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The NXT Discussion Thread


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Cracking little show this week with loads seeming to happen. 

Jacy Jayne has got the heel stuff down to a tee, hard to believe she hasn't been doing it for too long.

Good match between Bate and Waller with the furthering of the Waller / HBK storyline. No idea where it's leading, can't see HBK having another match at this stage and hopefully with Prince Albert being involved, it's not him neither and they are bringing in someone for HBK. 

Sol Ruca is fantastic to watch, even in a video package, she's going to be a star. Just one of those people that are fun to watch.

Pretty Deadly are a team I shouldn't like, they seem destined for comedy jobber status, but they're just brilliant and made me enjoy a Gallus segment for the first time ever. Just a funny pair of guys 100% invested in their gimmick. 

Jinder being Breakkers challenger after Waller feels like a Kane challenge after a big PPV win. With it being next week hopefully it's just a stop gap until Melo can take the title.

Indi Hartwell deserves better than to still be in NXT. Call her up, stick her with Candace who's doing naff all on Raw.

All in all, a decent way to pass the time this morning.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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“We’ll teased one more HBK match but then switch it to Johnny Gargano instead,” is certainly a choice. Who has Johnny pissed off in that company? You’d think he was being sabotaged on purpose, the way he’s been handled since coming back.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'll be honest I haven't watched NXT in about 5 years but its Mania weekend so I thought I'd check out Stand & Deliver. Bear with me as I've not seen or heard of 80% of these wrestlers.

Halfway through this show, this was turning into BAD show.

The opener was dreadful, with one of the sorest looking somersaults to the outside missing everyone I've seen in a long time.

The triple threat tag was crap (Creed Brothers are basically American Alpha, is that it?) and then there was another multi man which started off with promise, but quickly became shit. That Wes Lee looks good though.

That JD McDonagh looks awful. He doesn't look like Balor in Goldeneye DK Mode so much anymore but he still looks shit.

Basically there was too many multiple person matches and I was getting bored.

But then Johnny Gargano showed up and turned the show around. No seriously. Maybe it was because it was a badly needed singles match, but still.

This was great, that Waller looks brilliant and this was the most interesting Gargano has been since he was NXT full time. The name Johnny Wrestling is so shit though. Mate, now go home and play with your toys. 

Women's tag was fun, and didn't outstay its welcome and then the main event turned into a great match by the end, after a slow start.

Is it the right result? I have no idea, same with any of them really, but the winner looked superb in victory and Breakker could definitely move up now. 

One other thing. Booker T is the worst commentator of all time. Genuinely painful having him on this show.

All in all, not bad after an awful first half. Like the football team I support :)

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Was gonna watch it after the Chelsea game but after we went 2 down I thought fuck this and turned straight over, Waller could be a force on the main roster if he improved his build I think, the main event was the correct result for me, Bron moves on to the main roster within the next week or so and Pretty Deadly are great.

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Thought the show was pretty decent overall. Better than the last one anyway. I've been watching NXT more regularly and actually enjoying it. They've got a good varied mix of talent there now and I do enjoy that it's feeling more fresh and developmental.

I've always enjoyed following people's journeys and seeing them improve and catch on with the crowds etc. NXT did lose that along the way when it was signing absolutely everyone. And now we're back to a show which has some decent experienced talent but also a lot of people with a long future ahead of them.

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Another lapsed NXT fan here who gave this a watch - the thing I liked most about it was the fact absolutely everyone had their own custom chyron/nameplate design that fit their look/gimmick. The main roster should have that.

Working a ladder match at 9am must be so weird.

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A show of two halves. The first half was an endless bombardment of multi-man, empty-calorie, video game matches. HBK-produced television at its worst. I love a good spot fest as much as anyone, but loads of them one after the other, with very few characters to care about, and when the quality can vary so wildly? I mostly just zoned out. Some of those ladder spots being expected of women so inexperienced bordered on negligent, too. If guys as experienced and talented as Pentagon and Dante Martin can still get injured in these type of matches, you've got to ask what some of these women were even doing out there. Not everyone's a natural, Shawn. Someone's going to die.

Thankfully everything turned around with the two big singles matches, both of which were great. That Unsanctioned match is easily the best thing Johnny Gargano has done in about three years. Doing something of actual worth and playing into his strengths without allowing him to go completely up his own arse. This was great fun. It also helps that Grayson Waller is one of the most exciting heels in the company. What a great little prick. I don't know why Johnny is even wasting his time on Raw anymore. Just bring him back to NXT and reform The Way. Better for everyone involved.

And then Carmelo Hayes took his rightful place as the top dog in NXT. My man. Looking forward to seeing him as the top guy he's always presented himself as. Superstar act.

Absolutely wild that they're likely moving Bron Breakker to the main roster when he's only now starting to show some promise by playing heel, though. Shouldn't the entire point of Developmental be to experiment, find things like this that work, and then iron it out? Crazy that he's probably turning up on Raw on Monday when he's barely scratched the surface of what his act could be. I wonder if someone panicked considering what a horrible prick his Dad exposed himself to be.

Edited by Supremo
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The bump Tiffany Stratton took was nasty. Fully agree with you Supremo on your point on putting such inexperienced wrestlers in a dangerous match. 

Babyface NXT Gargano just hits different from any other incarnation of the guy. Automatically deducted half a star for Candice turning up though. 

Booker T reminds me of the old boxer character in Family Guy. Talks unintelligible rubbish and everyone else is just humouring him


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On a wider point - totally get Supremo's sentiment about not putting in-experienced folk in dangerous matches. At the same time, they've got to start somewhere and get that exposure somehow. Suppose it's partly that old 'you need experience to get experience' problem. Also, multi-person matches are supposed to be chaotic by their vary nature. The more chaos, the merrier I say. 

Ladder match
I honestly thought it was a great effort from the ladies, even with what looked like a nasty bump for Stratton to the outside. I liked Roxanne as champion but that was a fun moment at the end with InDex.

Tag titles
Dig the Creed Brothers - but the current NXT tag ranks are a way off from past years and nowhere near up to standard compared to other promotions. Gallus are painfully dull. 

North American title
Tons of fun - excellent standard throughout. All five put on a tremendous showing. Dragonov is a batshit-mentalist. Absolutely love his energy and the amount of sheer violence he can administer with his bare hands. Some really unique sequences like the combined submissions. Thoroughly enjoyed this - quite surprised to see it get some heat online. 

Brilliant, maniacal fun. Waller has come such a long way since a debut - a fantastic performance. I don’t hate Gargano nearly as much as others seem to - always pulls out a cracking match in this setting. Brilliant. 

Women’s tag
Tough spot on the card for them. Fine. 

NXT Title
Decent main, slow start but really picked up down the stretch. Hayes is going to make a great NXT champion and be a massive star for the future. Breakker put in a great showing too - bags of athleticism for someone of his size. 

Overall, best NXT show in a long time. The quality from 12 months ago was really noticeable - a mixture of experience and the 2.0 crop improving massively. Also Pretty Deadly are brilliant. Love their silly bollocks. 

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Ironically, the one who fucked up Stratton's bump, was Valkyria, who is one of the more experienced women on the roster. She stuck her arm out and was never in a million years going to catch her.

Melo is the guy. Just pisses charisma. 

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