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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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5 hours ago, NavigatorFan said:

did read last week that they were expecting to get trounced in the ratings in the 2nd hour due to some other sporting event so if that's true i

It's currently the NBA playoffs so ratings have been lower recently and will get lower as they get closer to the finals.

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How many times have they brought in a manager that has offered very little to nothing? Vikki? Jake? Arn? Tully?

They bucked the trend with regal. Great little package before the match good in the booth, and extra points  for continuing to call Excalibur "the man in the mask"

His pod cast cant come soon enough 

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Some interesting booking going on with the Hangman/Punk feud. On Dynamite Hangman went in a bit heelish (though completely justified) on CM Punk and got some boos, and next week Punk faces Hangman's friend John Silver in Silver's hometown where it's likely Punk will get booed and knowing Punk he will lean heavily into it. Feels like they are trying to intentionally split the crowd support for both babyfaces which is quite intriguing. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I'm still hoping for a Hangman victory. 

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I think a Hangman win against Punk, followed by a title defence against Moxley and an eventual loss to MJF is really the way to go here. Then you end MJF's title run with a loss to CM Punk or however the hottest babyface is.

I'm not hugely interested in a CM Punk title win at this point but would be a bit further down the line.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Hangman is the "homegrown" ace, he's going through all the super summer signings before eventually dropping the title to another who I'd bet is another AEW original.

I don't want to see MJF vs Punk again any time soon, that feud was so good but it needs a very long time to breath before they ever touch it again imo.

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I loved the Hangman promo, and the deep breath/hesitation afterwards on the outside. My interpretation of it (and I like that people are interpreting it differently) is that Hangman's nervous about CM Punk, because Punk's on such an elite level of stardom compared to him - so if he's going to be able to compete, he's going to have to go in aggressively. So he's faking it until he makes it. And I reckon Punk will call him out on it.

Totally agree with others - Hangman should win this, win over Moxley, and then he can comfortably lose it at any point.

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4 hours ago, Factotum said:

Surely MJF has to beat Punk for the title?

Yeah during his promo post last PPV he said something along the lines of "next time we fight I'll deliver your most embarassing loss ever". Given how Kahn and MJF love forshadowing / long term stuff (see MJF starting to refer to the 2024 bidding war storyline now) I'm assuming that's referring to Punk losing title to MJF.  Also given the wrestling nerdery of AEW I could see them wanting to do "Summer of Punk III" (whatever form that takes, obviously it's not a repeat of the story of the last two) which starts May and ends with MJF winning the title

Alternatively MJF is the one to retire Punk sometime down the line, depends if he's in for the long haul or not.

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I just don't see the value in Punk BEATING MJF for the title down the line. It makes more sense for him to lose it to him. They don't have to rush it. There's plenty Punk can do with the title while holding off on the MJF match, and there's plenty for MJF to do (the feud with Hangman doesn't have to be over the title)

I don't think MJF is ready for that belt yet and beating Page doesn't give it the big moment that beating Punk does.

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I've seen some fans (yeah I know) speculating that they may put the title on Punk in the hope that it spikes ratings to improve their chances of getting a better TV deal. 

Could be nothing but some people seem concerned that the recent corporate merger might result in AEW getting less than they hoped for or even getting low balled when negotiations come around.

Fuck if I know of course.

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