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Your Underage Drink of Choice


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Cans of Bavaria, a horrible tasting swill of a beer. Sitting around fields drinking them and 'keeping sketch' in case the police came and jailed us all for the dastardly crime of having cans at 16!

When I started going properly out to clubs I'd get a malibu and red lemonade cos it tasted like those cola bottle sweets. Not having learned the process of pacing oneself, I'd down 4 pints of the cheapest beer on draught and 3 of those in about an hour, get sick somewhere stupid (puked on the bar once) and then be escorted from the premises in quick order. I was an idiot.

Edited by DCW
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Who remembers the adult bloke who would always hang around with kids and drive them around and buy their booze? Every town had one, our town had loads. It wasn’t an alpha thing either because they’d always be submissive to the head teen honcho but they weren’t bottom rung either. Political correctness gone mad and paedo hunters have pretty much killed off this breed of wretch. Basically Meggy from This is England.


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2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Who remembers the adult bloke who would always hang around with kids and drive them around and buy their booze? Every town had one, our town had loads. It wasn’t an alpha thing either because they’d always be submissive to the head teen honcho but they weren’t bottom rung either. Political correctness gone mad and paedo hunters have pretty much killed off this breed of wretch. Basically Meggy from This is England.


We didn't have a bloke like this, but there was this one bird who literally looked like Meggy in my town who always had the shit ripped out of her, but she could buy booze and so we ended up hanging out with her. Highlight of the night was turning around and seeing my mate getting off with her to everyones shock.

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Strongbow Ice, whatever local cider we could get our hands on, occasionally snuff too. Which is still a thing in that neck of the woods, never sneezed so much.. 

Mad Dog 20/20 was about as was Wild Brew, Vanilla Schotts and crates of Miller. Got stopped by MoD police on my way to a mates 18th with that whilst underage. 

The icing on the cake was those Biere D'or stubbies that tasted like piss. Boak. 

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Yeah our cops would make you pour them away too. Even if you did the whole "dunno how them bottles got in that plastic bag on the floor officer" routine. Doesn't really seem like something they could force you to do but we always went along with it.

One funny time was when we were all pissed up 15 year olds and walking around town and bumped into 5-6 of our teachers rolling out of a pub. It was very much them going "what are you lot doing?" and us going "well what are YOU lot doing?".

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As a teen from around 15 we would chance our arm at The Coliseum, or "the colly" to those in Cov. 

Friday nights were always the younger crowd, the bouncers were clearly aware 90% of us were under age. Also *allegedly* several of the bouncers were "in relationships" with secondary shool age girls.

Prior to getting the train into town and hiding in the toilets to avoid buying a ticket we would meet up at one of our mates house generally 6-8 of us for "pre match" drinks.

My mates would generally be on cans of Carling or at the time the big bottles of Red Square were all the rage. Their parents would make sure and give them a bung to enjoy themselves with and cover their night.

I however was poor and didn't have any money of my own so the best I could manage was sneaking a £3 bottle of red wine out the house hoping my Dad was too pissed to keep track of what he had and hadn't drank. Top that off by syphoning out some absinthe and cheap whiskey into empty miniature bottles and hope that if they were correctly spaced out I could ride the wave of drunkenness throughout the night without collapsing into a drunken heap or needing to buy an actual drink.

On one occasion I did treat myself to a 24 bottle case of out of date Reef from "Malcolm's" which seemed a bargain for a fiver. Not so much on the way back out.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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It was Oranjeboom for us. Cost about 50p. Rocket fuel.

It was absolutely not the choice to go for to introduce you to the drinking world. There was a standard version which would have been more sensible, but we used to go for the premium which was ridiculous given we were skinny 15 year olds who’d take the knock off a Wine Gum. It’s still around today and every now again we get some in for old time’s sake. It tastes like hair lacquer.

But - and I regret to inform you this story involves poo - the worst experience I had of underage drinking was in 1994. I was 15. My mate had got a girlfriend; first of us to get one, and her parents went away for the weekend so she invited half the village to hers for a party. I was working at the local pub as a glass collector and was fuming that I’d miss out. She lived next door to the boozer, but ‘next door’ was hundreds of yards away as her parents had a few bob and a bit of land.

So the day of, one of my mates - scratch that, a person I know - asked me if I was going to come after work and if he should get me some booze. I didn’t want to miss out so I scraped together about £8 and asked him to get me whatever the best deal was in the offie. He was hairy so always got served.

Roll forward to about midnight and I strolled into Carolyn’s parents’ house expecting a bouncing atmosphere. There were bodies everywhere, fingers in the wrong places and a few plants that started the day off in a different position.

Norman - who sorted the ale out - was still going and passed me what I’d paid for. A massive bottle of Taboo. 1/3 extra free. Taboo! But because everyone else was bingoed and I was desperately insecure and wanted to be cool, I downed most of it in about five minutes.

It fucked me. Big time. I couldn’t get to the toilet quick enough. Think Richard Ashcroft but instead of people in the street, it was me and furniture. I brought it all up and vowed never to touch anything with a hint of peach again. I must have clung on to that loo for an hour.

In walks Norman. He tells me he needs a shit, but I was barely conscious so couldn’t lay claim to my new porcelain land. He picked me up by the neck and moved me over to the bath, so he could have a dump and I wouldn’t ruin the floor. Sensible.

Once he finished, he thought of something ‘funny’. Instead of flushing, he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck again and put me directly over the toilet. All I remember is still smelling peach and seeing his mutated Colin the Caterpillar. I’d never vomited as much in my life and never will again.

To this day, I can’t eat, smell or think of Taboo or peach without seeing his steaming turd in my mind.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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53 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

On one occasion I did treat myself to a 24 bottle case of out of date Reef from "Malcolm's" which seemed a bargain for a fiver. Not so much on the way back out.

In Tile Hill? I've bought some out of date booze from there not that long ago actually... some bottles of Indian mango cider I'd never seen anywhere else and it luckily didn't kill me.

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Was never one for drinking in the park, being a holier than thou goodie two shoes so my early experiences of drinking were being allowed 1-2 Bacardi Breezers at family parties when I was 13/14 then my first proper hammering was the legendary night out in Paris on a school trip when our French and IT teachers chaperoned our entire French class (and a couple of hanger ons) to an Australian themed bar where we were buying 10-15 Franc pitchers of Fosters by the bulk (like 5 pitchers per round)  which resulted in one of the lads talking to a statue at the end of the bar like he was an patron, 2 lads getting slapped for hitting on girls and 2 of my mates being ill outside the bar and accidentally bending palm trees over by leaning too hard on them, also discovered my toleration for booze as I'd virtually sobered up by the time we got back to our hotel (despite knocking back several pints) and casually strolled down to the local market the next morning for a bottle of Sunny D while the rest of the group were struggling to even stare into the lights of the lounge area. It also led to the rumour weeks later that the oldest looking of the lads had shagged the French teacher (who was fit btw) and knocked her up

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For some reason my sole memory of drinking at college parties was Metz. Does anyone remember that? Like Robinsons lemon barley with hidden alcohol.

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