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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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It’s arguably even more disappointing that they’re bringing in the rest of the guys I was hoping to see, Shingo, Okada, Hiromu, etc. yet none of them are in matches I care about. Between injuries, politics and this weird Wrestlemania 2000 need to feature as many guys as possible, this PPV card has been a disaster. The only bout that feels like a dream match is Moxley/Tana. Everything else feels pointless and crap.

That this ended up being Okada’s first appearance for the company is Hall of Fame levels of shit. For years him turning up felt like the biggest dream scenario. And yet here he is, rushed into a shitty four-way, his star power and any sense of novelty completely diluted.

I can only assume he was a late confirmation and they didn’t know until now whether he was appearing or not. It’s the only explanation for this bullshit storyline. Building up a title match by explaining who won’t be appearing and who won’t be getting the shot, only for it to all be a swerve and they all get a shot in the end. Something straight out of WWE. What happened to my favourite company, that would present interesting, exciting, logical stories?

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I've never seen Okada, heard a lot about him and this star aura he has. When that coin drop sound happened and the crown lost their minds I thought that this must be him, then he walked out in black jeans and a white t-shirt with no aura whatsoever. Highly disappointed after years of hearing about him. 

This card NEEDED Omega and Ibushi. I'd be interested to see how much input Omega has had in the card, if any. 

EDIT: It's got to be Cesaro, I can't think of anyone else other than maybe Timothy Thatcher or Oney Lorcan.

Edited by Nick James
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I've been trying to figure out why I was so disappointed with the card and I think it's because it feels like one of those old ROH/New Japan cards that I've seen so many times in the past. Where you get random people appearing in matches that don't really mean anything.

I think the hope was that there was real potential for something significant here but Tony's gone down his usual route of trying to put a bazillion matches on PPV, only this time it's worse because we're not really invested in 90% of them.

It's all playing out like someone's gone on a video game, done that setting where you just ask the game to randomise a PPV lineup for you, and we're here.

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23 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I can only assume he was a late confirmation and they didn’t know until now whether he was appearing or not. It’s the only explanation for this bullshit storyline. Building up a title match by explaining who won’t be appearing and who won’t be getting the shot, only for it to all be a swerve and they all get a shot in the end. Something straight out of WWE. What happened to my favourite company, that would present interesting, exciting, logical stories?

I do wonder if he genuinely wasn't going to be on the show, but with Punk and Danielson, among others, was persuaded to appear late in the day. 

I'll admit, I'm very unlikely to have cared about this even if there were more singles matches, but it's very much multiman-match-amania this weekend, so it feels completely skippable. The build-up has been lackluster, although this may in part be because of the unexpected injuries. Still, WWE is often very good at adapting on the fly, and there's no reason why AEW shouldn't also be. 

Danielson hinting at the mystery wrestler being new to AEW utterly deflated me. I'm guessing it's Cesaro, but regardless of who it is, if it's a newcomer, I just don't want to see it. Stop expanding this bloated mess of a roster! The surprise wrestler gimmick has worn out its welcome. I'd have felt much more interested in seeing someone like Ethan Page or Ricky Starks cut a strong promo claiming they're going to step up to the plate, giving them the opportunity to have a breakout match. 

I've seen a lot of praise for the Christian promo, but I didn't think it was particularly good. It was a little rambling at times, and as soon as he said "your dad is dead!" I was right out of it. It's very unlikely that anyone would bring that up in real life, and it doesn't add anything in the context of the storyline. 

I really wish Satnam Singh wasn't with Jay Lethal, I'm actually really enjoying him. Lethal is playing his role well, but the unaddressed allegations against him means that just doesn't matter. 

I hope AEW gets less mediocre once Forbidden Door is out of the way. 

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Given how difficult new Japan are to deal with, and that aew are the first company in a long time to come along that don’t have to back down to all Their demands, I’m not surprised it’s ended up how it had card wise with loads of tags and few “dream matches”.

It feels the proper big matches come in a year or so as that’s the new Japan way, and also Tony K has shied away from matches for matches sake in the 3 years of AEW. It’s a small c conservative card. They have just went too conservative and it’s lacking glitz that it easily could have had without giving too much away first Go around 

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  • Paid Members

I'll be honest, I couldn't be happier that this event is looking like quite the shit show or at least, massive let down. AEW need to get back to finding their feet, instead of pissing about with other companies, the same happened with the Impact alliance. The also have ROH sat dormant which I presume will all tie in at some point, but AEW are at their best when they are fully focused on their own product. 

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14 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I’ve seen a lot of praise for the Christian promo, but I didn't think it was particularly good. It was a little rambling at times, and as soon as he said "your dad is dead!" I was right out of it. It's very unlikely that anyone would bring that up in real life, and it doesn't add anything in the context of the storyline. 

Same here. While I’m sure that the family OK’ed it and everything, there’s no place for it.
Orton/Mysterio  - “Eddies down there…in Hell!”, Paige/Charlotte - “your little brother didn’t show any fight did he?” - didn’t add anything other than a sour taste. I’m sure there are more examples but those are the two that immediately come to mind

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Remember in WWE when they had a sign up in Gorilla, just before the guys went out, that said, “DON’T SLAP YOUR LEG”? I’m more convinced than ever they have one in AEW that says, “NEW JAPAN GUYS MAKE A BAD FIRST IMPRESSION.” Fucking Okada makes his  big, long-anticipated debut…and then throws some of the shittest forearms I’ve ever seen. It’s like they’re cursed to underwhelm the US audience!

I wasn’t paying too much attention to the segment, but alongside the LOL DEAD DAD stuff, did Christian also mention Marko Stunt when Luchasaurus grabbed him? Making a storyline out of guys who legitimately lost their job? What the fuck is going on?! Is Vince McMahon acting as a consultant to fill his time now that Stephanie has taken up some of his responsibilities?!

The wheels are coming off.

Edited by Supremo
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The good thing coming out of the Christian segment is that it seems like we could be in for a long manipulation of Luchasaurus, and as long as it's not too similar to MJF/Wardlow, it could be great for the big man when he finally turns back.

I'm in the same boat as most of you with this show coming up. Every year I try to watch NJPW a couple of times and I can never ever get into it. I know the names and that's about it. And I've never seen any NJPW/RoH shows either. I'm sure the bouts will be fun enough and a loud crowd will help, but sometimes you need a good build to make a match reach the next level and I'm not sure we'll get that for any of it, except for maybe the main event.

All I'm hoping for is for Adam Cole to take the fall in his match... well, and for Orange Cassidy to beat Ospreay, heh.

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Looking forward to seeing "What Cesaro can really do" without the evils of his WWE shackles. I bet he'll be a really competitive professional wrestler with Malenko's fall 2000 spy gimmick, t-shirts about coffee, and nondescript matrix code on his TonyTron video. 

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