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I thought we had a thread for funny insults but can't find it, but I heard a couple that really tickled me this week, without being too rude (get thrown in jail these days for a Your Mum joke)

About a football player who has lost a lot of pace: "Slower than the last hour of a retail shift"

About someone with a big nose: "He could smell a Sunday roast from Tuesday" and also "he could smoke a cigar in the shower"

And on the subject of Your Mum jokes, this is currently my 10yos favourite thing and her favourite is "Your mum is so fat when she got on the talking scales it said 'I asked for your weight not your phone number'"

I like "Your mum is so dumb it takes her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes" even if it is a bit too Yank-centric.

Whilst not being much of an insult my Dad used to say my great nans nursing home always smelled like "piss and Murray Mints" which always killed me.

What are your go to insults then? Any favourite ones from school? 


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I’m an accountant for a land surveying company, so top floor is me, management and some other finance people. Then downstairs is where all the surveyors are, but crucially so is the colour photocopier

When I first started I was petrified of the surveyors. Big burly blokes, in their knackered PPE and boots, all taking the piss out of each other. I just can’t do the whole “banter” thing, I just don’t get it, so avoided them at all costs.

A few days into the role I was wearing my suit and nice new posh shoes. I had to print something in colour and decided to just go for it, headed downstairs and walked through the sea of blokes in orange PPE.

The room went silent as I walked to the printer. All of a sudden a big booming voice shouts… “Fucking hell Waters, click those heels together and you’ll end up in Kansas”. The whole room roared with laughter as I went bright red and snuck back upstairs. I love how quick witted some people can be, I think it’s a real talent, I can’t do it! 

Edited by waters44
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Excellent topic. Love John Motson’s commentary in the World Cup ‘98 PlayStation game. How this line made it in I don’t know, but he goes “Oh he’s saved it, but it should have gone in - he couldn’t hit a cow’s backside with a banjo, this fella” - Makes me giggle when it pops into my head. 

(skip to about 10:00)


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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

Watching Mad Men earlier and someone said "Go shit in the ocean". No idea what it means but it made me laugh.

This reminds me of an amazing one I've heard in Glasgow: "Away and throw yer shite at the moon!" A line as bizarre as it is hilarious.

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16 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

About a football player who has lost a lot of pace: "Slower than the last hour of a retail shift"

Turning circle of a Sherman tank.

Unfortunately a lot of the ones that really make me laugh are politically incorrect. "Dicktrap" for a woman of voracious sexual appetite. "Body off Baywatch, face off Crimewatch" for the facially unpleasant.

One that gets used a lot in my office when someone says something particularly stupid/incomprehensible is "Are you real?" Simple, yet effective for telling someone to get their head out of their arse. When I was younger I relied a lot on "What colour is the sky on your planet?" in similar situations. Or "How do you remember to breathe?"

17 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

"Your mum is so fat when she got on the talking scales it said 'I asked for your weight not your phone number'"

Salad dodger!

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