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25 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Reports that Punk threw a punch at the Young Bucks. The same thing Eddie Kingston got suspended for.

Moxley as the first ever two-time Interim Champ this Wednesday?

If Punks not suspended Eddie Kingston is going to lose his mind.

If Punk is suspended he will lose his mind.


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15 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Agreed, but nodding along to Punk bashing the EVP's is not the best look. 

I still want to know what Nick said. Khan says he shouldn’t have said no comment and should have cleared it up in Forbes so presume it’s public?

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  • Awards Moderator

Just finished watching the show and there’s been 10 pages of discussion since it aired! Here are my thoughts anyway just in case nobody else has had them:

- Hook is outnumbered against 2.0. He needs backup. There has never been a more perfect moment for Hookhausen to reunite. I was fucking crushed when that all turned out to be a setup for Action Bronson. GIVE ME HOOKHAUSEN.

- I enjoy how Geordie the disgruntlement is whenever PAC runs into Orange Cassidy. I’m hoping for a “hadaway and shite, man” at some point next week.

- Kingston and Ishii was fun, like Eddie decided to have a vintage-Japanese tribute match. Crowd still loves him.

- Opener was your standard stunt show until the end, where my thoughts were as follows.

“A bunch of masked guys?

Oh fuck, this better not be Adam Cole.

Stokely? What’s going on…

What’s that music?

I know that music.

That’s ‘Sympathy for the Devil’!

No. It can’t be.

That’s him, that’s definitely him.

Fuck! This whole angle with Stokely and the business cards was ALL PART OF THIS!

That’s brilliant. This is GENIUS.”

And then the little fantasy booker in my head started working overtime on how this show might end.

- Hangman needs a big win soon. He feels lost right now and it might be deliberate or he might be slipping lower down the card than he should be.

- Jade as She-Hulk - BRAVO. I don’t care what her matches are like, she’s leagues ahead of every other woman they have for star power. There’s nobody remotely close to her. Keep that belt on Jade forever.

- FTR/Wardlow six man felt like the least important match on the show (though maybe it’ll lead to FTR vs MCMG, please thank you very much) but the ending with Dax’s daughter was bloody lovely and made it all worth it. A tear was shed.

- Ricky Starks still looks a star but I’m surprised how quickly that match was over. Made Hobbs’ spinebuster look deadly though.

- The Acclaimed! Wow, what a match. Swerve playing the prick fantastically, Bowens selling the hell out of that knee, molten hot crowd… loved it. Maybe my MOTN.

- Fine with JBJP vs Christian being an angle. I’d have enjoyed a standard match but they’ve reheated something that had really cooled off so thumbs up.

- Women’s match should have ended with Britt pinning Hayter or vice versa. I guess their storyline doesn’t need the belt, but since AEW don’t really go in for women’s angles that don’t involve a belt… maybe Toni Storm shouldn’t have won. (I mean ideally they run with both but it’s AEW, it’ll be one or the other, prove me wrong Tony)

- Danielson vs Jericho was very good but if they’d shaved five minutes off it that would have been fine. Jericho’s entrance graphic pointing out he’s 3-0 against Danielson made me sure he was losing this one. I was wrong.

- House of Black match didn’t need to be on this show. 

- Main event was good. Aftermath wasn’t completely what my inner fantasy booker predicted (I’d have shelled out for the Rolling Stones again for one thing) but I guessed a fair bit of it, like recalling Punk’s devil line from 2005. MJF for the belt!

Overall, another pretty good show. Off to read the 10 pages of discussion!

EDIT: 10 pages later. Well. That all sounds a bit shit. I just wanted to talk about the show and MJF and the tag titles and Sympathy for the Devil and She-Hulk Cargill…

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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The absolute Irony that in maybe 2004 I went to an FWA show and they handed out free wrestling magazines to I think everyone with Shawn Michaels on the cover.

I asked Punk to sign mine and he drew all over Michaels' face and said "he's one of the biggest pieces of shit this business has ever seen". 

Now he's a 97 HBK tribute act without the in ring ability or charisma.

One of the most overrated performers of all time who carried a hugely over achieving career off the back of being handed an absolute golden envelope with the original "pipe bomb" promo.

In fairness though Cabana definitely is everything Punk says.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

They’re lucky it didn’t land what with his legit MMA skills. 

Which is good because one of them could have been dropped and damaged

@HarmonicGeneratoryou reviewed that show beautifully. I LOVED that WB/Discovery’s AEW had a wrestler come out dressed as a Marvel character. I thought Athena’s entrance gear was great as well.  

Acclaimed to win the belts at Grand Slam please!

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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1 hour ago, Duke said:

It's a minor thing, but Storm and Rosa are meant to be friends, they're not exactly Bret and Shawn.

Ironically, the night Shawn lost his smile, Bret told the Raw viewership what a shame it was, what a great champ he’d been, that he was sure Shawn would be strong enough to come back. It was only after he turned heel he started accusing Michaels of being fake injured to avoid losing to him. That being, losing to him because the better wrestler would win, not because of booking. Because it was a work. Those were the days.

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