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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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6 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

AEW's very...pleasant...at the moment

I think that's a perfect description of it. I'm not coming out of shows buzzing or dying to see what's next but they are just satisfying to watch at the moment and there's no big distracting annoying shite going on.

- opener was fun. Shane Taylor can be good. With a bit of a gimmick tweak to remove that ROH stink him and Moriarity would be a good team to have on the regular roster.

- Cope Open was the best yet. You can see how much fun Copeland is having and it makes watching him fun. I'm really excited by seeing him spread his wings in a new environment without the WWE shackles.

- not loving this Acclaimed/BCG stuff but if it turns into The Gunns being manipulated by Jay White into having to pick between him and Daddy Ass I could get with a story like that.

- all the Garcia/FTR/House of Black business was fucking great. Matthew's jumping knees always look brutal. Cracking match with the right winner and a top notch brawl. 

- fun house show style main event. Kingston wrestles with so much confidence and control now, brilliant character development. Glad they're not done with Danielson/Kingston. I'm guessing based on this and Mox's promo earlier that they could be building to Kingston and Moxley vs Danielson and Claudio which would be ACE!

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Real good episode of Collision that. Big stars, great matches and hell, even some live babyface promos.

DG/Buddy, Roddy/Sydal, and Cope Open were all ace. Never been an Edge fan but fair play, he's had a great run so far. Loved him as the bully stiffing Dante at the beginning of their match. 

No idea where Queen Aminata came from but consider me a fan. Thunder Rosa's had such a nondescript reintroduction I presume there's politics behind it.

I'm a bit tired of Moxley unfortunately, but I like the look of Shane Taylor. Unique look and style about him. 

The Acclaimed desperately trying to recruit BCG to take on Undisputed just doesn't ring true for me. Enjoyed their segment though. One of them pure feel good moments that AEW does well. Jay White as an upper midcard babyface feels like a good place for him to settle for now.

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42 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

- opener was fun. Shane Taylor can be good. With a bit of a gimmick tweak to remove that ROH stink him and Moriarity would be a good team to have on the regular roster.

It’s such a shame that this is a very accurate assessment, unless you’re a female wrestler; where the tag, weirdly, is helpful given the strength of the women’s division there. If they’d defined ROH as the place where you see the next generation of AEW stars, it could have worked as a concept - though Khan would also benefit from handing the booking over to someone else, and taking an arm’s length approach to the whole thing.

Edited by RedRooster
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The Cope Open sound like they had one tune that made it onto a Kerrang! compilation circa 2001 only to never be heard from again.  

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Having Copeland do an Open Challenge is perfect booking. The whole appeal of seeing Edge in a different environment was to see him wrestle all these different guys with different styles. We’re getting it weekly, only improved by the fact that he’s clearly having a blast. Long may it continue. I mean, fucking hell, just look at this graphic. Even in 2024, when everything has happened and nothing should be surprising anymore. A mental image.


Rankings. Bonkers match graphics. Consistently good TV. We’re back.

Edited by Supremo
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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Having Copeland do an Open Challenge is perfect booking. The whole appeal of seeing Edge in a different environment was to see him wrestle all these different guys with different styles. We’re getting it weekly, only improved by the fact that he’s clearly having a blast. Long may it continue. I mean, fucking hell, just look at this graphic. Even in 2024, when everything has happened and nothing should be surprising anymore. A mental image.


Rankings. Bonkers match graphics. Consistently good TV. We’re back.

Murder grandpa is already bloodied up and it's just the match graphic!

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9 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

The Cope Open sound like they had one tune that made it onto a Kerrang! compilation circa 2001 only to never be heard from again.  

Get Cope Wear Cope Fly.

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I thought this was a really excellent episode of Collision. I fucking *love* the new Bullet Club Gold theme, too. Why it isn't on Spotify yet, when it's on the AEW Music YouTube channel, is beyond me.

Edited by 69MeDon
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https://cultaholic.com/posts/black-taurus-reportedly-reaches-agreement-with-aew-roh Not strictly Colllision-related but YES. I know I've said I'm not looking for AEW to sign people (especially any Dolphs and/or Zigglers) right now, but I'll make an exception here. He's not going to be main eventing or anything, but Black Taurus vs Vikingo/Komander/Dante/Fenix/Jack Carwheel/Any flippy dude to liven up ROH/main event a Rampage/fill out a Collision undercard? Give me all of that. If you're ever considering putting Matt Sydal vs Chris Jericho on TV for 12 minutes again, just run back Vikingo vs Taurus again for me instead. Please. 

Collision 20/01

Proper slugfest between Shane Taylor and Mox. Shane Taylor is mixing it up with incredibly dull opponents in ROH at the moment so it was nice to see him in a match I cared about. The last one of those was against Keith Lee and it let me down a bit, but this was a quality little slobberknocker, these two work very well together. 

Dante and Copeland was great. Big fan of the Cope Open and this is exactly why. They could have come up with another feud to keep Copeland busy until the Christian rematch, but why not get him in there with as much of the roster as possible. Give us whacky match ups we never expected to see, give your up and comers the rub, book Edge vs Minoru Suzuki because that's a mental idea. Love it. Great showcase for Dante, and I liked Edge leaning into the veteran role here. He was taking Dante lightly at the beginning but got bit pissed off at Dante outpacing and outfoxing him. Had to use all of his veteran wiles to start grounding him. Loved him swatting Dante's hands off the ropes when he tried the springboard, and of course the anti-air spear. Copeland isn't supposed to know who is opponent is going to be until the night, so I love the idea of him having to figure out the opponent during the match. Special mention to Nigel trying to spin the "this is awesome chant" into "Christian's awesome". He was on top form for the whole match but that was my favourite one. 

Perfect promo from Copeland. Hyping up Dante Martin and telling the crowd to cheer for him, hyping himself up with some fun babyface chat, hyping up the live crowd, hyping up the TNT title, hyping up Collision as a show and still staying on message with the end goal being the Christian rematch. What a pro. 

Thunder Rosa vs Queen Aminata was solid. Not as good as Aminata vs Statlander on Rampage but still another good showing from Aminata. Credit to Kevin Kelly for providing some Aminata Trivia on her latest appearance. It means "powerful". There we go, I now know two things about her. 

I still would have preferred Bullet Club Pink to the Bang Bang Scissor Gang. As I've said before, as a holdover until Juice is back for a quick feelgood run (and to fight Undisputed Kingdom) I'm alright with this. The people could not have been more behind it either, so I will give it a chance. 

Deonna Purazzo to be killed and eaten on Dynamite. Good god. 

Daddy Magic once again a superstar on commentary for Danny Garcia. This time adding that Garcia trains against Jake Haeger to prepare for so many of his opponents being bigger than him. It's the little details sometimes. This was the best match on the show. Heated, violent, Buddy Murphy's offense is so brutal; the knees were all devastating and that deadlift jackhammer was a thing of beauty. My favourite thing he did though was the sharpshooter escape where he reached back, grabbed Garcia's head and bashed it into the mat until he let go. Fantastic. Loved FTR evening the odds but also being corner men for Garcia giving him coaching during the fight. Another big win for Garcia. Again, been loving everything they've done wtih him to follow up on his Continental Classic run so far. Brilliant post match brawl too, absolute carnage. Sign me up for the cage match! 

Sydal/Roddy was better than expected. I enjoy Roddy's matches and have no problem with Sydal's in-ring, but he is very dull and jobbery, so was tempted to skip this. However, they worked it at a great pace, kept it short and it ended up being an ejoyable TV match. 

Thoroughly enjoyable main event as well. Kingston completely unmoved by Danielson and Claudio's attempts to rattle him. He is operating on a higher level now. So of course if you can't beat the superhero you hurt him by hurting the people he cares about. Simple and effective storytelling. Really fun episode of Collision with a hot crowd who elevated everything a couple of notches. 

Edited by JLM
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On 1/21/2024 at 8:43 AM, DavidB6937 said:

Was there any reason why they stopped before? Or did it just become too much effort? I can't remember.

Clearly never wanted rid of them but Punk was so insistent he feared for his life. Now big bad Pip is safely out of the way, they’re back. Or something but it’s Punks fault, it’s always Punks fault, he’s the anti Snitsky. 

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11 hours ago, JLM said:

https://cultaholic.com/posts/black-taurus-reportedly-reaches-agreement-with-aew-roh Not strictly Colllision-related but YES. I know I've said I'm not looking for AEW to sign people (especially any Dolphs and/or Zigglers) right now, but I'll make an exception here. He's not going to be main eventing or anything, but Black Taurus vs Vikingo/Komander/Dante/Fenix/Jack Carwheel/Any flippy dude to liven up ROH/main event a Rampage/fill out a Collision undercard? Give me all of that. If you're ever considering putting Matt Sydal vs Chris Jericho on TV for 12 minutes again, just run back Vikingo vs Taurus again for me instead. Please. 


Hopefully it won't hold him back much, if at all, but it's unlikely he'll be coming in as Black Taurus now. He has quit AAA, and they've clamped down on him using the name - he was Taurus there, and they allowed him to use the name Black Taurus and a slightly tweaked version of his mask outside of the company, but apparently aren't keen on him using it in AEW while not working AAA at all. There's a chance that they do what they often do with their homegrown gimmicks and give the Taurus name to somebody else, but what he does next is anyone's guess - generally a luchadore will find a slight variant on the look, and a name that skirts copyright, so that might be it, or he may get a whole new gimmick and look. AEW already had a lawsuit over Luchasaurus' mask, so they may not want to slog through something like that again, particularly not with a promotion that they've got a weird on-again off-again partnership with. 

If his Instagram pics are anything to go by, he continues the trends of masked luchadores being alarmingly handsome under the mask, though, so he might be fine without. I've seen people suggest him take over from Rush as leader of the LFI during Rush's absence. Really, just having him there to base for all the flippy boys is valuable enough regardless of what else they have him doing.

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35 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

he continues the trends of masked luchadores being alarmingly handsome under the mask, though, so he might be fine without.

It never fails to amuse me the idea that there are all these beautiful Mexican men wrestling in masks. Especially when they lose their mask at the end of a big grudge match or whatever and the mystery of their true face is revealed, it turns out they are insanely handsome and it's like "why the fuck were you ever wearing a mask in the first place?!"

Edited by LaGoosh
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