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The General Motors Domestic Football Thread. 21/22 (NO SHIT BANTER)


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1 minute ago, David said:

Yeah, but the £250,000 is simply the punishment handed out by his employer. As I said, we've not seen any further action brought forth by the RSPCA yet. It's at that point I imagine we'll see further action taken, although that could simply be the £5,000 you mentioned.

The issue is, if we change the punishment not only to fit the crime, but to fit the size of the offenders pockets, we'd see a lot of questionable decisions made, and even worse, we'd need to ask who exactly decides what a suitable punishment is for someone who earns £20,000 per year compared to someone who earns £150,000 per year or even more? 

It would be opening a can of worms that could cause more problems, as it would then need to be a system applied to every crime. Should someone caught illegally parked who owns a Ferrari receive a higher parking ticket fine than someone who owns a Ford Capri? 

Where I begin to really question the motives of some people is when I hear about demands that he be removed from his job, banned from football, and so on. I legitimately wonder if they were asking the same questions when Hazard kicked a ballboy? Or if they were equally up in arms when Joey Barton was welcomed back into football following being jailed for driving his car into a pedestrian in Liverpool City Centre and receiving a four-month suspended term after admitting assault?

I'm sure there's a lot of animal lovers who are really upset by what Zouma did, but I'm fairly certain that the witch hunt against him at the moment is also being driven by other factors.

Fines which are proportional to income are pretty common throughout Europe, day fines I think they’re called, and I can see the logic. Why should someone on benefits pay a £60 parking fine for what could be an oversight when some City knobhead can park where they like because the fine is small change to them? Bit off topic though, sorry. 

No doubt there’s other attitudes at play here, and rightly or wrongly, I think Zouma will be hounded for this for the rest of his career. 



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5 minutes ago, David said:

The issue is, if we change the punishment not only to fit the crime, but to fit the size of the offenders pockets, we'd see a lot of questionable decisions made, and even worse, we'd need to ask who exactly decides what a suitable punishment is for someone who earns £20,000 per year compared to someone who earns £150,000 per year or even more? 

It would be opening a can of worms that could cause more problems, as it would then need to be a system applied to every crime. Should someone caught illegally parked who owns a Ferrari receive a higher parking ticket fine than someone who owns a Ford Capri? 

This reminds me that the way things are, fines are essentially a way of saying that something is legal for the wealthy. And of course, if fines were proportionate to wealth, the wealthy would employ their people to make sure they wouldn’t meet criteria for higher fines. 

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2 hours ago, LCJ said:

Even Adam Johnson was still playing for Sunderland while on bail until he was found guilty of grooming a minor and sent to prison. Most clubs see success on the pitch and the money it involves as the most important factor above all else it seems.

You only have to look at the David Goodwillie situation and the fact that Ched Evans is still playing for Preston to see this. 

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6 hours ago, stumobir said:

Fines which are proportional to income are pretty common throughout Europe, day fines I think they’re called, and I can see the logic. Why should someone on benefits pay a £60 parking fine for what could be an oversight when some City knobhead can park where they like because the fine is small change to them? Bit off topic though, sorry.

No, that's a fair point to be honest. I certainly am no expert on fines, so I stand corrected there.

6 hours ago, stumobir said:

No doubt there’s other attitudes at play here, and rightly or wrongly, I think Zouma will be hounded for this for the rest of his career.

I don't quite know if that will be the case. By the end of the Watford game the vociferous booing had broken down somewhat. In a few months it'll be ancient history.

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Just back in from Wolves/Spurs.

Lovely ground, my new favourite away ground easily, potentially the worst backline I've seen in a long while though. Shape is all over the shop, weird for a Conte team, that the defensive shape is so shit.

Was that just an off day, or is it always that suspect?

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Seems to have been relatively normal for Spurs at the moment. It's one thing when the opposition play quite well but every time they're attacked you're anticipating Spurs conceding. To make matters worse, so often they manage to do the hard work for teams and practically gift goals. Wolves second had about five or six opportunities for Spurs to get themselves out of the mess they'd made but they managed to make things worse and worse before just passing the ball to a Wolves player in a great position.

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Dead Cat Bounce well and truly over for Spurs. That 9 games unbeaten really flattered to deceive, surrendering the Lane to Saints then Wolves is abysmal.

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