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WCW vs. Marvel


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I was readingĀ this today and one of the things it mentions was a never-happened WCW vs. Marvel series in 2000.

I thought I'd put my thoughts below the quote box but they've ended up in the quote box and I can't seem to delete them. They are there though, I'm not just linkposting.


One of the many undignified things Marvel did around the turn of the century was making a crappy mini-comic in which the WCW wrestlers are a monster-hunting team, which was included with some action figures and promptly thrown away by anyone who read it. It wasn't exactly Watchmen, or even Marmaduke. But it almost got even more undignified: Marvel wanted to let these pretend fighters punk out their biggest heroes.

Somewhere around 2000, Marvel editor Ruben Diaz tried to sell WCW on doing a crossover event in which the ridiculous underpants-wearing muscleboys in both companies would get together and fight. Match-ups would have included Spider-Man vs. Sting, Wolverine vs. Chris Benoit, and of course Hulk vs. Hulk.



But the most telling part of the pitch are the pages in which 43-year-old Bret Hart, who would have been close to retiring at that time, comically humiliates Captain America, a scientifically enhanced super-soldier who has wrestled with cosmic gods.


Again, it was Marvel themselves who made those pages. They were debasing their own characters before they even got to see the wrestlers' inevitably stupid demands, like Hulk Hogan asking for a 10-page sequence in which Rogue of the X-Men gives him a boob job or something. WCW ended up saying no to the crossover, probably because even they knew that a realistic Hulk vs. Hulk match would end in approximately 2.5 seconds.



I had never heard of this before but what a mad thing.Ā 

Who would you have go over in these matches? What other comics characters could have gone up against 2000 WCW? Vampiro vs. Blade, Big Sexy vs Shredder, Ernest 'the Cat' Miller vs. Catwoman?

And would you, as a wrestling fan in 2000, have read these comics?Ā 

I wouldn't have. Mainly because it's WCW and if I couldn't make myself watch them for free on Channel 5, I'd never have paid for a comic of them.



Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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This would have been set in motion in 1999, when Bischoff was attempting to turn WCW into a variety show, rather than a straight wrestling show. Sort of like how WWE licenses their brand out to Scooby Doo and the Flintstones. WCW had loads of shit they were trying to do. Eli Roth was producing a cartoon mini-series that would air on Nitro, too. Then there was going to be that New Year special with Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman getting married and KISS playing.

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Thank fuck this never happened. I loved WCW and have never had no interest in comic books other than Viz. No interest to the point of absolute disdain. If this was promoted on WCW it would have done my swede in.Ā 

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1 hour ago, PowerButchi said:

Thank fuck this never happened. I loved WCW and have never had no interest in comic books other than Viz. No interest to the point of absolute disdain. If this was promoted on WCW it would have done my swede in.Ā 

Not even the original WCW comics from 91?

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34 minutes ago, Frankie Crisp said:

The Fingerpoke of Doctor Doom

Sounds more like a porn parody.

4 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

WCW had loads of shit they were trying to do. Eli Roth was producing a cartoon mini-series that would air on Nitro, too. Then there was going to be that New Year special with Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman getting married and KISS playing.

Is that the special Bischoff kept pushing as definitely happening with Joey from Friends turning up despite it being planned on a turner network rival station or is this something else?

Also did the range of superstar fragrance air fresheners ever get beyond the drawing board?Ā 


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