt” again.

14 hours ago, Browser Brady said:

Shareprice is currently down about a dollar from yesterday, its at 87.25 USD now.


would have expected a lot bigger drop to be honest.

Thread, anyone?

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The tribalistic point scoring between both WWE and AEW fans over something as fucking vile as the allegations are against McMahon, is absolutely abhorrent and just shows that nothing will ever truly move forward.

The whataboutery about what's happened recently with Flair, Jericho, McMahon and the like should NOT be compared. Just because you don't deem one incident to be as bad as another, doesn't mean that the one allegation is ok because there is worse.

Some of these so-called 'wrestling journalists' also feed this notion. 

Hey, controversy creates cash, right?

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