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AEW Wrestledream PPV discussion


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42 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Seen a lot of "AEW swapped Punk for Edge" stuff which I totally get but I think it's worth noting that Edge is a much bigger star than Punk ever was. Punk is big with a certain portion of wrestling fandom but pretty much everyone knows who Edge is. Talk to some random lapsed fan and they will absolutely know and remember Edge fondly, you can't say the same for Pepsi Phil.

I think there's an element of fans not being able to see past their own noses, with this.

Punk is a unique character as the people that love him absolutely love him to the core of their being, whereas you don't have as many passionate Edgeheads. But, strength of passion isn't necessarily the same as being a big star to as many people, and I think Punk diehards are struggling to see that.

Edge is absolutely, clearly a bigger star and bigger name. He was properly one of their bought-in main event guys, one of Vinnie Mac's favourites and Cena's biggest rival. It's absurd to think he's not in amongst the biggest names of the last 20 years. And, unlike Jericho, his massive retirement means there's this weird aura around him where he doesn't feel completely overdone or over exposed. It's mad that he's never been in the same ring as Moxley or Samoa Joe, and as I keep saying Edge/Omega feels like an absolutely massive match to me.

In an ideal world, AEW would now have Edge and Punk as they perform slightly different functions. They may sell less Edge merchandise, but more people will be aware of what they're up to today than were on Saturday.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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On 10/2/2023 at 5:30 AM, Supremo said:

I wish I was in the room when Tony Khan found out neither, “Rated R Superstar,” nor the entrance music was copyrighted by WWE.

I bet this was never even a consideration at the time they were bashing out the deal with Alter Bridge. WCW was dead and they either wouldn't have given half a second's thought to Edge ever going to TNA, or just didn't give a shit about TNA anyway. Or equally possible is that the exclusive rights for the usage from wrestling had a timeframe stipulated and expired, without anyone realizing. Neither would surprise me.

EDIT - my mate in the office just told me that actually the usage rights for Metalingus in the deal were with Copeland rather than WWE because he's mates with the band, no idea if that's correct or not.

19 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:


That's tremendous, Joey Styles.

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19 minutes ago, air_raid said:

EDIT - my mate in the office just told me that actually the usage rights for Metalingus in the deal were with Copeland rather than WWE because he's mates with the band, no idea if that's correct or not.

It is, Copeland said exactly that at the post-show scrum. 

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You assume we’ll see less and less of WWE using licensed music going forward. It must piss them off no end seeing guys like CM Punk, The Hardy Boys and Edge get the big debut pop, using the exact same music. Similar to how we’ve already seen a return to everyone getting a new name in NXT.

I am interested in where things stand with, “Cult of Personality.” If Punk does go back to WWE, will they even be able to use it? Does Tony have some type of deal where he could block WWE from using it? Or would he be too scared of Punk waiting at the school gates to beat him up, so he just signs over the rights to save his own life?

Edited by Supremo
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5 minutes ago, Supremo said:

You assume we’ll see less and less of WWE using licensed music going forward. It must piss them off no end seeing guys like CM Punk, The Hardy Boys and Edge get the big debut pop, using the exact same music. Similar to how we’ve already seen a return to everyone getting a new name in NXT.

I am interested on where things stand with, “Cult of Personality.” If Punk does go back to WWE, will they even be able to use it? Does Tony have some type of deal where he could block WWE from using it? Or would he be too scared of Punk waiting at the school gates to beat him up, so he just signs over the rights to save his own life?

The Hardy Boys music is from one of those stock music collections for TV and film production. Basically copywrite free. I believe MJF's is the same.

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3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I am interested on where things stand with, “Cult of Personality.” If Punk does go back to WWE, will they even be able to use it? Does Tony have some type of deal where he could block WWE from using it? Or would he be too scared of Punk waiting at the school gates to beat him up, so he just signs over the rights to save his own life?

Khan spoke about wrestler departures at the media scrum, and it doesn’t sound like he’d do anything to stop a wrestler from taking any aspect of their identity with then if they decide to leave.

He said that he wants AEW to be a place where wrestlers know they will be treated with respect on their way in, and on their way out. He wanted it to be a positive workplace, and a great place to be. 

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45 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

The Hardy Boys music is from one of those stock music collections for TV and film production.

As Y2J referred to his Mammoth-a-like theme from WCW, “basketball highlights #27.” Stock music you recognise from wrestling showing up other places was always fun in the late 90s/early 00s, I remember hearing Dean Malenkos theme once in the background and when I looked at the telly someone was walking out to it on Ricki Lake. Plus I heard Hardcore Hollys theme…. err…. well let’s just say he had the right moniker for it to land on.

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I don't know how much evidence there is for Edge being an actual draw, compared to Punk who, for a time at least, was. I see Edge as a Shawn Michaels - someone hugely important within the company, and presented as an all-time great, but not particularly a needle-mover.

However, this is something bigger than that, and feels more akin to when Paul Wight jumped ship, just on a grander scale - somebody who has been in the WWE system for so long that you just can't imagine they would ever leave, choosing to go to the competition. It's a mission statement, and in Edge's case, a huge one - he's never meaningfully worked outside of WWE, hasn't wrestled anywhere else since 1998, and he's putting his stamp of approval on AEW, while he hadn't worn out his welcome enough in WWE to feel like a cast-off. It's a huge get.


It's also easy to forget how much WWE changed between Edge's retirement and his comeback. In terms of first-time matches, even just looking at the ex-WWE talent on AEW's roster, they're largely fresh matches for him. 

He's not somebody I get overly excited seeing wrestle, so I'm not exactly lining up the dream matches, but I am curious to see what Adam Copeland outside of the WWE system looks like. If it's more "grit" and super-serious brooding promos, I'll be disappointed, but if he actually tries something new, or is allowed to be as fun as he was tagging with Christian? This could be a really interesting run for him.

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It was interesting that in answer to what he was there for, his immediate reply was to have matches with guys like Samoa Joe, John Moxley, Castignoli... ex-WWE guys.  And then a bit later, he added Kenny Omega, but it seems he feels he missed some guys in WWE whilst he was away, and wants to add them to his list.

Funnily enough Joe was the first matchup I thought of after his debut.  The idea that people are jumping from WWE to wrestle an in-form Samoa Joe is extremely pleasing.

I dunno if anyone caught MJF's presser but in it he talked about how he's trying to bring an old-school wrestling back where you get people so invested in the story that they pop for a bodyslam, and compared it specifically to Darby's steps spot.

It was great to hear that because it's one of the things that has warmed me to him so much.  He seems like the only current top star who looks at someone like Hulk Hogan and figures that the key to longevity is doing as much as you can with as little as you can.  His matches have become wonderful stories about landing a clothesline or a dropkick and the crowd is eating it up.  It's a style that gives his opponent a night off from killing themselves, and the fact the crowd is eating it up is something others on the roster should think about.  His match with Joe was great and one that they could do a hundred times on a house show.

Of course, the questioner called it a "gimmick" match which just shows how insanely stupid most wrestling "journalists" are.


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1 hour ago, Loki said:

Of course, the questioner called it a "gimmick" match which just shows how insanely stupid most wrestling "journalists" are.

It was Bryan Alvarez who said it, and to be fair, MJF didn't seem to interpret it in the way I think it was intended. It reads like praise to me, and although he describes it as a "gimmick", he doesn't describe it as a "gimmick match"; which is what I imagine he was trying to explain to MJF when Max told him "you don't get to speak right now". 

The questions that annoy me at these things are the ones which are asked as by people who are treating the storylines as real - like the guy who asked Christian Cage if he was "brainwashing" either Luchasaurus or Nick Wayne (I can't remember which specifically). 

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The past few times I've seen Sting he's been a step off, maybe time has just finally caught up with the legend?

Those media scrums are fucking useless even without the weird kayfabe questions, no one has the guts to ask anything deep because they all want to lick Tony's arsehole and be pals.

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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:


The questions that annoy me at these things are the ones which are asked as by people who are treating the storylines as real - like the guy who asked Christian Cage if he was "brainwashing" either Luchasaurus or Nick Wayne (I can't remember which specifically). 

I have some sympathy, as wrestler by wrestler it changes whether the person is going to be in character or not. There’s no point asking Jay Reso’s opinions on Adam Copeland signing for AEW, if Christian Cage is just going to call you a cunt.

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49 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

The past few times I've seen Sting he's been a step off, maybe time has just finally caught up with the legend?

Those media scrums are fucking useless even without the weird kayfabe questions, no one has the guts to ask anything deep because they all want to lick Tony's arsehole and be pals.

I think they're good just for watching how awkward Tony is. His facial expressions are the best.

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What a great show. I thought Danielson vs Sabre particularly was tremendous. Could have watched them go another 20 minutes quite happily.

Swerve might end up rivalling OC as my wrestler of the year.

I’d had the ending spoiled for me when I went on YouTube yesterday to watch the pre-show, but I was still absolutely giddy - more than I thought I’d be - when Copeland appeared. Up until his retirement he was a favourite, and while I never got into his last WWE run, I’m really excited to see him in AEW. 

Good times.

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