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CM Punk chat


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Impact feeding the usual “we nearly got them” that they did for Ospreay to pwinsider again….

Christ, its no wonder I’m a Spurs fan. Can’t wait to see the crowd go mild for a total nobody at Hard to Kill.

“The WWE conversations, as PWInsider.com reported late last night, began less than a week ago.  Until that point, Impact Wrestling had made a major money offer to Punk which we are told he was mulling over.  In speaking to Impact sources after Punk's WWE return, we are told that Punk was "amazing" in his dealings with top Impact execs, including Scott D'Amore and Lou D'Angeli, during discussions.  Impact sources felt they were very close to scoring Punk and at one point, hoped he would even be at Bound for Glory as part of the unveiling of the return of TNA, which did not happen.  The conversations between the two sides continued after that PPV.  In speaking to Impact sources, while the company had hoped Punk would come in there full-time, they realized the reality of the situation involving WWE and how much money could be made and were happy for Punk.  We also heard from several Impact talents overnight who said they were appreciative of the time and advice Punk had spent with them at several tapings in Chicago when he visited.”

Edited by garynysmon
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Thankfully watched the show live, but would have had it spoilt by the WWE Network and bloody BBC News of all things.

On the Network when you click down to the show in trending now to find the kick off show (I always like to watch these jjst for the build up as I don't keep up with the TVs much) they've added a reel underneath titled CM Punk Best In The World which you can't help but see.

Anyway, great to see CM Punk back, the amount of publicity this return has got and everyone talking about it shows why it's a good choice. I predict he'll be absolutely fine in WWE, behaviour wise, it's not the wild West like AEW.

I'll be watching RAW tomororw for the first time in a while, excited to hear what he has to say, hopefully he isn't interrupted by the Judgment Day within 30 seconds. There's a lot of matches of his I'll be interested in seeing and whilst it won't be enough to make me watch RAW and Smackdown religiously I will be seeking out his segments and watching the PPvs as I always do.

Him vs Rollins appears to be the match, wonder whether they'll save it for WrestleMania or do it at the Rumble then rematch at WrestleMania, got to imagine he'll take the belf off him. Interesting times ahead.

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I don't really have a dog in the fight when it comes to AEW and WWE. I watch all the PPVs from both and read the results from both (when I remember). On balance though, I do overall prefer WWE because they've just got more people I like there and they do more of the sort of thing I like. Plus there's no chance of any Jack Evans jumpscares.

So while it doesn't matter to me all that much if Punk is in AEW or WWE, I am pleased to see him back in WWE. His reappearance was a great moment and I nearly fast-forwarded past it this morning. Also, I saw it 5 minutes before my friend Whatsapped me saying "HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!" so my timing was impeccable. But I do have one concern about him returning.

I am a Punk fan and I have been since about 2007 when I got back into wrestling upon discovering TWC. I've followed his career at least reasonably closely since then, except when he did the UFC shit. I never expected him to become a big thing in WWE and when he did it was really great for a while there, even if looking back a lot of that stuff doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. Especially the fake vomiting and all that shit.

I was pleased to see him go to AEW and he had consistently good matches with everyone, an all-time great feud with MJF and then it all started to fall to pieces when Hangman started crying about Colt Cabana but it was still a fun run even at the end. As a wrestler, I've mostly liked him a lot. I don't know if I'd say he's my favourite ever, but he's up there with Bret Hart and Razor Ramon and the Steiners and Pillman for me.

Outside of wrestling I've never much cared for him. He said and did a bunch of stuff in the past that didn't sit well with me. He's got a worse temper and thinner skin than I have. But when he did the trans rights aftershow promo in AEW, that meant a lot to me personally for family reasons, as it did to a hell of a lot people inside and outside wrestling fandom. And he backed that up, even if the Trevor Project thing turned out to be problematic through no fault of his own, by his gesture at Wembley with the fan. He's the only male wrestler I know of, aside from Kenny Omega (happy to be given other examples), who has made an on-camera high profile show of support for trans rights. It was a huge moment for me.

But now he's in WWE. That's the concern. I don't know when they go to Saudi Arabia next but I hope he's not on the plane. I'm ready for him to go there and I'm ready to be disappointed because you always are.

For now though, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next because absolutely NOBODY has a clue. I just hope he doesn't do that one thing.

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Delighted to see Punk back in the big time. As a person, I think he's a thin skinned arrogant dick, but he's a fantastic pro wrestler and promo & things are never dull with him around, if nothing else. With a boss with the actual stones to keep him in line and lots of new wrestlers on the WWE roster for him to interact with, plus hot crowds and full arenas I'm hopeful we get a good run out of Punk and that he gets to exorcise his hangup about never main eventing Mania. He looks in great nick too, 100x better than the haggard-looking wreck he was in the last while of his AEW run.

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