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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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28 minutes ago, gmoney said:

To nitpick a bit as well, there were tonnes of plot holes in this movie. I still had a great time watching, but Cole at one point was perfectly happy to get a count out victory, then later in the match was desperate for that not to happen. He asked for 5 more minutes to set up MJF's response, but you'd only ask for 5 more minutes after a time limit draw, not a double pin, so that was awkward. Then he tried his best to get MJF disqualified with the chair business, which makes no sense for someone who wants to win the title. Good fun, but could have definitely done with a second draft. 

I saw it more of Cole not wanting to lose via dq. It wasnt him who brought the chair in, it was MJF.

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3 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

I saw it more of Cole not wanting to lose via dq. It wasnt him who brought the chair in, it was MJF.

Cole did drop to the floor though, which would have potentially caused a DQ.

The countout spot didn't come off as well on TV as it did from close-up. Bryce made the point to Cole of 'look what you've done!' and Cole recoiled, so I think what they were going for was him being conflicted as he may have just killed his best mate.

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5 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

I saw it more of Cole not wanting to lose via dq. It wasnt him who brought the chair in, it was MJF.

At one point he drops on the floor to make it look like MJF hit him with it, to which Max wraps it around his own head. 

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I'm always a bit conflicted with the internal logic regarding "unseen" chair shots, as I'm sure many others have been over the years. Either the ref refuses to give a decision because he didn't see it, or he doesn't. 

On the other hand, I've always liked it as a cheating technique, especially when it leads to creative developments of it.

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You could maybe handwave that the dropping to the mat was to try and make MJF throw the chair away and that 5 more minutes is some sort of "we've legit drawn, but give me 5 more minutes, if I can't win in 5 then it's over"

But yeah they just wanted to make callbacks to the first match and maybe didn't fully think through the logic 😛 That's wrestling eh

Liked the idea in the countout spot of "oh crap what did I just do" but also he could've broken the countout himself right? Surely him helping Max back into the ring, making sure he wasn't dead then doing a nearfall would've been a more emotional / dramatic moment anyways

Edited by organizedkaos
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3 hours ago, Statto said:

I was fine with the fact it got no reaction, it just made it a nice little Easter egg nod to the past. If everyone had acknowledged it and guffawed and done the Captain America "I understood that reference" bit it would have made it super cheesy IMO.

I have a bit of a soft spot for Kip as he's a Norfolk boy, but I thought he did very well on the pre-show panel, and interacted well with Wight. Suffolk scumbag Anthony Ogogo not so much, but he was passable I guess.

My highlight of the pre-show panel was Wight telling Renee not to push Ogogo to make a match pick because "he's new in the company". Pretty much a day 1 signee, IIRC. Guess he's been gone long enough to be completely forgotten even by his co-workers.

The first time he said it I was onboard with the little Easter egg but it became cringeworthy following his second attempt. Anyway fair play to Sabian and Ogogo for doing it as it's not a role theve been in before I think. Especially Anthony on his first night in. 

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11 minutes ago, simonworden said:

The first time he said it I was onboard with the little Easter egg but it became cringeworthy following his second attempt. Anyway fair play to Sabian and Ogogo for doing it as it's not a role theve been in before I think. Especially Anthony on his first night in. 

Ogogo has been there since 2019

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1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:

Not sure what it was on, but somebody said he's signed an extension. Can only assume he's injured as he hasn't done anything since November.

He's had an eye issue that had gotten bad again, didn't he? He seemed to have bags of potential when he was first showing up on TV though, a real charismatic lad.

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3 hours ago, Merzbow said:

He's had an eye issue that had gotten bad again, didn't he? He seemed to have bags of potential when he was first showing up on TV though, a real charismatic lad.

That Cody feud killed his momentum. I know he went off not long after for more surgery, but he shouldn't have lost and they need to do a strong job building him up again.

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Really enjoyed the event and definitely will consider a trip over next year. Hopefully  similar ticket prices and even more of a stacked card 

Flight home cancelled on Monday so spent an extra day in London and eventually got home last night. No repeat of this next year please 

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27 minutes ago, Healy52003 said:

Flight home cancelled on Monday so spent an extra day in London and eventually got home last night.

Out of curiosity, did you have to foot the all the bills for now and claim it back later, or did the airline take care of it upfront? I was stressed enough just thinking about all that being possible for a few hours on Monday.

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