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They had WHAT planned?

Liam O'Rourke

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3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I think even if Dr Death had been in his prime, that feud would have had the kibosh put on it. Williams' offence was largely stiff strikes, suplexes and powerbombs. They're not booking Steve Austin and his knackered neck in a feud with that.

In terms of abandoned plans and whatnot, John Tenta had a dark match in 2001. I think it was to try and get one of his trainees signed, but they were giving Earthquake matches after the Gimmick Battle Royal. Maddest part is that he was only 38 then; younger than Finn Balor or Daniel Bryan are now.

38... fucking hell 😂😂🤣

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I can see why they didn't hire him - his selling didn't look like he was in pain. He just looked knackered. Bossman could look mean and imposing. Earthquake, bless him, just didn't by the point. He just looked like he needed a sit down. 

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Think the Earthquake match was a tryout forthe 2002 Rumble possibly. 

I'm sure there must have been an Austin/Dr. Death match mooted because so many banded it about, but I reckon the tale has been spun a bit and the debate at best was consideration for it to be a Raw Main Event at best if there was plans. 

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I reckon Earthquake could have worked. I would have shaven his hair completely and kept just the beard. Give him something else to wear maybe something like what Bam Bam Bigelow wore. He may not have been main eventing at that time but I would have enjoyed watching Earthquake on tv in 2001. He was the first mega bad guy I watched as a kid when he squashed Hulk

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7 minutes ago, Chris B said:

Jeff Jarrett supposedly being put in to feud with Steve Austin would have been a complete mismatch at the time. Not saying Jarrett was terrible, but he absolutely wasn't perceived anywhere near that level at that point.

He was in WCW though, though I agree in that he shouldn't have been at the main even level, but That's Russo!

Actually, am I remembering this wrong, or wasn't Vinny Ru also behind the Glenn Gilbertti TNA run where he was pushing him as a main eventer? Like, imagine thinking a wrestler called Glenn Gilbertti was going to be the Next Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock?

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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Didn't Russo during his spectacularly short lived return to WWE creative in 02/03 want to turn The Rock gay? I remember reading something to that effect in Power Slam at the time. I'm sure it would have been done in very good taste too.

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I read ages ago that Power & Glory were the original plan to transition the tag belts from the Harts to Legion of Doom, before they knew they had chance to sign the Nasty Boys. Makes sense if you recall how strongly Herc & Roma were put over The Rockers at SumnerSlam and Survivors, and they had a run on houses with the Hart Foundation once they finished with The Rockers and the Harts wrapped with Rhythm and Blues.

13 hours ago, Chris B said:

Jeff Jarrett supposedly being put in to feud with Steve Austin would have been a complete mismatch at the time. Not saying Jarrett was terrible, but he absolutely wasn't perceived anywhere near that level at that point.

Was never “the plan” though really, was it? They just pitched Jarrett and Billy Gunn to Austin as potential feuds and he said no.

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1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

Not a particularly mad idea, but Vince giving Luger an actual trial run as champion at a live show in 1994 was news to me.



And video:


Were those from pre recorded tapings that were set to air after WrestleMania 10 when they decided he was going to be the champion before changing plans?

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25 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

Apparently this was to see how the crowd reacted. It's mad they could do stuff like this pre Internet

Imagine all the people in attendance that told their friends they saw Luger with the belt.

"Sure mate, yeah"

They were probably laughed out of it.

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