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Things that cheer you up


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6 hours ago, air_raid said:

This made me and Mrs raid both laugh hysterically the other day while WFH. We have a “company @“ inbox at work, rarely used, where you can send a message to literally everyone including the board. It’s used for newsletters, crucial HR updates and anything we need to be aware of concerning the physical premises.

The latest is that certain parts of one of the units will be inaccessible due to building maintenance for a bit. Including where the art workers’ office is when they choose to come in rather than WFH. A quite wonderful typo in “reply all” from head of artwork who is a total flake at the best of times, and I say “typo” but other than the same number of letters as “art workers” giving away what she was going for, I can’t figure out what actual keystrokes happened for even an auto correct to inflict this upon her. The actual reply, to everyone, MD, stoic production heads et al, read ;

”Thanks, I’ll let the hot dealers know not to come in.”

Bafflingly nobody has said a word about it in multiple Slack channels or Teams groups even though usually anything that’s even slightly funny gets shared, piled on, repeated for weeks. Not even the hot dealers themselves. I think it’s actually so ridiculous everyone’s gone into a state of shock, not knowing how to react. Hot dealers. The Mrs hurt her throat laughing.

EDIT - tragically in typing this, I’ve ruined it for myself. She was going for “hot deskers” and Apple clocks that deskers isn’t a real word and offers you dealers. Damn it.

In our old place our corporate colour was purple and HR were very much into calling us purple people etc. When we did events we all had to wear our purple polo shirts. 

This led to my manager at the time sending an all user's email for a photoshoot demanding that he 'wants to see those purple shits on the main stairwell'

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4 hours ago, chokeout said:

'wants to see those purple shits on the main stairwell'

That’s pretty good, and I’ve got 10 years of “sweatshits” under my belt.

My favourite typos have been “Reslut” instead of Result (verb : to revert to formerly slutty habits) and mis-spelling Discount as Discocunt.

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It's difficult to claw back credibility after an accidental sign-off of "kind retards".

I must have told this story a million times, but when I worked for a company that sold mail order flowers, a couple of unfortunate typos on message cards led to "wishing you a happy Christmas with our love" being rendered as "happy Christmas without love", and "have a lovely Christmas" becoming "have a lonely Christmas".

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In my early career I was account manager for a Cheshire-based company that had "Cheshire" in the name. On 3 occasions I sent them documentation reading "Cheshite". On one occasion it was a double whammy of marking it FAO "Shitley" instead of Shirley. 

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I miss getting out and about with work, even if it's just sitting under the pagoda at the far end of the car park.

The weeks I got sent to work in Cornwall or in the Highlands were the best.

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I went out last night.

"Oh well done, D-Mal, you left the flat. Golf clap."

Almost, but a longer explanation.

We were awarded a package of 10 to 18 hours a week from a carers' agency recently for someone to come round and look after/take out my 15yo daughter (who as I've mentioned before is autistic and requires constant one-to-one supervision), and last night was the first night.

The agency have been AMAZING. A different agency tried it back in 2021 (during that endless lockdown). Basically they sent two girls round and they said, "Hi, we're here to take your daughter out!" and I laughed and said, "Best of luck with that!" and needless to say it didn't happen. The company did no preparation or anything and I ended it almost immediately.

This lot have had the carer go into school to do three whole days of shadowing both in school and out in community. The head of the agency came round and got extensive notes on EVERYTHING from me, and attended a meeting at school. They couldn't have done more.

So I naturally spent all week having an anxiety attack and tidying and cleaning the flat from top to bottom, all this while doing with changes at work (that hasn't cheered me up but seems to have worked out alright, although now I just jinxed it).

I planned to stay in on the first night just to make sure everything was alright and the carer knew what to do and what-have-you. So she comes round and immediately 15yo gives her a high five, which she never does for ANYONE. I was walking the carer telling her everything and showing her stuff and she was "Yeah I know. Yeah I know" because of course she did because she's a fucking professional who's done this before.

So after an hour I thought, well, I'll go out?

"Yeah ok. See you later. We'll be fine."

Me and 17yo went out to Stockport. Everything was shut except McDonald's and Smyths so went and got something to eat and looked at Lego and then didn't know what else to do because I didn't plan anything! 17yo went home because he was struggling with his fibromyalgia (he has autism, ADHD and PTSD as well, for the record - there's always a lot going on and I'm a single parent obvs).

I told him to ring me when he got home to see if things were alright. Fully expected it to be like the Community / Donald Glover fire meme, but no.

"Everything's fine. Stay out!"

Shit, what do I do? I've still got three hours to kill and I didn't plan anything. All I could think was to get the bus to Sainsbury's in Hazel Grove, come back to Stockport, get some frozen chips from the Co-Op. And then set on the bench near the (lovely) local church and eat Hello Panda. Which I'm doing below.


No that's not my normal expression, I'm going for "I'm outside in the evening for the first time in 15 years, what the fuck do people DO?!" but I just look like I'm having a stroke.

Tonight I'm going to my brother's for tea and to play Doom 2 so I actually have a plan. I suppose the next step will be to go somewhere where there's people other than my family but one step at a time and that.

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Genuinely amazing to read that, Dev. Truly glad for you, and for your daughter. Also, it's very you - there's something cinematic about it. 

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33 minutes ago, gmoney said:

That's amazing Devon. Never been so cheered to hear of someone going out in Stockport. 

The highlight was a girl having an argument with a woman in Stockport bus station. Didn't hear what the old woman said but the girl said:-

"Why you having a go at me? Three lads just tried to set me on fire and now I'm having an anxiety attack! That's right, walk away. With your knee shorts!"

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Amazing to read.

Actually I was going to come and post something similar - I went to my work's anniversary party last night. I think I could count on one hand the number of times I've socialised with work people in the last 15 years. I don't drink. I'm socially awkward. It's pretty much my worst nightmare. And ever since Covid times, I've been FAR too comfortable sitting at home and not going anywhere. It's lovely.

BUT everyone convinced me to go and guess what? They were right. I know they were all probably incredibly drunk but it was such a weird fun nice night where they were all telling me how glad they were to have me there and how great I am to work with and all this other stuff which goes completely against how I see myself in the company and in life. Obviously I don't believe a word of it but it was just nice to feel appreciated.

So yeah. Good night, apart from it being outside and then deciding to piss it down on the way home, but I'll take it.

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