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AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 - June 25th


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4 hours ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

Reading the spoilers, seems a pretty decent show overall. 

So far it seems to be ranging from 10/10 to The Greatest Thing to Ever Happen in the History of Mankind, but it’s not like fans to get carried away so soon after a show

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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12 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

So far it seems to be ranging from 10/10 to The Greatest Thing to Ever Happen in the History of Mankind, but it’s not like fans to get carried away so soon after a show

I'm 3 hours in. It is at worst on par with last years event, but I think it is probably topping it and that was one of the best PPV's last year for me. 

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Thought it was a brilliant show. 

Heel Punk vs Kojima was a great little bout. The BCC vs Elite match was a banger, as was the 4 Way for the International Title.

Ospreay vs Omega might be an early MOTY winner. My jaw literally dropped at the foot on the ropes.

Danielson vs Okada I’m sure is a dream match for most fans but I couldn’t really care much about it. I’m not a huge Okada or Danielson fan. The match was technically fine but I found Danielson’s convulsions tasteless and added nothing because Okada ignored them anyway. I’m sure some people loved it but it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Disappointing Sting 6 man where I’m sure he blew the finish with the Sammy table spot, but Le Suzuki Gods were great fun.
Women’s match yet again was junk despite Willow Nightingale trying her best. MJF couldn’t drag much out of Tanahashi either who wrestles like Matt Hardy at this point and was sad to watch.

Sanada vs Jungle Boy I’ve already forgotten. Interesting to see where the angle with HOOK goes though.

All in all Ospreay vs Omega was worth the price of admission alone, and there were two or three other matches that were excellent too. The rest ranged from mediocre to pretty forgettable but that being said none of it was as bad as the throwaway 8 man tags and 6 man tags you get on NJPW cards which was a worrying thought.

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4 way was a lot of fun 

Omega vs Ospreay I was better than II IMHO but that foot on the ropes moment was terrific and the fact Kenny's Hulk up was in vain was really great. Ospreay channelling his inner Shawn with the Canadian flag was funny. Bonus points to the fans shitting on the Crossface.

Danielson vs Okada might be the best "that was quite good" match ever. It just didn't blow me away. 

Taz was great after the Perry turn and I enjoyed the format breaking element to it

I liked the womens match but I couldn't  help but feel that maybe Sky and Britt maybe should have evened the odds instead of watching backstage. 

Wonder how stupid the Punk incel who showed the Lazy Booking before the 10 man started felt afterwards. 


Edited by Tsurutagun
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Thought it was a fantastic show. I slept through my alarm last night, so didn't end up watching until this morning - I was actually surprised by the running time, when I saw it, because I expected it to be longer (granted, I didn't watch Zero Hour). I didn't think it was too long at all.

I'm not sure there was a single match that didn't deliver. Maybe Jungle Boy vs Sanada but that seemed to be more of a vechile to turn Perry. Omega/Ospreay was fucking amazing and I also very much enjoyed Danielson and Okada. Just a wondeful show. Oh, almost forgot about Punk/Kojima - that was very good, too. Enjoying heel-ish Punk.

Edited by 69MeDon
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I've only watched 3x matches as I really only wanted to see them and don't care about the others, but those 3 were very good to great.

CM Punk is such a wonderful dickhead. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand and him screaming "Lariat! Lariat! Kojima! Kojima!" whilst mugging into the camera was hilarious. I am sure there is added context to that I don't get as someone that doesn't watch a lot of wrestling (does Kojima do it?) but still so funny.

Kenny Omega is, and has been for years, LEVELS above everyone else in wrestling. He is just incredible at what he does.

I enjoyed their NJPW slightly more but this was still probably MOTY for me. Amazing, and I really don't often like matches that long.

Danielson vs Okada was great, but I don't know if it should've main evented. 

I'm torn on the 'convulsing' as it's just a part of selling, but it still seemed a bit...off.

Anyway, Bryan is one of my all time favourites so was always going to enjoy this, but can see why it's not for everyone.

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At omega osprey and this has been great so far. Everyone so far has looked great, few stories moved on and the range of characters and individual moments has been superb. 

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30 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I've only watched 3x matches as I really only wanted to see them and don't care about the others, but those 3 were very good to great.

CM Punk is such a wonderful dickhead. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand and him screaming "Lariat! Lariat! Kojima! Kojima!" whilst mugging into the camera was hilarious. I am sure there is added context to that I don't get as someone that doesn't watch a lot of wrestling (does Kojima do it?) but still so funny.

Kenny Omega is, and has been for years, LEVELS above everyone else in wrestling. He is just incredible at what he does.

I enjoyed their NJPW slightly more but this was still probably MOTY for me. Amazing, and I really don't often like matches that long.

Danielson vs Okada was great, but I don't know if it should've main evented. 

I'm torn on the 'convulsing' as it's just a part of selling, but it still seemed a bit...off.

Anyway, Bryan is one of my all time favourites so was always going to enjoy this, but can see why it's not for everyone.

The Lariat thing is, because he prank called Gabe in the 2000's. pretending to be Homicide and he shouted LARIAT LARIAT down the phone at him. It blew up and became viral when the match became official, because Homicide was due to work Kojima or something and Punk was referencing that.

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Never thought I'd be one of those typical "Speaking as a parent..." knob ends, but speaking as a dad, I was very close to welling-up when Taz was working through his emotions during the Jungle Boy turn. I'll be rooting for Hook all the way through this, and I hope Taz will be on the call for every single one of the Hook vs Jungle Boy matches.

Omega vs Ospreay, once again, transcended pro wrestling. I remember the dope on the hardcam during Collision with their "Please don't hurt yourselves!" sign, and I hope they cried with their head in their hands watching Omega get spiked on a Tiger Driver '91. Along with their first match in January, they proved that pro wrestling at it's highest peak was back. I remember an argument on here once where someone was saying "Oh MOVEZ don't matter, STORY is more important" and in response to that tired argument someone said, "Yeah, but imagine how you'd feel if you saw a match that had BOTH?". I like to think that Omega and Ospreay are living proof of that counter-argument. You can keep your amateur dramatics at the local community theatre, I'll happily take this any day of the week.

On a show loaded with super fun matches and plenty of storyline progression, I think the only disappointment on the show was Okada vs Danielson, which peaked high with the entrances and got dragged down due to a knackered
crowd and Danielson breaking his arm mid-way through. Still, even at their worst, Danielson vs Okada was still better than a lot wrestler's best and the result was shocking enough to dilute the match not meeting everyone's incredibly high expectations.

If Revolution wasn't so good, and I'd call this a shoe-in for Show Of The Year. AEW has again reminded us that it's good to be a pro wrestling fan, sometimes.

Edited by Accident Prone
Typical grammar bollocks.
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19 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

Hook vs Jungle Boy matches

It'd be quite fun to see* them make this a "nepo baby" vs "nepo baby" style feud, if that hasn't already been done. 


*I mean fun for you lot to see, I can't be arsed with the weekly shows :)

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Yeah the main event I’ll give a pass for the injury, but it never got exciting. Ospreay and Omega throwing in the flag spot etc as they felt it was a far more engaging match I’d watch again 

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