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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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17 minutes ago, Chili said:

I'm gonna say it. I don't see or find any interest in Nigel McGuinness Vs Bryan Danielson in a match. I like Nigel, but he hasn't wrestled for how long? And what exactly is the appeal. Even to a mass of inside fans? They had some banger matches in ROH? but I don't think it's worth taking to Wembley or for Bryan's last match as a full timer (yeah, as if Bry). It doesn't interest me (and I'm speaking for me nobody else mind) but yeah... Absolutely zero interest. What would they want? Oh Bryan beat a bloke who was good but hasn't wrestled for as long as he did prior?

I am pretty sure a few promos would change that. Both are fantastic talkers and I am sure it is something they would both get a kick out of. And if there is one thing AEW has over WWE is they would put on a match like that and make it work. A match that has no right to exist in this time, and yet they will do it anyway because they can and want to. I mean, I know of their history, I haven't see any of their matches, but as a ride out to the sunset moment, I would be happy to see it.

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I'm loving this Continental Classic so far. Actually punched the air when Kingston beat Claudio.

Wardlow manhandling Willie Mack was one of the best outings for him this year. He looked an absolute beast.

Omega/Page was a nice little belter. I didn't expect them to reference the Tony Nese ROH feud at all so Page coming into it injured from the contract signing was a nice surprise. 

Having Daddy Magic and Cool Hand lose in front of that crowd made me feel like I was watching WWE circa 2018. Not a cool move!

Keith Lee is the king of feuds that ramble on forever and never really go anywhere. He needs some solid direction in 2024 that goes beyond 'sometimes wear a cape', 'dresses like a pastor' or 'uses big words.'

That main event was an absolute war. Danielson is a madman. 

I do agree with @Mr.Showtime - the face/heel divide can sometimes be a little bit too muddy for my liking. I don't know if anyone pays attention to the face/heel 'tunnels' anymore but I'm lowkey fascinated by how little sense they make at times. Danielson came out of the face tunnel against Garcia (who is ostensibly a heel but everyone loves him anyway). Then on this show he came out of the heel tunnel to face Andrade, who has kind of been a face since his return but was absolutely a heel here. That's without getting into the CJ/Miro business which just complicates things even more. Pick a lane!

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4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I have zero interest in a Nigel McGuinness match at All In and will actually be pretty pissed off if we get that. I want Omega vs Danielson 2 at Wembley! AEW shouldn't be giving top spots on its biggest shows to stuff like this.

I bet he's not half the wrestler that is fellow commentator Pat McAfee either.

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"Bryan Danielson's actually my second favorite wrestler in the tournament." "Who's your favorite?" "Everybody else, combined."

"You gotta feel for Bryan Danielson's wife. He wasn't that attractive to start off with, now he's gonna look like John Merrick."

"Things are finally starting to click for Bryan Danielson. His neck, his legs, his arms, everything's clicking."

I'm bang up for Danielson vs. McGuinness. Big Nige' has been a hoot on commentary, slagging off Bryan at every opportunity. You've got to admire him willing that match into existence via brute force. I'll pop huge whenever Danielson eventually snaps and shoves him at the desk. Plus, it's also one of those nice, happy endings, innit? From what I remember about Nigel's documentary it was a pretty crappy way to round off your career, doing shitty personal appearances in night clubs and getting mistook for the DJ because no-one recognises you.

Give him that big, feelgood send off in front of the record home town crowd. Make everything right in the daft old world of pro-wrestling. AEW at its best.

Edited by Supremo
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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

"Bryan Danielson's actually my second favorite wrestler in the tournament." "Who's your favorite?" "Everybody else, combined."

"You gotta feel for Bryan Danielson's wife. He wasn't that attractive to start off with, now he's gonna look like John Merrick."

"Things are finally starting to click for Bryan Danielson. His neck, his legs, his arms, everything's clicking."

I'm bang up for Danielson vs. McGuinness. Big Nige' has been a hoot on commentary, slagging off Bryan at every opportunity. You've got to admire him willing that match into existence via brute force. I'll pop huge whenever Danielson eventually snaps and shoves him at the desk. Plus, it's also one of those nice, happy endings, innit? From what I remember about Nigel's documentary it was a pretty crappy way to round off your career, doing shitty personal appearances in night clubs and getting mistook for the DJ because no-one recognises you.

Give him that big, feelgood send off in front of the record home town crowd. Make everything right in the daft old world of pro-wrestling. AEW at its best.

I'm of a similar mind. I don't want AEW to hold back with Danielson, as we know that's not gone to plan in the past. As a minimum there's Revolution-DoN-Forbidden Door before All In. Plenty of boxes to get ticked.

Nigel has the front row seat to it all. Danielson either gets sick of the digs and calls him out, or Nigel confronts him. As its an easy one to build through promos.  They can wrap Danielson in cotton wool between Forbidden Door and All In to make sure he gets there this time.

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As far as I’m aware it’s quite literal. Digging for razor clams on the beach is a thing people do on the Washington Coast and Danielson has been known to partake. Maybe akin to calling someone from Gloucester a cheese roller. 

Edited by JLM
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Thunder Rosa never fails to confuse.

She was a breakout on NWA Power when that was hot. A little shaky in the ring but otherwise a great look, good crowd reaction and a charisma that really made you feel she was on to big things and one of the up and comers along with Ricky Starks. She goes on to become the first ever Mexican-bord NWA Women's Champion and then signs with AEW. Her and Britt Baker in my opinion changed women's wrestling when they put on that unsanctioned lights out match and it really felt like both of them would be stars for years to come. Then nothing.

A lack of a proper push of any of the women, then injuries and bizarre backstage rumours and drama about fake injuries and heat with other wrestlers and now she's finally back and she's for some reason dropped her entire gimmick and looks like a nobody. The crowd didn't even recognise her at first and not in a good way, but in a "who the fuck is this?" way. I don't mean to be hyperbolic but looking like she does now I can't see her going anywhere.

A shame. I know it's a topic we've had but I really think Thunder Rosa would be better in WWE.

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I’d seen her when they showed her at commentary and still didn’t recognise her when she did the run-in!

On the plus side, this was an AEW episode with multiple women’s segments. That shouldn’t be something to praise them for, especially if it’s a one-off, but come on Tony, that wasn’t so hard was it? The tag team street fight was great as well, all four of them were really going for it.

Garcia-Kingston was also very good, Garcia’s story has been the highlight of CC up to now and I’d love for him to get a win in his last match next week.

Edge and Christian No DQ at World’s End could be excellent.

How do we think the Continental Classic is going to end up?

(fantasy booking alert)

I can only see Swerve beating Rush on Dynamite so that we get a Moxley rematch as the final for Gold League.

In Blue, provided Danielson doesn’t mess his eye up again too much, I would have Eddie win against Andrade so that he’s clawed his way back into contention. We then get him and Danielson again.

From there, whoever wins, we win. Moxley vs Danielson. Swerve vs Danielson. Moxley vs Kingston. Swerve vs Kingston. I’ll take any of those please.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

Thunder Rosa never fails to confuse.

She was a breakout on NWA Power when that was hot. A little shaky in the ring but otherwise a great look, good crowd reaction and a charisma that really made you feel she was on to big things and one of the up and comers along with Ricky Starks. She goes on to become the first ever Mexican-bord NWA Women's Champion and then signs with AEW. Her and Britt Baker in my opinion changed women's wrestling when they put on that unsanctioned lights out match and it really felt like both of them would be stars for years to come. Then nothing.

A lack of a proper push of any of the women, then injuries and bizarre backstage rumours and drama about fake injuries and heat with other wrestlers and now she's finally back and she's for some reason dropped her entire gimmick and looks like a nobody. The crowd didn't even recognise her at first and not in a good way, but in a "who the fuck is this?" way. I don't mean to be hyperbolic but looking like she does now I can't see her going anywhere.

A shame. I know it's a topic we've had but I really think Thunder Rosa would be better in WWE.

I think fundamentally the biggest problem is that Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker are pretty bad wrestlers and they never improved. In fact they both got WORSE over time. Both got sustained pushes far longer than than they deserved really.

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25 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think fundamentally the biggest problem is that Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker are pretty bad wrestlers and they never improved. In fact they both got WORSE over time. Both got sustained pushes far longer than than they deserved really.

Britt’s definitely limited, but I don’t agree that Thunder Rosa is a bad wrestler. Her overall body of work certainly suggests otherwise. While she was at her most active in AEW, the women’s roster was more limited than it is now, and the booking for that division was generally bad.

Perhaps she’s not in a position to carry a weak opponent to be better than they are, but I reckon she’d do well in WWE. I wouldn’t rule out Britt doing better in WWE either to be fair, with stronger opponents and more opportunities to improve. Guidance on her promos wouldn’t go amiss either. 

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Both have shown they're capable of putting on feuds and matches that people get invested in. That's more than someone like Ruby has ever managed. Yes, they have clear limitations but significant upsides that make them worth having around. Most wrestlers have weak areas. You just have to be smart enough to book around them.

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