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Negative awards


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I'm 27. I've got an anxiety disorder, history of depression, suicide attempts, self harm and trying to get myself into situations where I would get myself beaten up so I didn't have to do it. I'm aspergic, probably OCD and bipolar and Doctors think I have a borderline personality disorder too. And this is honestly my safe space. 

I've chatted absolute nonsense over the years, probably could have been nominated as White Noise, Dolt, Shit Poster etc and never did. Realise I didn't say luckily there because in a place where I trust, respect and genuinely admire some people if I was told I was being a fuck wit I'd have probably turned around took some time off and gone "fuck, if I'm being like this to people on the Internet how wound up are my mates?". For clarity on that, I don't see a single person from when I went to school because I found out the crowd I went with generally abused or felt sorry for me and I never realised because it was the only form of contact I had. 

This place, honestly it's the best. Because it's learning and improving beyond levels it should. People like Butch who as he's said used to be a miserable sod have become a lot more understanding and compassionate towards other forum folk. In the wake of #SpeakingOut and some cunts who shall not be named, the fact the forum stood together, made sure people were aware of what was going on and took actions to make sure this could also be a safe apace was great. 

Negative awards are what they are. You take it on the chin, realise that for a year people have thought you've chatted absolute shit and you start to adapt to that. Post less, or post more intelligently, don't start fights on the Internet because you're a 155lbs wide boy who wouldn't do it in real life, don't try and be better than someone, we're all fucking equal. Even the paid members here, they're just like everyone else, we're all trying to survive 2020 and the impending shit 2021 will bring. 

I've rambled nonsense and shit for too long. Gonna get an Irn Bru. 



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We have this conversation every six months or so. I don't know if that means anything, but it's worth mentioning. 

My response on these things has always been "no one is required to post here". I understand what people are saying by saying that people struggling with their mental health can't always been relied on to make the best decisions (Hannibal Scorch particularly had this issue when he was at his worst),  but I don't think they represent a significant minority, and I'm nervous about enabling that behaviour by building the forum around it. It's hard for me to vocalise why, though. I think it's because the idea of sanitising all of this space for the sake of mental health will harm the forum and, most crucially, not be any help to the people involved. Removing negative awards isn't, realistically, going to make anyone's life easier. 

I'm now wondering if I think this just because I won't enjoy the forum as much, which is a rubbish reason. 

It's also worth mentioning that this forum is not social media, and the implications are very different (not real names, forums aren't as ever present so you can avoid them, etc). The potential for bullying on here is lower than it is there. 

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It's interesting how defensive some have gotten on here re bullying or outright dismissing it happens. I'd be interested to see why that defensiveness occurs. 

Personally I can be a cunt, almost always when pushed by other posters. I would rarely put someone down on here, I caan. See we all have different opinions and don't believe we have a right to tell others that they are stupid etc just because we disagree. 

Anyone that doesn't believe this place is still widely dominated by clique behaviour is too deep into it to see it in my view. I could be wrong. 

Anyway hope we can all get along :) I'm trying to commit to being a tad kinder. I belong to a Mental Health forum that is v polite and civil even when ppl are stressed. Mainly cos the mods tend to nip stuff quickly if ppl get a bit arsy. 

Edited by Michael_3165
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8 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

It's interesting how defensive some have gotten on here re bullying or outright dismissing it happens. I'd be interested to see why that defensiveness occurs

Out of interest who's been bullyed and by whom in the last, let's say 2 years? 

I ask because while I can say I've seen it on here in the years I've been shitting up the place I can't recall anything in recent memory. 

I do remember someone complaining of bullying not too far back because their ego took a knock and its easier to cry bully than accept it and someone else was a dick recently to Pat, but the reaction there was disapproval from all corners and the mods delt with it mighty quick, but that's about it. 

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19 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

Anyone that doesn't believe this place is still widely dominated by clique behaviour is too deep into it to see it in my view. I could be wrong. 

Honestly, I don't really get this. I get that there are regular posters who know each other, share in jokes, have a history etc - but cliquey behaviour?

I'm not deep into it. I don't particularly 'know' anyone on here - mostly down to me not putting myself out there and getting to know anyone on a personal level, but that's just me.

However I've never felt like I couldn't post, or that people ignore my posts or anything like that. I've always found if you want to contribute, you can contribute.

What exactly is cliquey about this place?

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Indeed, and that genuinely feels a lifetime ago. Marriage, kids and getting my shit together mentally means I'm pretty damn proud of how my life is since the stupid shit I've done previously online. And I really appreciate being able to be a part of this place still. I always hoped I could be better and I certainly hope I've been far less a cunt over the past however many years. It never hurts to look back and see how far you've come.

So yeah, that's why I'll often praise this place and those involved.

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9 hours ago, Steve Justice said:

The negative awards serve a positive purpose, and should be taken with the good humour that's intended. As mentioned, anyone put up for one of these awards has been told about their posting behaviour. If they react badly to that, then this forum isn't for them. 

Out of interest is this part true? If someone is being a dick do the mods inbox them saying so? I might be wrong but don't get the feeling this happens in every case. 

If it's true then maybe the awards could be changed to something like 'White Noise Award after being warned' so that at least if your name pops up you've had a chance/warning and if you continue to act in such a way then you're likely to be nominated. 

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3 minutes ago, Briefcase said:


If it's true then maybe the awards could be changed to something like 'White Noise Award after being warned' so that at least if your name pops up you've had a chance/warning and if you continue to act in such a way then you're likely to be nominated. 

Man there has been some really fucking stupid ideas in this thread...

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